BrillKids Forum

Downloads + Collaborations Discussions => General Collaborations => Topic started by: KL on June 20, 2009, 01:36:23 AM

Title: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: KL on June 20, 2009, 01:36:23 AM
Some of you seem to be interested in translating BrillKids content (esp the curriculum).

If you're interested in doing that, we would be happy to consider working with you similar to on a freelance basis.  Depending on what you will be offering (eg., just translation, or voice pronunciations, curriculum localization, etc.), we could work on the basis of a lump sum points awards to be agreed upon (the final content would belong wholly to BrillKids).

If you're interested, please PM me with details as to your background, work experience, and voice recording samples (if that's what you're offering).  If you've done LR translation work before, please show me the uploads or PM me the .cat/.pl files.

We will be looking for people who can deliver work to a professional standard, so we that will be the criteria that will be used.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Skylark on June 20, 2009, 04:09:29 AM
KL, will there be a possibility to use the points afterwards to purchase the curriculum, lets say upcoming Chinese curriculum. Or may be there can be an arrangement to do so for those who collaborate on translating/locaizing somehow? Just curious....

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Questers on June 20, 2009, 04:48:52 AM

May I know for which languages you are looking at?


Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Joha on June 20, 2009, 05:04:33 AM
I would be interested in translating the curriculum into Spanish including the voice pronunciation. Please let me know how you would like to arrange it.  :)

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: meandlinc on June 20, 2009, 06:37:44 AM

I was a professional translator for some time with a company that offered products to newspaper editors. Prior to that, I also performed a number of bilingual services, including, but not limited to phone sales and services. I have recorded 2 outgoing and queue messages in both English and Spanish, because my voice quality is high, or so I've been told and I am currently a committed stay-at-home mother who wishes to contribute. I would LOVE the opportunity to work on the Spanish portion of Brillkids.

I have been translating my kids' books into Spanish, so that they will become fluent in not just the speech portion of the language, but the read and written. I was actually just looking up the terms fishing bobber and several species of dinosaurs, so that I can better explain the questions to new materials that are sure to follow. For this, I am proud, and I feel I don't have a chance to get "mommy-brained" in the idiot sense, because I, too am growing and learning. My husband thinks it's funny that I am doing homework for a 23-month old, but when people make comments about how 'verbal' he is and smart, he gets it.

What's the plan what tools are needed and when do we start?

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Kyles Mom on June 20, 2009, 07:45:18 AM
Some of you seem to be interested in translating BrillKids content (esp the curriculum).

If you're interested in doing that, we would be happy to consider working with you similar to on a freelance basis.  Depending on what you will be offering (eg., just translation, or voice pronunciations, curriculum localization, etc.), we could work on the basis of a lump sum points awards to be agreed upon (the final content would belong wholly to BrillKids).

If you're interested, please PM me with details as to your background, work experience, and voice recording samples (if that's what you're offering).  If you've done LR translation work before, please show me the uploads or PM me the .cat/.pl files.

We will be looking for people who can deliver work to a professional standard, so we that will be the criteria that will be used.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: KL on June 20, 2009, 10:40:58 AM
KL, will there be a possibility to use the points afterwards to purchase the curriculum, lets say upcoming Chinese curriculum. Or may be there can be an arrangement to do so for those who collaborate on translating/locaizing somehow? Just curious....

Yes, there will be such a possibility. Subject to discussion with each potential freelancer.

May I know for which languages you are looking at?

Popular languages, such as:

- Spanish
- French
- Portuguese
- German
- Italian
- Japanese

I would be interested in translating the curriculum into Spanish including the voice pronunciation. Please let me know how you would like to arrange it.  :)

Please send me voice recording samples and info on your experience and background.  We need native speakers.

Meandlinc - replied to your PM already.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Nikolett on June 20, 2009, 12:02:07 PM
If it gets expanded to Russian, I would be interested. Sorry, not native to any other language... You have my voice sample :)
Let me know :D

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: renoir on June 20, 2009, 06:57:57 PM
I'm available to translate any kind of content into Italian.
I've attached a sample with my voice.
Feel free to get in touch with me.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: L and J on June 22, 2009, 05:00:08 PM
I will be really glad to help with portuguese, I'm from Brazil. I decide to don't download the new vesion, but sure I can help. I will be out for some times becouse I have a new baby now, but will not take to long. just let me now

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Skylark on June 22, 2009, 05:09:11 PM
Congratulations with your new baby! So great, you definetly have a good headstart with materials for teaching now!

Looking forward to your Portugese contributions! My husband lived in Brazil for many years, and would love our little girl to speak Portugese, he is willing to teach her ( even though he is not a native speaker, but he speaks good), so having some materials available will be so wonderful!

Great having you a part of community! :)

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Joanna07 on June 22, 2009, 05:31:54 PM
If you ever decide you'd like to translate curriculum to Polish, I'll be glad to help :)

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: L and J on June 24, 2009, 03:59:24 PM
that's nice skylark, and tanks... :rolleyes:
i'm changing something in my material, but now, i'm a little slow, my baby has only 6 days, but when i finish i will open for every body. :biggrin:

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: garry on July 10, 2009, 05:31:11 AM
I can translate in hindi, is that a language being considered?
Also, my kid is growing she is already 3.5 and by the time I earn enough points to buy content from the site, she will be 4+.
How will I use these points then. are you trying some alternate method of payment?

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: joni2009 on July 10, 2009, 01:25:38 PM
I can translate in Bulgarian ,if you are interested i can help :D

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Saba on July 12, 2009, 07:23:06 AM

Do you plan to translate them in Indonesian and Malaysian language. I could do that.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Longway on July 12, 2009, 03:43:22 PM

I was a programmer long time ago and still do some coding as a hobby. When I became a father and got to know Doman, I planned to create some VBA scripts in Powerpoint to better serve the need of Doman flash card. After reaching LR and LM, I happily found you have all I need in these programs.

My wife and I are native Mandarin Chinese speakers. But seems you are already working on Chinese curriculum. I'm more than happy to contribute Chinese content. I'm a long time photographer with high end digital SLR and a skillful user of major media editing tools (Adobe Photoshop, Cool Edit Pro, Premiere Pro, etc).

Here's a PPT file created last year for my kids with Mandarin (my wife) and English (me). To reduce file size, pictures (as well as animal sounds from Internet) are deleted.


Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Skylark on July 12, 2009, 04:02:57 PM
Longway, will be great you share some of your Mandarin teaching materials you've created with us all! Like PPPs, etc.! Looking forward!

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: ecotina on July 12, 2009, 10:21:22 PM
Hi KL,

If you're looking for someone to do German translations (including voice), I would LOVE to contribute. I'm not a native German speaker (my husband is) - but am very fluent with the language and also pronounciation (people on the phone get really surprised once they learn I'm not German!).

By the way, if you ever consider doing Hindi & Bengali (native speaker for both) - I would be interested in doing those too as I'm planning to teach my baby girl these languages anyway.

I'll PM you the voice files as well as more details for both myself & my husband by tomorrow.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Joha on July 13, 2009, 03:53:32 AM
You got me at German! lol  It would be great to have some files in German...

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: ecotina on July 13, 2009, 06:57:27 AM
Hi Joha,

I'll put the German files up - content that i create as well - as soon as I have them done.
We would love for our daughter to grow up at least trilingual (English, German & Hindi/ Benhgali) as I'm Indian and would like that she is able to speak my mother toungue too. Since my husband is German and we live in the German speaking part of Switzerland - she would obviously need flash cards in German too.

Am really looking forward the fun and adventure   :D 

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Joha on July 13, 2009, 12:28:34 PM
Thank you so much for wanting to share your files. That is great! :yes:  We have been putting up in this thread the information we find to teach German:

Looking forward to your files  :biggrin: Thanks again!

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: dawnn on July 16, 2009, 08:40:15 AM
 I would be interested in translating the curriculum into Dutch, if it's going to be included.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?- For KL
Post by: Joha on July 16, 2009, 01:39:36 PM

Could you please give us an idea (if you know) of how you guys are thinking to handle the translations? There are many people interested here in translating to languages that we are teaching our children, so I'm very excited about it, but would like to have some time frame. As we all know time is priceless  lol

PS. Hopping someone will volunteer to translated into Simplified Chinese , someone?  :D

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: KL on July 16, 2009, 02:47:45 PM
So much to do, so little time! :)

Sorry, Joha, the honest truth is, I can give you a time frame, but it's most likely going to be way off.  All I can say is that we'll be trying to release as much content as possible during the remainder of this year, which includes more English content, as well as language sets.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Joha on July 16, 2009, 03:15:04 PM
I know what you mean with a lot to do little time  :yes:  Let me ask, have you thought about starting to have the curriculum translated at least in the most popular languages? It takes time ( I started translating it for my daughter into Spanish and have long ways to go), so maybe if you guys start assigning may be a good start.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: L and J on July 25, 2009, 04:48:18 PM
Hi, :blush:  I have been think about translate the new brillkids content for my baby in portuguese, and send to you for see what do you think... how do I do for send thar to you???? I'm a native brazilian portuguese speeker.... :yes:

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: KL on July 27, 2009, 10:15:40 AM
Joha - yes, actually, slowly but surely we are moving on arranging for translation in the popular languages. but the biggest push will come once Semester 2 is finalized, so we can do everything at one shot instead of piecemeal.

L and J - you can send a translated .cat file to me via PM if you wish. thanks!

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: ketty rain on November 08, 2009, 07:36:04 AM
hi KL
iam interested in translating LRinto arabic  i have just translate some file and uploaded them but still need more practice foe the voice recording.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: Ayesha Nicole on November 12, 2009, 06:47:33 PM
Dear KL,

I am checking with Maria from  - to see if she is interested in assisting Ketty Rain with the Arabic translation.

- Ayesha :)

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: KL on November 13, 2009, 07:57:58 AM
Thanks, Ayesha, very kind of you!

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: L and J on January 27, 2010, 10:42:42 PM
Hi KL, like I told you before, I'm translading the material in portuguese for my kids, if you like, I can send to you when I'm done. Just let me know. and 1 question, is that ok for I upload the material for every body? I will be glad to share with the others, if you are not thinking to make the curriculum in portuguese.


Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: KL on January 29, 2010, 04:55:38 PM
Actually, we do have a potential partner working on the Portuguese version. Been slow-going, but we hope to have it done some time though.

Title: Re: Interested in Translating/Localizing BrillKids Content?
Post by: L and J on February 02, 2010, 05:40:21 PM
That is nice, if I can Help... I'm here.