Title: learning languages by muzzy!!! Post by: ayana on April 19, 2009, 06:05:40 AM Has any one tried this product my friend has tried in uk . I was wondering if anyone else has.
The web site is www.early-advantage.com/muzzytrialoptin.aspx Thanks :) :) :) :) Title: Re: learning languages by muzzy!!! Post by: Krista G on April 22, 2009, 09:42:59 PM I tried it and returned it. It was no different than watching cartoons in a foreign language. Try Little Pim, it is done much more tastefully.
Title: Re: learning languages by muzzy!!! Post by: zoe22 on April 22, 2009, 10:46:03 PM I got it last week, my son was so excited when we ordered it but was dissappointed when he actually watched it, the picture was quite unappealing, I was expecting a better quality. Good thing we opted for the 30 day free trial, I'm returning it! some people testify to it though, so maybe I'm not patient enough. I hope someone that has had success with it will post here.
Title: Re: learning languages by muzzy!!! Post by: staceycanada on April 23, 2009, 01:55:33 AM We were given a copy and my kids were not impressed. It sits unused in my house.
Title: Re: learning languages by muzzy!!! Post by: Krista G on April 23, 2009, 11:12:36 AM I wanted Muzzy for years. Their marketing was so impressive. I was quite disappointed when I received it. It is just a cartoon. I could turn on cartoons in a forein language and it would be the same thing without the hefty price tag.
Title: Re: learning languages by muzzy!!! Post by: patience on April 23, 2009, 02:36:43 PM I have not tried it, but I kept hearing so much about it that I wanted to. Thanks for sharing because now that I know it is just a cartoon I think I will pass.
Title: Re: learning languages by muzzy!!! Post by: Cristofori on April 23, 2009, 04:08:08 PM i hate to admit that i 'm the only one here who liked it! My kids have had it sonce they were born, having received it as a gift. We traded it in for the DVD that can be set to every language (rather than just one). True, it is a cartoon, but my very young children liked it adnd still do years later. What it has that not every cartoon has is segments built into the storyline (perhaps i should say inserted into the storyline -- they have nothing to do with the story at all) that teach different things like, what to say in the morning, afternoon, evening, numbers, colors, letters, etc. The entire DVD story (which is quite lengthy) is devised to teach many different basic things in a foreign language. My kids have learned to say much from the DVD and understand all of it (even though we have not put on the subtitles, which you can also set it for in English and in the foreign language).
Title: Re: learning languages by muzzy!!! Post by: KUAngie on April 23, 2009, 05:39:38 PM We checked it out from the library. I'm glad I didn't spend money on it. My daughter liked Dora better, hence she learned more spanish words.
Angie |