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Products Marketplace => Product Discussions and Reviews => Topic started by: jsmonton on February 25, 2009, 09:29:43 AM

Title: johsnon's baby bedtime wash by J&j - really works!
Post by: jsmonton on February 25, 2009, 09:29:43 AM
it comes in a cuties purple tube bottle with a very sweet & pleasant fragrance.i recently tried it with issam and have seen that it actually works!in the evenings, before i put issam to bed, i normally wash his hands, feet,face n genitals or even a quick bath (only if he is so messy as he normally bathes in the morning), as soon as i put his fresh nappy n pjs, his eyes are really sleepy and in no time sleeping nicely!
it actually calms him down!

Title: Re: johsnon's baby bedtime wash by J&j - really works!
Post by: nhockaday on February 25, 2009, 04:29:28 PM
Yeah, it has lavender, which has a calming effect. I have used it before too.

Title: Re: johsnon's baby bedtime wash by J&j - really works!
Post by: TABS on February 25, 2009, 06:43:09 PM
Hi jsmonton,

I remember using this too!  It was given to me as a gift and it really did make a difference - it is the lavander...  I also grow lavander in my garden and have used it in the past to help aid sleep.  I put it into a little material pocket and put it under our pillows.  It helped to correct my husbands sleep patterns, he had been working loads of over time and when it was all over he was suddenly wide awake at 12pm and on.  I got him to have a hot shower gave him a cup of hot chocolate and put the lavender under his pillow - it worked! 

My mom was big into essential oils when I was growing up and often remember her rubbing our feet with her concoctions, and they always had lavender in them.  I think it's one of the oils that don't need to be diluted.  Might be worth doing a little research into it perhaps a little oil on a tissue placed near the baby's bed may do the same trick?

Also if anyone does lots of baking, you can put the lavender flowers (about four) into a jar of sugar and it will scent and flavour the sugar.  You can use it in baking or to sprinkle on top of things. 


Title: Re: johsnon's baby bedtime wash by J&j - really works!
Post by: jsmonton on February 25, 2009, 07:32:06 PM
thanks tabs for the tips! maybe i will start using it as well since i find diffuculty nowdays in sleeping :)
