BrillKids Forum

The BrillKids Forum => BrillKids Announcements => Topic started by: Lappy on November 07, 2012, 05:06:19 AM

Title: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Lappy on November 07, 2012, 05:06:19 AM


Little Reader v3 is now available for download!

All Little Reader users may now update to the bigger and better Little Reader version 3!

* This current Little Reader build is still a BETA BUILD, but we consider it stable enough for general release. We don't expect the final release build to be significantly different from this one.
** If you were in the Beta Testing Program for Little Reader v3, please COMPLETELY UNINSTALL Little Reader and your content before installing the new build.

What's new with Little Reader:

Customizable Courses
You now have full control of your course curriculum - edit your existing BrillKids courses OR create your own courses from scratch!

Playback Settings Presets
Use Presets to easily apply playback settings to your categories or courses - you don't have to manually set each playback option anymore!

Re-organized Playback Settings and Override windows
We've overhauled the entire Playback Settings and Override windows to make it easier to navigate and use!

Game Mode
To make reading time even more exciting and interactive, you can play a picture or word game at the end of each course lesson, or play a game based on your selected categories!

Split Mode
With the new Split Mode playback setting, you can display words in split colors AND have pronunciations in split audio, where each part of the word pronounced separately for your child!

Child Profiles
Using Little Reader with more than one child? Now you can keep track of each child's lesson playback history with Child Profiles!

Subtitles and Translations
Subtitles now show translations during playback - especially handy for teaching different languages! We're also working on translating the software interface into several languages so you can use Little Reader in the language you're more comfortable with!

NOTE: Subtitle translations are provided courtesy of Google Translate

New Progress Diary
We've revamped the built-in Progress Diary so that it updates itself whenever you edit or add new courses!

Performance Optimizations
As with every update, we've fixed a lot of bugs and enhanced the software interface to make Little Reader easier to use!

Need help with updating Little Reader? Click here for instructions. (




Check out the new Little Reader Curriculum!

Little Reader v3 not just includes massive software changes - we've overhauled the curriculum too!

What's new in the Little Reader Curriculum:

Curriculum Structure
We've added new lesson types - now you can show sight words, word split and game lessons to your child!

Also, all lessons are now shorter, more varied, and several times more exciting! Here's an example of a typical day in Semester 1:

  • Picture Flash
  • Multisensory 1
  • Pattern Phonics 1
  • Multisensory 2
  • Pattern Phonics 2
  • Multisensory 3
  • Sight Words
  • Word Split
  • Game

Click here for more details about the new curriculum structure (

More Stories
The complete Little Reader Storybook Series (25 storybooks) is now incorporated into the curriculum, starting from the very first day of Semester 2 (Day 131). All stories come with professionally-recorded pronunciations in three voices and colorful animated videos.

High-res Pictures and Videos
Pictures and videos have all been upgraded to high-definition versions to accommodate the ever-increasing screen sizes and screen resolutions. Animals and Transportation categories now come with animated videos in addition to real-life HD videos.

When you update to Little Reader v3, don't forget to download and import the new curriculum too!


* The new Little Reader curriculum update is currently available for English (US) Semester 1 and Semester 1+2 users. Updates for the English (UK), Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese (Traditional) curricula will be available soon.

UPDATE (20-Dec-2012) - the English (UK) v3 curriculum update is now available! All English (UK) users, please make sure you udpate to the latest LR v3 software before you import he new content.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sonya_post on November 07, 2012, 05:11:36 AM
I would kiss you all but that is probably excessive.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sonya_post on November 07, 2012, 05:45:05 AM
Not sure where to download new curriculum...If I attempt to highlight English semester 1 & 2 nothing happens.

EDIT: Second time I clicked key it worked. Thanks.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sweetmom on November 07, 2012, 07:00:29 AM
I have downloaded the Little Reader Software v ENG 3.0.1100.But when starting to install, it shows only blank page. Kindly anyone help me to install the V3 build.

Eagerly waiting for new LR curriculum for English(UK) soon.Thanks.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: A_BC on November 07, 2012, 07:06:42 AM
AAAAAH! It's finally here! Big Karma to the Brillkids Team  :happy:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on November 07, 2012, 07:11:02 AM
I have downloaded the Little Reader Software v ENG 3.0.1100.But when starting to install, it shows only blank page. Kindly anyone help me to install the V3 build.

Hi Sweetmom, can you please try re-downloading the v3 installer? It might be that the file was corrupted or it wasn't downloaded completely -- just in case, choose to "Save" the file instead of the "Open/Run" option.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Lappy on November 07, 2012, 07:14:44 AM
Hi Sweetmom! :)

Please follow Kezia's suggestion above, and just as a reminder: don't open files which are still being downloaded! Let the downloads finish first before clicking on them so they can finish downloading correctly.

Also as a reminder for everyone, please thoroughly read the post above (especially the bits in red!) :biggrin:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: A_BC on November 07, 2012, 07:35:30 AM
A question: If I create a back up, will it be possible to get all my custom files the way they were organized in the previous version? I have a pretty good number of categories and it will be too time-consuming to import them one by one. Thx

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sweetmom on November 07, 2012, 07:50:12 AM
Dear Kezia/ Lappy,

Thanks for your reply. To be clear, I have uninstalled previous LR and downloaded v3 installer. After completely downloaded while clicking on the installer, it directs me to select language. After I select English (United States), it goes to blank page and nothing happens.

Anyway currently I am installing it on my office computer; let me try it in my laptop once i reach home.


Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Welovebrillkids on November 07, 2012, 08:11:20 AM
Thanks Sonya!

Normally we will click at "English (US) Semester 1 + 2 (1.12 GB)" to download the curriculum.
This time seems like there is no link.
You need to click at the license key itself to get the curriculum download!

Sucessfully upgrade to the nice V3. Thank you and thumbs up for Brillkids team!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Welovebrillkids on November 07, 2012, 08:20:16 AM

Did you use Internet explorer for your download?
Previously I had the same problem too.
Try to do again with other browser then it shall be fine.
This time I use Firefox, no problem.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on November 07, 2012, 08:46:02 AM
A question: If I create a back up, will it be possible to get all my custom files the way they were organized in the previous version? I have a pretty good number of categories and it will be too time-consuming to import them one by one. Thx

Yes, your custom categories' folder structure will remain as is once you import your backup in v3. The order of the categories inside the folders may change a bit, though, but you should have no problems with rearranging them.

