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Products Marketplace => Product Discussions and Reviews => Topic started by: Champdiva on January 20, 2011, 04:01:42 PM

Title: Montessori House contact no
Post by: Champdiva on January 20, 2011, 04:01:42 PM
I just bought the Sounds & Words DVD and Make Big words DVD.
However when I received the products, they sent me the Fun& Great Math instead of Make Big words DVD.

My son actually knows the alphabet and the soundings through leapfrog and I wanted to show my son Make Big words DVD but now is all wasted money.

I email to them 4 times and they did not reply at all. I tried to check their tel no on the invoice but the tel no is no longer in use.

Does anyone have their contact no ?

Thank you very much


Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: Maquenzie on January 20, 2011, 05:52:23 PM
Oh, how frustrating!

The only thing I can think of is, if you paid through paypal, try contacting them through there and/or filing a dispute through paypal.

By the way, how do you like the one you did get as planned?

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: Nikita on January 20, 2011, 08:35:06 PM
Try contacting them through ebay? I have emailed them there and had a prompt reply.

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: kizudo on January 20, 2011, 08:40:01 PM
Yikes! I just ordered from them on the 16th!  I hope it's not regular problem with them!  Please keep us posted as to how things work out for you!

(I won't be getting the pkg for a while as it is being shipped internationally)

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: TeachingMyToddlers on January 20, 2011, 08:49:03 PM
Yes, if you do get a hold of a phone number can you please post it here? I had a question about their products as well.

I'm sorry for your trouble, hopefully it gets ironed out soon! Contacting them through Ebay sounds like a good idea too.

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: Champdiva on January 20, 2011, 10:36:12 PM
Thankyou all for the suggestions.

I will try contacting them via ebay.

By the way, I called the following no and email too.( this is from the paypal account payment confirmation) But this no is no longer in use.
Merchant information
Montessori House
[email protected]

I will keep all posted.

I tried to let my son watch Sounds and Words DVD. Maybe he already know all the sounds from leapfrog. So he don't feel the "kick" from this DVD. He keeps asking me to off the TV.  Is too slow for him I think.

But in all, I still think is a great product.
I wanted to try the Make big words DVD, but not until I got a replacement from The Montessori House.   

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: TeachingMyToddlers on January 21, 2011, 05:32:09 PM
Oh, and I saw they last updated their facebook page on Dec 15th, so check them out on FB if you have an account! Maybe that would be a good way to contact them too.

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: Champdiva on January 21, 2011, 11:44:52 PM
Thank you Teachingmytodddlers.

I email them via ebay as suggested. Finally I got a reply. Hooray.

She sent me a USPS tracking of the Make Big Words DVD email with note of apology for the mix up  ( along with a small gift).
I am just so glad that they are sending me the correct DVD this time. 

Thank you all for all the suggestions. 

They did not leave down any tel no. So contacting through ebay is the best way. Thanks for suggesting FB. I was about to try that too if ebay email does not work..

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: arvi on May 03, 2011, 01:09:35 PM
I placed an order for some of their DVDs on 11th April. I have not yet received the product. During the same time I purchased some other things from other seller in US. I received it 2 weeks before. (Infact that was a very huge package)

I am very disappointed with the service of montessori house. Buyers beware!

Champdiva, could you please share me the email id for contacting them.

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: TeachingMyToddlers on May 03, 2011, 04:10:51 PM
I think Kizudo might have had similar challenges too? You might try and contact her. I think there was an issue with her emails going into MMH's spam folder, so they never got back to her. Eventually she had someone else email them through ebay for her and got it resolved.

I might be mixing up my stories/people tho!

(I just checked, here it is)

I had a similar experience with My Montessori House - a 2 month ordeal!  I paid, the product didn't come, I tried many times to contact them and finally a friend from here contacted them on my behalf through EBay.  They emailed me, but they did not get any of my emails sent from home.  My husband emailed them from his work and they emailed me again in response to that, but again, they did not get my emails sent from home.  Finally, we sent another email from my husband's work and found out that my home address was in their SPAM folder.  This may be happening to you, too.  See if a friend can email them or try through EBay (do they have a store?).  Hope this helps.  I understand your frustration!

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: kizudo on May 03, 2011, 05:05:22 PM
Yes, that was me. 

In fact, through numerous tears and GREAT anxiety I finally got in touch with them only long enough to get them to re-send the product.  She put me on her "contact" list so that I wouldn't be going to spam. We also spoke on the phone once and it was agreed that she would cancel the PayPal payment and I would contact her when I received the product to arrange for payment.  Well, ironically, both packages arrived within days of each other and I have yet to make contact with her to pay her (well over 2 months ago).  I've tried emails, phone calls, etc.  So, I have 4 DVDs - only 2 of which I had originally wanted - and haven't paid for any of them!  Here's hoping she reads this one day and makes contact with me!  I don't like owing money, but seriously!  This is ridiculous!

When my son goes to sleep this afternoon I'll try to dig up the info that I have and post it here.

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: TeachingMyToddlers on May 03, 2011, 05:13:42 PM
wow, what a story!

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: kizudo on May 03, 2011, 07:38:24 PM
So...I just tried this number again and got the answering machine again.  I'm not sure how much I should chase them to clear my mind!

If I remember correctly, they had moved physical locations and this is their new phone number: 1-410-202-2981
This email address worked for a time but doesn't seem to be taking my emails now: [email protected]

I also seem to remember her saying something about caring for unhealthy family members, so she may have gone "underground" for a while as she deals with all that entails.  None-the-less, she should have a back-up for her business should this occur.

I would caution anyone strongly before ordering via the internet.  When I was able to speak with her she was able to deal with my problem.  She even sent some nice "gifts" to say sorry with.  However, I think there are bugs that need to be worked out in regards to her electronic customer service (to put it mildly!).

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: arvi on May 04, 2011, 10:30:26 AM
Thanks kizudo. But I have received the package today   ;)

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: kizudo on May 04, 2011, 12:09:41 PM
Good!  I'm glad it worked out for you.

Once I have things straightened out with payment I'll post the extras for sale to anyone on BK who wants them. 

Title: Re: Montessori House contact no
Post by: arminta7 on May 05, 2011, 04:38:39 AM
I bought her curriculum pack for toddlers through ebay on April 19th. I asked her several questions before I purchased and she always answered within 6 hours of me emailing her and even sent me samples. She warned me that the less expensive shipping had been slow for people in the past and I received it today (in Alaska). So shipping wasn't terrible. I also emailed her while waiting for the package and again today after I received it with basic questions and she was very prompt in responding every time. Within the hour.

So I would suggest emailing through ebay. And I've nothing but a positive experience.