can I clone the lessons and then transalate with out affecting the original courses??
is there way for me to translate the currinculum and keep the original also?
Hi evad3, right now what "Clone Course" does is to simply copy your selected course. There might be bug there, so we're looking into it!
In the meantime, a "safer" way of translating is to copy the categories and the words, then do your translations in the duplicate categories and words.
Just go to Play & Edit > Categories, right-click on a category and choose "Save Category As..." In the small pop-up, make sure you check the box for "Copy Words Too" so the duplicate category will also contain duplicate words.
ETA: To prevent having your edits appear in the original English words, do ensure that your translated word is saved with a different word file name (you will see this in the Edit Word window's "Others" tab). Checking the box for "Copy Words Too" as described above will automatically rename the words' file names, but you are free to change this if necessary.
Once you've finished translating your categories, go back to the Courses section and create a new course - if you want to have the same curriculum structure as the English course, you can refer to how it's set up by editing it.
...How do I slow down word flash? Or, how do I contact tech support?
Do you mean you just want to slow down only the Word Flash lessons? If that's what you'd like to do, please follow these steps:
1. Go to the Play Courses screen and select any lesson.
2. At the bottom on the "Lesson Content" box is a bar labeled "Playback Settings Preset" - click on the cog wheel button found on the right side of that bar.
3. In the Edit Playback Settings window, click on the "Preset" dropdown at the top, then click on the Preset Manager button.
4. In the Preset Manager window, select the "Word Flash" preset from the "All Preset" box on the left.
5. In the Basic tab (right side), click on the "Show More..." link beside "Auto Forward ON to toggle the Auto Forward settings. Adjust the Auto forward delay and/or Min Slide Duration then click Save.
** Note: There are 4 Word Flash playback presets included in v3, so you need to do Step 5 for those other Word Flash presets too.
6. When you're done with all your changes, close the Preset Manager and Edit Playback Settings windows. Your changes will automatically be applied to all word flash lessons (if you have the English and Chinese content, this will affect both courses).
For Tech Support, please visit and check out our Helpdesk. Our Helpdesk has lots of articles with details and instructions about all BrillKids software and websites - if you can't find the answer you're looking for, just click on "Submit a Request" from the top navigation bar to send us a message. Alternatively, you may simply start a topic in the LR Tech Support board.
Does this feature allow the user to enter their own translation?:
I also need to figure out how to move the LR from the Admin user account to my user account, and include the upgrade? For the time being I will upgrade under Admin user account to see the features and then we can move it to my user account.
Also, how do I turn off the automatic starting of LR/LM when my computer starts or is re-booted?
Hi Ayesha, sorry, at the moment the Subtitle translation feature is generated automatically via Google Translate. It's not possible to add in your own (custom) translation subtitles just yet.
I believe you are already using LR v2, is that correct? V2 is actually accessible from any of your user accounts (not just the Admin account). Do try if you can open and use LR from your own user account and it should work - this way you don't need to transfer your installation at all, and any update you make will automatically work for all user accounts in your computer.
About the automatic starting of LR and LMh, all BrillKids software don't start automatically when you open your computer, so I think you've encountered a bug. Please create a diagnostic report (from Support Tools, so it contains info about LR and LMh) and send it to us so we can troubleshoot further.
Any idea when UK v3 will be out? We are still using the beta curriculum.
Sorry it's taking a while, Shen-Li

We're still working on it, but definitely it will be available before the end of the month!