Title: License key not valid Post by: LillyOfTheValley on March 07, 2010, 11:42:52 AM Hi,
Yesterday I changed my computer because my other one had a virus and wasnt working properly anymore. Today i downloaded Little Math again and when i tried to enter my license key it said that its not valid! How does that come? Thanks, Lilly of the Valley Title: Re: License key not valid Post by: LillyOfTheValley on March 07, 2010, 12:50:26 PM Ok, it worked now, I entered the license key and it was correct.
I still have a question though. I read somewhere on the forum that KL said that the program can be installed up to 2 computers. This doesnt mean that I can't install the program on any computer anymore, right? I hope it means that the program can't work on more than 2 computers at the same time. Title: Re: License key not valid Post by: KL on March 07, 2010, 03:26:27 PM You can install as many times on the same computer and it will just count as 1 computer. :)
Not only that, you can install on 2 computers, then go to your ACcount Management to delete those entries, and then install on another 2 new computers. (But after you delete the 2 old ones, those 2 old computers will no longer work.) Title: Re: License key not valid Post by: LillyOfTheValley on March 07, 2010, 07:44:45 PM Ok, thanks!
I also had another question. If I adjusted my program on my pc and then something happens to the pc so I have to install LM/LR on another pc, how can I get my adjusted program there? Or do I have to start all over again? Title: Re: License key not valid Post by: KL on March 08, 2010, 08:26:13 AM Right now, the only practical way to do it is to export all content as .cat (and/or .pl files), and then reimport them back into the new computer.
The next major upgrade of LR however will include a backup/restore feature. Title: Re: License key not valid Post by: Kyles Mom on September 23, 2012, 10:19:21 PM I am having the same problem!
Title: Re: License key not valid Post by: Kezia on September 24, 2012, 07:01:36 AM Hi Kyle's Mom! This topic is a bit old, so it might be that the problem described in the earlier post is caused by a different issue.
Kindly clarify what you're experiencing so we can find a solution for you: 1. Was your license key suddenly deactivated? 2. Were you installing Little Math on a second (or on a new) PC and your key didn't work in that new installation? 3. Did you get any specific error message? Please write to us directly at support[at]brillkids[dot]com so we can provide further assistance. :yes: Title: Re: License key not valid Post by: Kyles Mom on September 24, 2012, 09:29:06 AM I have not used LittleMath for queit sometime now, not after he lost his interest!
And yday I realised after formatting my pc, I havent installed it. when I reinstalled the license key I have is a long list of characters. not similar to the example shown. Title: Re: License key not valid Post by: Kezia on September 25, 2012, 01:38:27 AM Hi Kyle's Mom, I just found where the issue came from. Kindly check your account page again and you should see a Little Math key that you can easily copy-paste into your software (you can still download it as a license key file if you prefer to do that)
In case the changes don't appear automatically for you, please press Ctrl + F5 Do let me know if you're still having problems with your license key. |