If you added your own recordings, pictures or videos to words from the curriculum (like the ones in Action Words), note that those particular categories may end up in a separate "BK English.." folder. This is because the folder structure for the categories in the v3 content is different now.

If you're using v2 now, you can try updating to v3 directly without uninstalling v2. Your custom content from v2 should remain as is, and if not you can just restore the backup you saved earlier.

Note that the "backup" function saves everything you have (LR database + media library + any custom fonts used in your lessons), while "export" saves one or more categories / playlists.

Dear Kezia/ Lappy,

Thanks for your reply. To be clear, I have uninstalled previous LR and downloaded v3 installer. After completely downloaded while clicking on the installer, it directs me to select language. After I select English (United States), it goes to blank page and nothing happens.

Anyway currently I am installing it on my office computer; let me try it in my laptop once i reach home.


Hi Sweetmom, we need a few more details:

1. What's your computer's OS? (Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8, 32 or 64 bit)

2. If you're using Internet Explorer, which version do you have now? If you're using a different browser, which browser and browser version are you using?

In the meantime, yes, please try redownloading using Firefox or Chrome and see if that helps

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: arvi on November 07, 2012, 11:34:50 AM
Thanks for the update! How to generate a new course? Are there any tips and tricks?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sonya_post on November 07, 2012, 12:55:17 PM
ARVI - if you have LR license - once you have the new build  installed - go back online and click on your license key and it imports the content. I couldn't figure it out either.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: waterdreamer on November 07, 2012, 02:53:48 PM
Well iAccess be updated as well ?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sweetmom on November 07, 2012, 03:15:01 PM
Dear Keiza/Lappy,

 Successfully upgraded to V3 in home laptop.Thanks for all the support.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: arvi on November 07, 2012, 04:41:11 PM
ARVI - if you have LR license - once you have the new build  installed - go back online and click on your license key and it imports the content. I couldn't figure it out either.
I can import the pre-made lessons but I want to generate a new course from scratch. I have about 30 categories in a foreign language and I want to create lessons out of those. When I create a course by including all the categories, LR generates the lessons with all the 30 categories in 1 session. But I want only few categories included per day. How can I create a course just like LR's pre-made lessons?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sonya_post on November 07, 2012, 04:45:16 PM
Arvi - I've only played around a little bit this morning - but click on play and edit and then click courses and you can add your own there and choose how to rotate them.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: pearl_river on November 07, 2012, 05:21:14 PM
I use LR (US curriculum) and LR chinese. What happen to my LR Chinese when I update LR v3? will they work together? I noted that Chinese curricula will be updated soon.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: MamaOfWill on November 07, 2012, 08:04:47 PM
This is fantastic!!! Thank you brillkids!

I'm very happy with the update, but I lost some of my work after updating (things I didn't export)  :(   

I get an error (SQLite error no such column: dynamic) when I try to edit my own courses, both on "save" and on "close" and editing an allready built course doesn't seem possible.

I can't figure out how to display pictures without words at the bottom.

I would have liked games to be able for catagories without soud files (asin, display the options as it is currently, print the question in text at the bottom.)  -- That's just a thought, use it, don't use it.

But all round, I can only say WOW! so much added, this will save me time, get me more organised and will add so much to my little ones education!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: cokers4life on November 07, 2012, 08:09:57 PM
I didn't realize there were going to be so many wonderful changes to LR with the new update.  I was on day 138 in the English curriculum before the update, and I was wondering should I start over with day one of first semester since there are some obvious differences.  Or should I just continue from the day we were on before the update?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: msocorro on November 07, 2012, 08:13:40 PM
love it thanks a lot, just the having diferent profiles is sooo nice!!!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: seastar on November 07, 2012, 09:43:00 PM

* The new Little Reader curriculum update is currently available for English (US) Semester 1 and Semester 1+2 users. Updates for the English (UK), Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese (Traditional) curricula will be available soon.

Any idea as to how soon?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: kiwimum on November 08, 2012, 12:35:12 AM
Thanks for a update, we love the improvements already

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: minmin on November 08, 2012, 04:41:38 AM
Hello, I have successfully updated to Little Reader v3. Thanks a lot. However, I have a question on how I should use the curriculum. I am on the older version of Little Reader curriculum up till lesson 69 now. For the Little Reader v3, the lessons content are arranged differently if I compare lessons of the same day. I don't want to miss teaching my child words that should have learn accordingly, so my questions is, how should I make the transition to the lessons in v3 from where I am now? Any good suggestions? By the way, how different is the contents in v3 compared to v2? For example, what are the extra contents that are in v3 that are not in v2, besides sight words.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: KL on November 08, 2012, 06:16:13 AM
Hi all,

Sorry, we should have made the curriculum difference between v2 and v3 clearer. Please refer to this post:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on November 08, 2012, 06:39:01 AM
To Arvi, Sonya, and everyone who wants to create their own courses:

We're still in the middle of updating our Support Helpdesk and the Little Reader Manual for the new features in v3, so while those instructions are not yet ready, you may refer below:

** Important Note: Before you can start creating your own courses, you MUST create your categories first, except if your course will be based on categories that you already have (e.g., if you're using the same categories that came with your BrillKids content).

How to create your own courses in Little Reader v3:

1. Go to the Play & Edit screen, choose Courses. Click on NEW (just below the "Display" dropdown) to open the Create New Course window

2. In the "General Course Settings" section at the top, type in the Name of your new course (e.g., "German Semester 1"), set the Length ("No limit" or a specific number of days), the Starting Day (in most cases you can just leave it at "1"), and the Day Display Format. You can leave most of these settings as is, and simply add in the Name for your new course.

3. Next, go to the Session 1 tab. If you want to change how the session is labeled (e.g., in your course's language), click on the small button on the right side of the tab, then choose Rename and type in the new session name.

4. Click on NEW (bottom left corner of the window) and select from different types of lessons (Picture Flash, Multisensory, Sight Words, etc.). Just like the "Session" tab, you may rename the lesson label as necessary.

5. Next, you need to add categories for your new lesson. Click on the "Add Categories" link inside the Category List box, or click on EDIT CATEGORY LIST. From the window that opens, select the categories you want to include from the left-hand box and click on the Right Arrow button (->) to add the categories to the box on the right side (you need to add in all the categories you want to include in the course). When you're done, click SAVE.

6. Next, set your lesson's settings, which are found on the rightmost side of the window. Here's a brief explanation about each setting:

     Lesson Settings
  • Title Slide - it's the first slide that appears when you play the lesson (e.g., "Multisensory," "Pattern Phonics," etc.). If you don't want to show the lesson's title slide, just set it to "Off."

     Display Settings (can be set for each or several categories in the lesson)
  • Same As Category Above - as the name suggests, it means that if you enable this setting (by checking the box), all the settings from the previous category in the list will apply
  • Category Starts - you can choose "Auto" so that the category will start as soon as the previous category ends in the course, or specify a day
  • Word items to show each time - choose how many words should appear for the selected category for each day in the course
  • Rotation - choose to add or remove (i.e., "retire") a word or more words each day the category appears in the course, or specify how many days the category will appear in the course (LR will automatically determine how many words will appear depending on how many days you've set)
  • Playback Settings Preset - choose a playback preset you want to apply for the selected category. There are several presets included in LR that you can use or you may choose to add your own presets.

     Note: Repeat Steps 4-6 if you want to add more lessons to your the session.

7. To add another Session, click on the green + button at the upper right side of the window. To add another Session that has the same lessons and presets in Session 1, click on the arrow button beside + and choose "New with settings from..." (you will still be able to edit the new session as you see fit).

8. When you're done with all your changes, click on View Schedule to preview how each day will be laid out with your current settings. From the preview window, you may print out a copy of your course schedule.

9. Click on SAVE. When asked, choose to "Generate Lessons" and LR will save your edits and automatically generate your course. Note that you need to re-generate your course whenever you edit the course settings. Generating your course will also update the Progress Diary screen.

TIP: To see an actual example of how you can create your own course, the best way is to check out the new English (US) curriculum! In the Play & Edit screen, select "BrillKids English Semester 1" or the Sem 2 course (if you've imported the new content already), then click on EDIT. If you did a clean install of LR v3 (i.e., you uninstalled v2 completely before installing v3), you can also Edit the Trial course and see how the course is laid out.

@Waterdreamer: The LR v3 changes will not directly affect the lessons you have in the Little Reader Touch app. The lessons in the app will be updated too, but those updates will be available at a later date (once the course updates are released, you'll see an "Updates" section in the Download Lessons screen).

@pearl_river: Your Chinese content will still work in LR v3, but it won't have the same updates as the English course just yet. Do rest assured that you can use the new English course and your Chinese course in LR v3.

@MamaOfWill: Can you kindly send us the following so we can troubleshoot:

1. A screenshot of the error (only if you see the error again)
2. Your backup file (if you created one before updating to v3)
3. Your diagnostic report

Simply send the files as an attachment when you email us at support[at]brillkids[dot]com

To remove the words that appear below pictures (or videos), go to the Playback settings window's "Advanced" tab and in the "Picture/Video Slide" section, un-check the box(es) next to "Show words with"

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: arvi on November 08, 2012, 09:13:45 AM
TIP: To see an actual example of how you can create your own course, the best way is to check out the new English (US) curriculum! In the Play & Edit screen, select the English Curriculum Trial, Sem 1 or Sem 2 (if you've imported the new content already), then click on EDIT.
For English curriculum, trial/sem1/sem2, the EDIT option is disabled.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on November 08, 2012, 09:40:42 AM
TIP: To see an actual example of how you can create your own course, the best way is to check out the new English (US) curriculum! In the Play & Edit screen, select the English Curriculum Trial, Sem 1 or Sem 2 (if you've imported the new content already), then click on EDIT.
For English curriculum, trial/sem1/sem2, the EDIT option is disabled.

Hi Arvi, sorry about the confusion! The "Tip" from my last post pertains only to the v3 US English curriculum content. This means if you still have the v2 US content in your LR v3 software (this happens if you did an update from v2 to v3 without uninstalling v2), you need to import the new v3 US content. The v3 courses would have the Edit and other course customization options enabled.

For those who have UK English content, the v3 update for this is not yet available, but you can still use your old content in LR v3.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: pearl_river on November 08, 2012, 10:30:04 AM
That's GREAT update for LR. I love the function of Creating your own courses. I have tried my own courses that makes me unbelievable. I feel that I have LR mother tongue language. But I think I have much time to create 260 days in my own course. Thank you for Brillkids.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: busyparent on November 08, 2012, 11:53:25 AM
can I clone the lessons and then transalate with out affecting the original courses??
I try  to do it yesterday, I first clone semester 1 then I edit each word to spanish but when I check the original semester the words was also changing to spanish which i didnt want. I want the original to be english and the clone one spanish.
did I did something wrong? or this is not possible.

is there way for me to translate the currinculum and keep the original also?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: kiwimum on November 09, 2012, 12:10:11 AM
I love it, thanks very much.
I like how it has added the Dolch list words as sight words. I was just about to spend hours of my time adding those word in somehow so thats very much

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: audrachloe on November 09, 2012, 08:11:26 PM
I absolutely love the updated version.  I am new to the program and was only on lesson 13, so we just started the program from the beginning. I love that sight words and phonics are introduced in the very first lesson.  This is such an amazing program. Thanks

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: jcblogger on November 10, 2012, 03:40:38 PM
In our version 2, I had figured out how to slow down the word flash. But, since we updated to v3 it is too fast!  I can't figure out where the option is to slow it down.  How do I slow down word flash? Or, how do I contact tech support?  Thank you!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Ayesha Nicole on November 11, 2012, 02:04:09 PM
Hello to all,

Does this feature allow the user to enter their own translation?:

Subtitles and Translations
Subtitles now show translations during playback - especially handy for teaching different languages! We're also working on translating the software interface into several languages so you can use Little Reader in the language you're more comfortable with!

NOTE: Subtitle translations are provided courtesy of Google Translate

I also need to figure out how to move the LR from the Admin user account to my user account, and include the upgrade?  For the time being I will upgrade under Admin user account to see the features and then we can move it to my user account.

Also, how do I turn off the automatic starting of LR/LM when my computer starts or is re-booted?



Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: ShenLi on November 13, 2012, 04:48:29 PM
I didn't realize there were going to be so many wonderful changes to LR with the new update.  I was on day 138 in the English curriculum before the update, and I was wondering should I start over with day one of first semester since there are some obvious differences.  Or should I just continue from the day we were on before the update?

Yeah, we loved the new changes so much that I went back and started all over and continued the lessons back to back with where we were up to... My son already knows the old content but he still enjoys going through the material again.

For those who have UK English content, the v3 update for this is not yet available, but you can still use your old content in LR v3.

Any idea when UK v3 will be out? We are still using the beta curriculum.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on November 14, 2012, 06:04:26 AM
can I clone the lessons and then transalate with out affecting the original courses??
is there way for me to translate the currinculum and keep the original also?

Hi evad3, right now what "Clone Course" does is to simply copy your selected course. There might be bug there, so we're looking into it!

In the meantime, a "safer" way of translating is to copy the categories and the words, then do your translations in the duplicate categories and words.

Just go to Play & Edit > Categories, right-click on a category and choose "Save Category As..." In the small pop-up, make sure you check the box for "Copy Words Too" so the duplicate category will also contain duplicate words.

ETA: To prevent having your edits appear in the original English words, do ensure that your translated word is saved with a different word file name (you will see this in the Edit Word window's "Others" tab). Checking the box for "Copy Words Too" as described above will automatically rename the words' file names, but you are free to change this if necessary.

Once you've finished translating your categories, go back to the Courses section and create a new course - if you want to have the same curriculum structure as the English course, you can refer to how it's set up by editing it.

...How do I slow down word flash? Or, how do I contact tech support?

Do you mean you just want to slow down only the Word Flash lessons? If that's what you'd like to do, please follow these steps:

1. Go to the Play Courses screen and select any lesson.

2. At the bottom on the "Lesson Content" box is a bar labeled "Playback Settings Preset" - click on the cog wheel button found on the right side of that bar.

3. In the Edit Playback Settings window, click on the "Preset" dropdown at the top, then click on the Preset Manager button.

4. In the Preset Manager window, select the "Word Flash" preset from the "All Preset" box on the left.

5. In the Basic tab (right side), click on the "Show More..." link beside "Auto Forward ON to toggle the Auto Forward settings. Adjust the Auto forward delay and/or Min Slide Duration then click Save.

** Note: There are 4 Word Flash playback presets included in v3, so you need to do Step 5 for those other Word Flash presets too.

6. When you're done with all your changes, close the Preset Manager and Edit Playback Settings windows. Your changes will automatically be applied to all word flash lessons (if you have the English and Chinese content, this will affect both courses).

For Tech Support, please visit ( and check out our Helpdesk. Our Helpdesk has lots of articles with details and instructions about all BrillKids software and websites - if you can't find the answer you're looking for, just click on "Submit a Request" from the top navigation bar to send us a message. Alternatively, you may simply start a topic in the LR Tech Support board.

Does this feature allow the user to enter their own translation?:
I also need to figure out how to move the LR from the Admin user account to my user account, and include the upgrade?  For the time being I will upgrade under Admin user account to see the features and then we can move it to my user account.

Also, how do I turn off the automatic starting of LR/LM when my computer starts or is re-booted?

Hi Ayesha, sorry, at the moment the Subtitle translation feature is generated automatically via Google Translate. It's not possible to add in your own (custom) translation subtitles just yet.

I believe you are already using  LR v2, is that correct? V2 is actually accessible from any of your user accounts (not just the Admin account). Do try if you can open and use LR from your own user account and it should work - this way you don't need to transfer your installation at all, and any update you make will automatically work for all user accounts in your computer.

About the automatic starting of LR and LMh, all BrillKids software don't start automatically when you open your computer, so I think you've encountered a bug. Please create a diagnostic report (from Support Tools, so it contains info about LR and LMh) and send it to us so we can troubleshoot further.

Any idea when UK v3 will be out? We are still using the beta curriculum.

Sorry it's taking a while, Shen-Li  :blush: We're still working on it, but definitely it will be available before the end of the month!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: A_BC on November 14, 2012, 07:32:25 AM
Hi Kezia & Lappy,

Thanks for your help, my files and folders didn't get affected by the upgrade. However, I have a problem with sounds: all the slides with short sound clips are silent and I can hear only the last part of longer clips. It looks like it can't play the first 1.5 sec or so of the clips. I tried t repair it with the audio diagnostic tool but nothing happened.This makes many of the presentations useless. Can you please help?

Edit: I've just created an error report and sent it. I hope you'll get a more detailed idea about the issue. Thank you!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on November 14, 2012, 07:50:05 AM
Hi A_BC, when you play sound files from the preview section (in Play & Edit) or in the Edit Word window, do you hear the recordings completely, or does the same issue happens?

As an initial solution, please run the Audio Diagnostic Tool:

If the problem remains unresolved after running the tool a few times, do send us your diagnostic report.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: A_BC on November 14, 2012, 08:00:58 AM
Hi Kezia,

The same issue happens even with the sound editor. I ran the Audio Diagnostic Tool several times, it didn't help. I've just sent an error report. Thank you very much!

EDIT: I just tested LMs, the same problem happens for slides with text. The other slides are playing normally. For LM, I have the issue on the first slide only.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on November 14, 2012, 09:37:09 AM
Hi Kezia,

The same issue happens even with the sound editor. I ran the Audio Diagnostic Tool several times, it didn't help. I've just sent an error report. Thank you very much!

EDIT: I just tested LMs, the same problem happens for slides with text. The other slides are playing normally. For LM, I have the issue on the first slide only.

Thanks -- we got your diagnostic report. We're checking it now and I'll get back to you through our support helpdesk once we find a specific solution for your playback problem!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: moakmook on November 17, 2012, 01:31:28 PM
iAccess in iPad/iPhone has not yet to update version3. I'm waiting for version3 update in iPad too becauase my daughter love version3 very much.

Version3 is more fun and motivated to children. Especially Game section. My daughter love to play game. I really love word split section. Word split section is suitable for the beginner of phonic learning.

Love version 3.0 so much.  :)  :)  :)

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: A_BC on November 17, 2012, 02:12:33 PM
Thanks Kezia for your help. The BK customer support is terrific!  :happy:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: early learning17 on November 17, 2012, 11:33:19 PM
Well iAccess be updated as well ?

First of all congratulations for this wonderful new version!

Secondly, I have the same question as Waterdreamer posted on the 8th Nov - ever since the iaccess was launched, I really only show LR on the ipad. As far as I can see, the new content is not yet available in i-devices. When will the new content become available please?  Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: m_rogue23 on November 20, 2012, 12:30:36 PM
I have successfully upgraded to version 3. My dilemma is that we were currently on day 60 with version 2 and we don't want to go back to day 1 but at the same time, I don't want to miss the words in the new categories found in day 1 to day 59 (sight words, pattern phonics, games, word split). Any tips?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: early learning17 on November 27, 2012, 06:56:21 AM
Well iAccess be updated as well ?

First of all congratulations for this wonderful new version!

Secondly, I have the same question as Waterdreamer posted on the 8th Nov - ever since the iaccess was launched, I really only show LR on the ipad. As far as I can see, the new content is not yet available in i-devices. When will the new content become available please?  Thanks in advance.

I think my post was overlooked - can sb please answer?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on November 28, 2012, 06:26:03 AM
Hi early learning17, sorry for missing your post! Unfortunately we don't have a date yet on when the LRT English content will be updated with the v3 changes. At the moment we are preparing to release the LRT Chinese content, so the v3 English content may come some time after that.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: maweri on November 28, 2012, 11:14:11 AM
Any news when the french version will be released? I hope before juin 2013... my baby will be born in february  :)

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: lelask on November 28, 2012, 05:54:57 PM
Hi, is the UK version coming soon? :blush:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: andreasro on November 30, 2012, 08:06:01 PM
I LOVE the new version!

Where did you say we have the Brillkids books in LR?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Mandabplus3 on December 01, 2012, 09:39:35 AM
We are doing days around number 160, semester 2 and there is a story at the end of every lesson. These stories are very popular with the kiddies!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Tanvi_16 on December 02, 2012, 09:05:10 AM
Any tentative date for UK v3 release? we are eagerly waiting for the date.


- Tanvi.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Mandabplus3 on December 02, 2012, 09:15:39 AM
Yes please! I need to stop teaching my Aussie kindergarten children that mum is MOM and colour is COLOR....I am too lazy to go through and check all the spelling before each lesson!  lol

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: moakmook on December 03, 2012, 07:42:38 AM
I've just updated LR to be version 3.1.11. I have 2 questions.

1. What's the difference of version 3.0 and 3.1 .
2. I found that in version3 there is no word flash anymore. I wonder that how can the baby remember the word. So the baby have to remember the word from multisensory part only, isn't it?

Thank you.

Note: I've questioned in the LR's board already.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: CathyJ on December 03, 2012, 09:42:37 AM
My son had lost enthusiasm for his reading and the games have made it so much more interactive for him. Thank you

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Lappy on December 03, 2012, 10:33:22 AM
Hi Moakmook! :)

I replied to your question here:'t-answered-here/msg92859/#msg92859

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: andreasro on December 04, 2012, 07:45:58 AM
Hi Moakmook! :)

I replied to your question here:'t-answered-here/msg92859/#msg92859

Thanks, Lappy! By reading from the links I understood the thing about the 25 story books  :D

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Lappy on December 04, 2012, 07:48:23 AM
Haha that was a pleasant surprise - so sorry I missed your earlier question about the books, but happy the link helped! lol

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: andreasro on December 05, 2012, 07:18:18 AM
Haha that was a pleasant surprise - so sorry I missed your earlier question about the books, but happy the link helped! lol

It's funny! I've been using LR since 2010 and never had the curiosity to check if the story books we have in the 2nd semester are also the ones BK offers in print :)) Now I got it! :)) Well... we're always learning,  :happy:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: patreiche on December 07, 2012, 08:00:48 PM
When will Little Reader V3 be available for iPad

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: MattyMat on December 09, 2012, 02:24:02 AM
I would like to know if the v3 update is only for the desktop software or also for the iPad app?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: MattyMat on December 09, 2012, 02:34:36 AM
I have just read the earlier posts, so I know the answer to my question above already. Thanks.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Tamsyn on December 09, 2012, 02:50:00 AM
I was waiting until I got my black-Friday/birthday laptop to do the update, so I'm a little behind the times.  I just want to say,  WOW!!!!  I LOVE the new update.  I love the new video slides, the animation for the animals, the sight-words, the mini phonics lessons, etc, etc, etc.

When I first started my early-reading journey, I tried to teach my baby with phonics on my own.  It didn't take until we switched to the whole-word method, but in the process, I read a lot about what other people had done, and got a few ideas that did work to a degree.  Anyway, EVERYTHING that I tried to do with my homemade materials is in this new update, and I really am impressed.  However, it still is mostly whole-word, which is what worked for my kids and why I purchased and love LR.

I think that with these new changes, Little Reader is still perfect for babies, but will now be a more age-universal product.  I think that young children of any age could learn to read with it.  I am so impressed, and so grateful to have your product in my home.  BrillKids is doing amazing things.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: lorenp77 on December 10, 2012, 07:08:28 AM
I am using PC with Vista, downloading on Firefox.  Download was successful, but I could not install V3.

I received the following error message while trying to load the installation components: Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 S1 is not supported on Vista Operating System.

It proceeded with the install, but became stuck on the splashform (?) screen.  I had to shutdown and restart the computer. 

It told me to send a diagnostic report, but none appeared to be created/available.

I am looking forward to using V3!  Thank you for your help.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: IrisGranstedt on December 10, 2012, 07:17:50 AM
Very confused with the new little reader updates. I have just updated this morning and imported two new files "country facts USA" and "country facts England". After I import the second one, it overwrites and first one and the content of two files look exactly identical now.

Please help!  :confused:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on December 11, 2012, 09:32:55 AM
I am using PC with Vista, downloading on Firefox.  Download was successful, but I could not install V3.

