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BrillKids Software => HOW TOs and FAQs => Topic started by: Shuki on March 12, 2009, 03:58:18 AM

Title: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Shuki on March 12, 2009, 03:58:18 AM
Hi everybody!

Feel free to post in this thread is to suggest FAQ ideas for Little Math!  :yes:  Whether you're confused about a function, want to learn useful shortcuts to make using Little Math more efficient, or if you're just interested in knowing more about how to maximise your Little Math's effectiveness, post your FAQ requests here!

Shuki :)

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Ayesha Nicole on March 30, 2009, 05:55:17 PM
Dear Shuki,

How do I create red dot sets for 1 - 5 and 6 - 10?  I see that I can choose other icons, and do not understand how to choose red dots?  :confused:

Also, I want to set up a schedule inside of LM using category names of Day 1 Set 1 Numbers, Day 1 Set 2, Day 1 Set 3; etc. and then categories for addition/subtraction/multiplication/division/etc. and then I will create a playlist with Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.  I am still unsure how to do this in LM?

Thank you in advance.  :)


Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Shuki on April 01, 2009, 03:54:42 AM
Hi Ayesha,

I'll walk you through how to create 1-5 in red dots :)

1. In Little Math, go to the PLAYBACK screen, and click on the yellow "Learn numbers" button to go into your numbers list.
2. Click on the + NEW button in the bottom left part of Little Math to create a new Preset.  Type in the name of your new Preset and press ENTER on your keyboard to confirm.
3. On the right side of the screen there are two SETTINGS buttons, click on the upper SETTINGS button to enter your number settings.
4. Adjust the number range to show From: 1 on the left, and To: 5 on the right.
5. Change the Number of Displays to 5.
6. Make sure the Order is set to "Numerical Forward"

Now that we've set which numbers we want to display, time to adjust how the numbers are shown so they will be large red dots!

1. At the top of the Number Settings window, click on the DISPLAY tab.
2. Adjust the three displays so only the first one is active (the "1" will be in a green circle, the "2" and "3" should be grey) and set to ICON.
3. In the lower-left "Icon" section, change "Icon Set" to "Basic Shapes"
4. Change "Icon Item" to "Circle".
5. Adjust the other settings as desired, such as changing the colour to Red if you want red dots.

Finally, click SAVE to confirm your changes.

With regards to setting up schedules in Little Math, you may use Folders to separate your sets of numbers or math into individual days (see attachment for an example).

Hope that helps! :D

Shuki :)

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Ayesha Nicole on April 04, 2009, 02:45:29 PM
Dear Shuki,

You are the best!  :yes: Thank you!  :D

Now that I have set up my daily word sets in LR - I am now ready to do the same in LM and this makes it easier since I am still learning how to use it.

How do I set up the math formulas in LM using the schedule from Mandi or Doman Mom:

Reply #19

Do I just create a new category and name it as Day 1 Set 1 with the corresponding cards in it?  and continue through the schedule and put it on random?

Thanks a million!
Ayesha :)

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Shuki on April 06, 2009, 02:56:16 AM
Hi Ayesha,

Briefly skimming through, I think most of the work has already been done for you actually! :laugh:

If you want to go with Shichida's schedule (retiring in 5's), have a look at Agnesdecham (;u=1312;pg=4)'s files, which run through both cycles of numbers through to math.

To stick more closely to the Doman method (retiring in 2's), check out anjie (;u=4895;pg=5)'s great files!  These also run through both numbers and math, so you can use those as your foundation and personalise as you see fit.

Good luck, and happy teaching! :D

shuki :)

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: anjie on April 11, 2009, 12:26:26 PM
Hi all..

Thank you Shuki for suggesting my files and thank you Ayesha for being interested in it.

As I promised you, here's the schedule of Doman maths that I uploaded as presets.  While downloading each day's

presets, you will find that 2 numbers have been introduced and 2 have been retired.  The whole series have been

already done, so you don't have to change it.  As you progress if you feel like retiring 3 or 4 numbers, you can

change it in Number settings. Also please keep the files in a separate folder as to avoid any confusion.  Hope this

will be helpful to all.  Feel free to PM for any queries.



Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Frukc on May 11, 2009, 01:54:17 PM
Hi Shuki,
My question is how to inactivate icon sets which I don't want to use now. I don't want to delete them or to export somewhere, just to switch them off! here are several icon sets, and I want to use just one of them, and others later!
Thanks :) :)

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Shuki on May 12, 2009, 03:06:45 AM
Hi Frukc,

It sounds like your Icon Settings may be on Random (each slide) or Random (each playback)!

I've written up a quick FAQ for you to explain Icon Settings - click here to see the FAQ (

If you want to use just one of the Icon Sets, you may select the specific Icon Set you want from the drop-down menu in the Preset Settings window!

shuki :)

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Frukc on May 19, 2009, 06:50:16 PM
Thanks! Succeeded!
I was thinking, is there a possibility to switch off 3 of 5 icon sets etc. But now I see that it is much better to use one icon set feo each preset :):)

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Shuki on May 20, 2009, 03:12:01 AM
Hi Frukc,

I see...  Unfortunately Little Math doesn't have quite that extensive customization, but thanks for the suggestion!  Who knows, maybe it will feature in future versions of Little Math  :yes:

Thanks, and happy teaching :)


Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: KL on October 29, 2010, 03:28:16 AM
1. I've noticed that sometimes the icons are bigger and sometimes they are smaller. My baby prefers the large ones - is there a function that can adjust to show onle large icons?

Under Display Settings, you can adjust the icon size.  However, do note that ultimately, the maximum size is still controlled by LM depending on the number of icons being shown on the screen.

2. How can I make my own equations using both numbers and icons? f.eks. I need 25+5=30 where 25 is shown with icons and 5 is a number?

You can only do that for multiplication and division - see the same Display Settings page, on the top right section.

3. How to get a fine "round"-picture of my babys face to put it in LM?

You would need a graphics editor like Photoshop to edit the photo first, either by making the background transparent, or coloring it white.

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: sidonia on November 26, 2010, 10:12:35 AM
Can someone please tell me if I want to print out theLM lessons as  FlashCards(for my  presentation binder set ) how can I do that?and how to use that flash cards for reinforcing  LM curriculum ?Thank you for any help.

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: KL on November 27, 2010, 01:31:41 AM
I"m afraid LM does not have a print function at this time.

The best way to print right now would be to take screenshots of each number screen (whichever icons you like), and then paste them onto Powerpoint and then print off the slides.

Just show them on separate occasions to reinforce what she's learning through LM.

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: sidonia on November 29, 2010, 03:46:36 PM
Thank you very much for the answer to the question.
would like to know what would be the ideal size of the math flash cards ?

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: MummyMay on March 10, 2011, 12:05:52 AM
Hi there,

We have reached about lesson 60 but our little one seems very bored or disinterested in Maths(compared to absolute concentration with her reading). She literally starts looking away and playing around during maths time (started to show signs of this around lesson 50).  Should we give it a break (because she's not watching the screen anyway)?  Any suggestions?  Maybe change icons?  Size seems to be a factor to some....


Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Blooming_Brilliant on March 10, 2011, 01:16:01 AM
I am at the exactly same spot with my daughter. We are at week 60 and she wants out...although when I turn on the computer she says numbers and is excited when it starts she doesn't pay attention or wants to do something else. I don't want to stop the program even if it is for a little while because I already feel we have fell behind. We have taken time off from it before and we have started from square one twice. Math is really important to me, I have always struggled with math even when I was a little one, so I find it extremely important for my daughter to enjoy and complete this program.

Title: Re: Puzzled about Little Math? Suggest FAQ ideas here!
Post by: Eddy on March 15, 2011, 04:09:48 AM
Hi MummyMay and Christine,

Changing icons is a great way to personalize and even reinvigorate interest to your little ones towards Little Math. Many users have found this to be the case.

If you have not done so already, check out the Little Math Icon sets, most of which are free to download. There's many to choose from, so have a  browse around and choose one which your child might like, if they don't like one, try another one.

Little Math Icon sets;pg=1;sortby=date;orderby=desc

Also, there is no harm in taking a break, your child might have renewed interest later. It's still great that they are still enjoying reading!  :happy: