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BrillKids Software => Little Reader - General Discussion => Topic started by: luckylucy on February 12, 2009, 09:13:05 PM

Title: Able to run LR on Mac using Fusion or other parallels ????
Post by: luckylucy on February 12, 2009, 09:13:05 PM
Have any Mac users tried running Little Reader on their Mac using Fusion or boot camp parallel?  I just talked to a Mac guy and he said Fusion is 10x faster than anything else and there is no need to reboot which is a big plus. 

Is there any reason why it wouldn't work?  I mean, if Fusion can put Vista or XP on your Mac then shouldn't Little Reader run on it?

Title: Re: Able to run LR on Mac using Fusion or other parallels ????
Post by: LongTallDrink on February 12, 2009, 09:37:51 PM
I'm waiting on a copy of XP to try it out. I've heard Parallels is good as well, but I'm on tight budget, so I'm going to try Boot Camp first.
I'll post with my results.

Title: Re: Able to run LR on Mac using Fusion or other parallels ????
Post by: LongTallDrink on February 17, 2009, 07:21:17 AM
Ok, I'm suddenly in a windows world and only happy about it because it also means I'm in a LL world as well.
I finally got copies of XP and Vista Ultimate to try out with Boot Camp on my MacBook Pro. I decided to take Nikki's advice and go with Vista even though I'd heard some less than flattering things about it.
The installation went smoothly and so far I've had nothing worse than minor irritations. AND I've now got LMBeta and LRLite on board. So tomorrow is the beginning of a whole new adventure in learning for Marina and mama.
And now to bed.

Title: Re: Able to run LR on Mac using Fusion or other parallels ????
Post by: KL on February 17, 2009, 04:07:18 PM
Oh thanks so much for that info!! We'll recommend that to all Mac users!

I was going to answer your comment on the other thread about whether Vista or XP was better for LR/LM, so I'll answer that here.

Vista is better in the sense that it would make it easier to install (since it already has the required MS .Net Framework), and start-up will also be faster on Vista than on XP.  But if your computer is too slow to handle Vista, then you might get better performance on XP.

Title: Re: Able to run LR on Mac using Fusion or other parallels ????
Post by: LongTallDrink on February 17, 2009, 07:08:21 PM
You're very welcome! I have to say it was a very uncomfortable feeling seeing dos running across the screen of my mac. What I won't do for my baby!!

As for recommending it to all mac users, only macs with an intel core can support Boot Camp. Here is the link with everything you might want to know on the subject:

I was going to use XP, but at the last minute my little voice said go for the Ultimate, so I repartitioned to 32gbs and was away. I haven't done anything with the programs yet besides a little tour in the wee hours, but hopefully things will proceed as smoothly as they started.

The only drawback so far (other than windows itself  :clown: ), is the fact that you have to reboot to switch between platforms and Vista takes a lot longer than I'm used to. For the price, I'll grin and bear it. And be able to afford LRHome.

Now, on to the learning curve!   :wacko: