Title: Need LM clarification Post by: krb on November 10, 2009, 02:01:38 PM I am a bit confused. Do I use the "Courses" tab and then follow each day's lessons or do I use the "Numbers" tab and choose a preset lesson? What is the difference between the two? Can you plug number presets into the daily courses?
Thank you for help. Title: Re: Need LM clarification Post by: KL on November 10, 2009, 03:20:17 PM Yes, you are meant to just follow the lessons set out under Courses.
The Numbers and Math tabs are presets that you can use in addition to the Course lessons for review purposes or what not. It's similar to how LR has Courses, but also has Categories and Playlists you can use separately from the Course lessons. Right now you cannot change any of the Course content. |