I received the following error message while trying to load the installation components: Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 S1 is not supported on Vista Operating System.

It proceeded with the install, but became stuck on the splashform (?) screen.  I had to shutdown and restart the computer. 

It told me to send a diagnostic report, but none appeared to be created/available.

Hi Loren! Can you kindly try repairing .NET by following the steps in this article:

If Little Reader v3 still won't install successfully after that, or if it installed but you couldn't open LR, please create a diagnostic report through your Support Tools window:

Very confused with the new little reader updates. I have just updated this morning and imported two new files "country facts USA" and "country facts England". After I import the second one, it overwrites and first one and the content of two files look exactly identical now.

Please help!  :confused:

Hi Iris, the problem is actually in the files themselves. We've informed the ShenLi (the file author) about it and she has just reuploaded the fixed files. Kindly try re-downloading and see if you can import both files without the words getting overwritten by the other file. You may find your download history in your account's "My Files > Little Reader Downloads" page.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sweetmom on December 11, 2012, 10:33:09 AM
Any tentative date for UK v3 release? we are eagerly waiting for the date.


- Tanvi.

Anybody please reply when will be UK v3 ready? Thanks.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Lappy on December 11, 2012, 10:35:30 AM
Hi Sweetmom!

Sorry it took some time because we had to resource new media. :) But we will most likely be done ready for release by next week.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sweetmom on December 11, 2012, 10:39:10 AM
Thanks Lappy. Waiting for next week release :) .

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Pleskacheva on December 20, 2012, 01:14:41 PM
We are waiting and waiting for UK v3 release... May be it would be a Cristmas present for us? :blush: It would be great!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Pleskacheva on December 23, 2012, 12:39:43 PM
Hello everyone!
As Lappy wrote UK v3 release has already appeared
Hi Sweetmom!

Sorry it took some time because we had to resource new media. :) But we will most likely be done ready for release by next week.
But I can't find it! Please help me with the link. Many thanks!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: piladzisi on December 23, 2012, 01:19:49 PM
Hello everyone!
As Lappy wrote UK v3 release has already appeared
Hi Sweetmom!

Sorry it took some time because we had to resource new media. :) But we will most likely be done ready for release by next week.
But I can't find it! Please help me with the link. Many thanks!

Yes, where can we find the UK update? I think I have Little reader 3.1 Should I just reload the curriculum? and when should we expect Chinese update?

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: piladzisi on December 23, 2012, 07:09:48 PM
I found it. :yes:

Just log into your account, My Purchases, Little reader, click on 2. curriculum and license key. Reload your curriculum. The only problem, games don't work yet.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on December 24, 2012, 06:13:47 AM
Hi everyone, sorry about the late update!

Just want to let all English (UK) users know that the v3 curriculum update for the UK content was released last December 20th (Thursday) - this means you may now update your v3 UK curriculum! :yes:

Please visit your BrillKids Account and go to My Purchases > (Little Reader) Curriculum & License Key to start downloading your content. Just in case the changes don't appear for you, press Ctrl + F5 and try again.

Do make sure you've updated your LR software to the latest v3 version before you import the updated content!

LR v3 Beta testers: Uninstall LR completely before reinstalling the latest software and the v3 UK content.

P.S. piladzisi, you might have gotten the v2 UK content (which doesn't have the Game part in the lessons), so please re-download and re-import your UK content.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: piladzisi on December 24, 2012, 12:09:37 PM
I click on 2. curriculum content. I will try to remove Little Reader software, then reinstall it, then download content

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Pleskacheva on December 24, 2012, 12:45:49 PM
Hi everyone, sorry about the late update!

Just want to let all English (UK) users know that the v3 curriculum update for the UK content was released last December 20th (Thursday) - this means you may now update your v3 UK curriculum! :yes:

Please visit your BrillKids Account and go to My Purchases > (Little Reader) Curriculum & License Key to start downloading your content. Just in case the changes don't appear for you, press Ctrl + F5 and try again.

Do make sure you've updated your LR software to the latest v3 version before you import the updated content!

LR v3 Beta testers: Uninstall LR completely before reinstalling the latest software and the v3 UK content.

P.S. piladzisi, you might have gotten the v2 UK content (which doesn't have the Game part in the lessons), so please re-download and re-import your UK content.

I have v3, but I also have a problem with games (Missing Media Files in Little Reader, this doesn't work), so I'm waiting the support team help.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: piladzisi on December 24, 2012, 03:09:17 PM
The games work for UK version.

I completely removed Little Reader software (Control panel, remove programs), then downloaded Little Reader 3.1. Then imported new curriculum ( all from My Purchases page)

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: MarthaT on January 08, 2013, 01:57:03 AM
Great news!  :D

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on January 08, 2013, 03:24:15 AM
I have v3, but I also have a problem with games (Missing Media Files in Little Reader, this doesn't work), so I'm waiting the support team help.

Hi Pleskacheva, just letting you know that we replied to your support request (ticket no. 7887) last Jan. 2nd. Kindly have a look and let us know if things work for you now.

In case you missed our reply, and also for other UK English users who are having the same problem, please see below:

Kindly download and install the new Little Reader software and English (UK) content from your BrillKids Account. We recommend that you do a "clean install" where you uninstall your current software completely before installing the newer version (i.e., in the uninstall process, choose to "remove additional data").

You may refer to the following article for instructions on installing the newer version. Just in case the updates didn't appear in your account automatically, please press Ctrl + F5 to refresh your browser:

Installing and Setting Up Your Little Reader

If you are still experiencing problems, or if you are getting an error that's preventing you from opening or using Little Reader, please attach a diagnostic report so we can troubleshoot immediately:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: soleha on January 09, 2013, 03:12:01 AM
Hi Team,
I have issue with ver 3. I made total clean up of ver 2 by uninstalling the program before  reinstall the newer version.

However when I try to download sem 1 and 2 course, it seems downloaded but it didn't appear on my LR even after I restarted it. I've repeated the step 5 times already and now I gave up.

I have sent you guys the diagnostic report and hope to get the reply soon.

TQ in advance.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on January 09, 2013, 06:14:34 AM
Hi Soleha, we've just replied to the message you sent us from LR's Support Tools window - kindly check for a message from our support[at]brillkids[dot]com email address (support request no. 8083).

In case you didn't receive our message, please see below:

The problem you described is indeed a bug in Little Reader v3.1.1200, which we've resolved in the newer version that was just released today, January 9th.

Kindly visit your BrillKids Account now to download the installer for the new version (v3.1.1220) - in case the updates don't appear automatically for you, just press Ctrl + F5 and try again.

To avoid having to re-download your course content and license key, you may simply run the new installer without uninstalling your current version. The newer installer will automatically detect your existing installation and it will proceed with an update, which will preserve the content and license key that you imported before.

Just in case the software update still doesn't work well for you, please try these additional steps:

1. Open Little Reader and click "My Child" (top left part of the window)

2. Click on the Customize button

3. Type in your child's name and add his picture (step is optional)

4. In the "Applicable Courses" box, check the box next to the course(s) you want to play for your child (or in your case, select the courses you imported earlier)

5. Click on Save to finalize your changes, then click on Close

After doing the steps above, please check if you can now access the course or semester lessons you imported before.

I hope this helps! :)

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: soleha on January 09, 2013, 08:19:21 AM
Finally .... it ends my 2 days of struggling.  Big thanks to you and your team !

Can't wait to play new version with my kids, they'll definitely love it (especially the games part).

Bravo !!! 

Title: custom files and categories
Post by: sidonia on February 06, 2013, 11:50:18 AM
I have downloaded the LR  v.ENG 3.0.1100 on my new laptop and imported the new LR Curriculum.The only Problem is that i can not find my custom files ,my own recordings,pictures ,words and videos.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on February 07, 2013, 06:57:51 AM
Hi Sidonia, we have a few questions for you:

1. Before you installed LR v3.0.1100, did you save a backup file?

2. Which LR version did you have before the update? Did you uninstall your old LR before installing v3?

3. Lastly (it's not a question, but a request), please create a diagnostic report and send it to us. For instructions on how to create a report, see:

Kindly email us at support[at]brillkids[dot]com and include your answers to the two questions above and with your diagnostic report attached. We'll troubleshoot as soon as we receive your message.

In the meantime, please do not uninstall your LR just yet while we're looking into the problem. :yes:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Jemi on February 07, 2013, 11:02:57 PM

How do I / Should I uninstall the content from the previous versions? At the moment I have:
BrillKids English (UK) Semester 1
BrillKids English (UK) Semester 2
English (UK) Semester 1
English UK Curriculum Trial

I would like to get rid of the bottom two.


Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Jemi on February 07, 2013, 11:04:45 PM
Oh - Also, should I start again from the beginning - or just keep going from day whatever we are on....
I am thinking about the sight words we will have missed...


Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on February 08, 2013, 03:04:00 AM
Hi Jemi, you may simply delete the courses you don't want to use by doing the following:

1. Open LR and go to TOOLS > Software Information

2. You should see all of the content you listed above in your Software Information screen - just click on the DELETE button across the content you want to remove

3. Click on YES when asked if you want to proceed with deleting the content

Voila - you won't see your unwanted content anymore!

As for your other question, you can actually play back the Sight Words (or any of the other lessons) any time you want from Play & Edit > Categories.

If you haven't reached more than halfway through the semester, you may go ahead and start back from Day 1. It's really not a big issue to see some of the words again, so you don't need to worry about that!

In case you'd like to read more on the differences of the v3 LR curriculum from the old one, you can read KL's post here:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: peasoup on February 08, 2013, 08:41:02 PM
We just had a thought - would it be possible for LR to include in it's lessons the makaton sign for each word  :biggrin:
This would help all us mum's with children with speech delay - please please please  :biggrin:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Jemi on February 08, 2013, 11:51:26 PM
Thank you!

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: patreiche on April 06, 2013, 08:38:26 PM
Downloaded latest version. No sound. Codecs are installed, windows8 64bit. Worked before. Have downloaded twice both software and curriculum, no sound on anything trial version or semesters. Little Musicians works fine.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Kezia on April 08, 2013, 06:53:42 AM
Hi Patreiche, sorry to hear about the missing sound in your reinstalled LR! If you haven't tried it yet, please run the Audio Diagnostic Tool in LR and see if that helps:

If you still can't hear anything in LR after running the tool, please send us you diagnostic report so we can troubleshoot further

Hi peasoup, unfortunately we don't plan to include makaton signs in the lessons just yet. However, you can definitely create your own lessons for this, or perhaps add  a picture of the corresponding sign to each word in your lesson. :yes:

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: sanshree on April 18, 2013, 07:16:54 PM
Hi Lappy,

Little reader V3 is awesome and i usually use Ipad to show little reader. I am not able to see V3 3 on I pad like I do on my laptop. Is there a way i can access that on Ipad as well?
Also, is there a way i can access Little Math on I pad?

Waiting for your response,


Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: BTBVEN on April 19, 2013, 09:22:51 AM

If you have wifi at home, then you can install splashtop on your desktop and on ipad, then you can access Little Math through Splashtop on your ipad.

Hope this helps.


Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: Acacia38465660 on April 01, 2019, 08:37:17 AM
The message you share is very up-to-date and highly current. It helped me a lot. Thanks for informing us of this important information.

 fnaf (

Title: How to Fix Google Maps Not Working Problem
Post by: wikicue on July 25, 2019, 07:08:43 AM
Google Maps is one programming that has intrigued me a ton. I used to think about how it functions. Regardless I don't have the foggiest idea about its accurate working yet I can reveal to you my perspective.

Your answer lies in your versatile. Android versatile is to a greater degree a helpful device to Google than it is to you. As you should be as of now realizing that Android monitors your area history. That history is transferred to the Google servers which are utilized by Google to give you headings and different administrations.

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Title: Yahoo mail not working on google chrome, How to Fix
Post by: jameswilliams on July 25, 2019, 07:19:33 AM
Ventures To Fix Yahoo Mail Is Not Working With Google Chrome Are As Follows:-

Step-1: First of all, reasonable your program's store

Step-2: From the Start menu - > All Program - > open Chrome application

Step-3: You have to tap on the "More" choice, from the program toolbar and after that snap on More Tools - > then go to the choice Clear Browsing Data.

