You're very welcome! I have to say it was a very uncomfortable feeling seeing dos running across the screen of my mac. What I won't do for my baby!!
As for recommending it to all mac users, only macs with an intel core can support Boot Camp. Here is the link with
everything you might want to know on the subject: was going to use XP, but at the last minute my little voice said go for the Ultimate, so I repartitioned to 32gbs and was away. I haven't done anything with the programs yet besides a little tour in the wee hours, but hopefully things will proceed as smoothly as they started.
The only drawback so far (other than windows itself

), is the fact that you have to reboot to switch between platforms and Vista takes a lot longer than I'm used to. For the price, I'll grin and bear it. And be able to afford LRHome.
Now, on to the learning curve!