Step-4: In the Clear perusing information box, simply click the check boxes for Cookies just as other site information alongside Cached documents and pictures for clearing .

Step-5: You can utilize the menu from the top to pick the measure of information, which you need to expel from a definite date, week or month

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On the off chance that your concern stays unaltered you have a specialist direction through client administration number for hurray, which is a sans toll number of specialists those assistance you to take care of your concern in a valuable way.

Title: Re: Update to Little Reader v3!
Post by: palak786 on August 20, 2019, 09:09:01 AM


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SS Prince Helmet cost (
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SS Heritage Cricket Helmet cost (
Shrey Match Mild Steel Visor Cricket Helmet cost (
Shrey Master Class Air Stainless Steel Visor Cricket Helmet cost (
Shrey Pro Guard with Stainless Steel Visor Cricket Helmet cost (
Yonker Classic Cricket Helmet cost (
YONKER Club Cricket Helmet cost (
BDM Dynamic Super Cricket Batting Gloves cost (
BDM Galaxy Batting Gloves cost (
Setia International Elite V.K Design Batting Gloves cost (
Setia International Batting Gloves Supreme  cost (
SG Shield X2 Cricket Studs cost (
Setia Batting Gloves Elite cost (
BDM Dasher Batting Gloves cost (
SS Cricket Kit Bag Camo Duffle cost (
SS 281 Kashmir Willow Cricket Bat cost (
SS Colt Army Blue Cricket Kit Bag cost (
SS Test Players Batting Gloves cost (
SS Test Inner Wicket Keeping Gloves cost (
SS Super Test Batting Gloves cost (
SS Superlite Batting Gloves cost (
SS Super Half Sleeve Cricket Dress cost (
SS Magnum Full Sleeve Cricket Dress  cost (
SS Original Cricket White Cap cost (
SS Professional Trouser cost (
SS Professional T-Shirt cost (
SS Professional Sleeveless Sweater cost (
SS Dragon Wicket Keeping Legguard cost (
SS Men’s Club Wicket Keeping Pads cost (
SS Abdominal Guard cost (
SS Men’s Players Edition Abdo Guard Baseball style cost (
SS Aerolite Cricket Batting Thigh Guard Combo cost (
Cosco Torino Football cost (
Cosco Cuba Football cost (
Cosco Mexico Football cost (
Cosco Premier Football cost (
WillCraft Kashmir Willow Cricket Bat cost (
Moonwalkr Thigh Guards cost (
Shrey Athletic Supporter High Waist Band Brief cost (
WillCraft Plain English Willow Cricket Bat cost (
WillCraft Scooped Cricket Bat cost (
WillCraft Plain Hard Hitter English Willow Cricket Bat cost (
NIVIA Performance Shin Guard cost (
Nivia Classic 756 Shin Guards cost (
Cosco AERO 727 Nylon Shuttlecock cost (
Nivia Encounter Football Shoes  cost (
Nivia SG-806 Performance Football Shin Guard cost (
WillCraft Sports Cricket Grip Cone cost (
Nivia Premier Carbonite Football Stud Shoes cost (
Nivia Ultra Armour Goalkeeper Gloves cost (
Nivia Vortex Shin Guard cost (
WillCraft Anti Scuff Facing x1 Fiber Glass Bat Repair Tape Sheet cost (
WillCraft Cricket Bat Toe Guard With Pasting Glue  cost (
WillCraft Foam Padded High Performance Cycling Helmet cost (
Nivia Dominator Football Shoes cost (
NIVIA Encounter 2.0 Football Studs cost (
Cosco Action 2000D Strung Aluminium Tennis Racquet cost (
HEAD Titanium 3100 Strung Titanium Tennis Racquet cost (
Cosco Dribble Basket Ball cost (
Cosco Hi-Grip Basket Ball cost (
Cosco Super (M/C) Basket Ball cost (
SS Elite Mesh Cricket Shoes cost (
Cosco Dura Soft Overgrip cost (
Cosco Aero 777 Nylon Shuttlecock  cost (
Cosco Aero 747 Nylon Shuttlecock  cost (
Stag 3 Star Table Tennis Racquet cost (
Cosco Championship Tennis Ball cost (
Stag 2 Star Table Tennis Racquet cost (
Li-Ning GP-20 Overgrip Badminton Racket Grip cost (
Yonex Mavis 10 Nylon Shuttlecocks cost (
GKI Kung Fu DX Table Tennis Racquet cost (
GKI Euro V Table Tennis Racquet  cost (
HEAD Championship Tennis Ball cost (
Konex Nylon Green Shuttlecock cost (
Stag 4 Star Table Tennis Racquet  cost (
Stag 1 Star Table Tennis Racquet cost (
GKI Kung Fu Table Tennis Racquet cost (
Stag 5 Star Table Tennis Racquet cost (
SS Ton Reserve Edition English Willow Cricket Bat cost (
SG New Rubber Spikes Pro Cricket Shoes  cost (
Vector X Blast PVC Cricket Shoes cost (
BDM G6 English Willow Cricket Bat cost (
SS Reserve Edition Cricket Wicket Keeping Gloves cost (
WillCraft Multi-Color Saucer Cones cost (
Setia International Batting Leg Guard Elite Limited Edition cost (
Shrey Athletic Supporter Brief cost (
SB Batting Gloves cost (
VICKY Cricket Tennis Ball cost (
Shrey Athletic Supporter Trunk cost (
SS Ranji Abdominal Guard cost (
Yonex Mavis 350 Nylon Shuttlecock cost (
SS Test Opener Batting Pads cost (
Nivia Web Goalkeeper Gloves cost (
GKI Kung Fu DX Table Tennis Racquet cost (
Yonex Badminton Strings BG 66 cost (
WillCraft Pure Cotton Skull Pro Cap cost (
Nivia Premier Carbonite Football Stud Shoes cost (
loyalty program (
loyalty points (
referral program (
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claim rewards (
redeem points (
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refer your friends (
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Yonex Mavis 2000 Nylon Shuttlecock cost (
SG Club Leather Cricket Ball cost (
Cosco Ankle Weight cost (
SS Kashmir Willow Cricket Kit cost (
Sega Hattrick Cricket Shoes cost (