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1  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Sweets on: September 26, 2012, 03:37:25 AM
Glad to hear I'm not alone.  Around Easter, I start hiding plastic eggs around the house.  In some, I put something edible like raisins or fish crackers (something that can be eaten any time).  In others, I put trinkets like some of my daughter's own little figurines - a duck, bunny, etc..  She has fun finding the eggs.  My daughter doesn't like chocolate (really - not sure how that happened as that's my one vice!) but she does like sweet tarts.  Oh yeah, that brings up that at the bank and the post office they generally offer either sweet tarts or suckers to the kids.  Now that my daughter knows that, she wants to go along to get the mail!  I'm trying to teach her that we don't eat sweets and treats every day. 

Fortunately, both my kids eat most anything put before them.  They like their veggies and especially their fruits.  I like the quick sale rack at Meijers where we shop! 
2  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: What made you decide to homeschool? on: September 25, 2012, 08:45:11 PM
I'm trying out the homeschooling for our 4 year old.  There's a homeschool group that meets one day a week in town that we're going to check out this week.  I like the flexibility with homeschooling and we don't have to drive to town every day to drop her off and pick her up.  Homeschooling is a good outlet for creativity as well.  Plus I like the chance to spend the time with my daughter.  I'm using an existing curriculum but embellishing it with things from Jump Start and other kids' sites online.

For next year, I'm looking into an online public school called K12 (  Has anyone heard of this online school?  The drawback seems to be that you have to stick to their schedule each week/month/year.  So that would not allow for a student who excels in a specific subject to move ahead faster.  Also I'm not sure yet how much "homework" that program assigns if any.  I've written on their site but haven't gotten a response.

We'd consider a Christian school if we had the money and if we lived within walking distance.  There is a small Christian school 10 minutes down the road that uses a "homeschool" curriculum (paces).  A friend of ours used that curriculum and attended that school for part of her education.  She liked it and did fine with it.  Not sure yet on the cost of the curriculum if we were to do it at home versus at the school. 
3  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Bedtime Math on: September 25, 2012, 08:23:41 PM
Looks challenging for a 4 year old but we'll have to check it out.
4  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: Free Christian preschool curriculum online on: September 25, 2012, 08:20:52 PM
Do you know of a website that has specific "learning to write" info & videos?  I'm sure there are different ways to teach writing the letters.  Not sure what is "proper" or what is being taught in schools now.

I sit with my daughter and do the tracing.  I'm using it mostly to see where she's at.  Up until now, I haven't done a lot of "formal" teaching.  i just let her doodle and draw.  She's started to try to write actual letters & numbers on purpose so I figured we'd go with that interest.  smile   She's eager to learn so I'm combining doing my own homeschooling  with taking her to a "homeschool" group that meets once a week.
5  Parents' Lounge / Forum Games / Re: Whats your babies first word? on: September 25, 2012, 07:40:32 PM
My 18 month old son isn't a big talker yet.  So far it's been "hi", followed by "da-ee" (daddy), "dog" and "woof" (in response to our asking him what does the dog say) and an occasional "mommy".   My daughter started talking earlier.  Among her first words was "dirt", which sounded funny when she'd say it cause she was so emphatic about it.  Of course we were always saying something was dirty and not to put it in her mouth which is probably why she picked up on it.  One of her first phrases was "pop dough we dough" (Pop goes the weasel).  It took me a bit to figure that one out!
6  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Sweets on: September 23, 2012, 08:05:05 PM
We don't give our kids many sweets yet (age 4 1/2 & 1 1/2).  I would think that if people are trying to train their kids in good eating habits, it would be praised.  Somehow it seems though that others think you're depriving your kids or something.  Anyone else face that?   It's especially coming into play during Halloween.  We don't go trick/treating or the alternatives.  We just dress the kids up and take them to see their grandparents.  At their age, that's enough for them and they don't feel a bit deprived. 

In another sweets situation, I mentioned at our local pool that they should consider giving out mini-packages of cookies or something other than skittles, M&Ms and candy bars at the end of their 5 weeks of swimming lessons.  I would think they would do something different, especially for the "infant" swim (6 months - age 3).    It just seems like we're perpetuating unhealthy choices by making sweets the treat of choice as a reward.
7  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Question for parents practicing elimination communication/ infant potty training on: September 23, 2012, 06:52:50 PM
Not sure I saw what age your little one is.   It's great that you're trying the ECing.  Kids do communicate in their own way that they need to go so it's great to help them go in a potty.  Glad someone linked to the prior EC discussions  smile

We've done EC since birth with our son who is now 18 months old.  I don't necessarily wait yet for his cue.  I do sometimes see him do the stop and stare.   Lately he's been sitting on the potty (with his clothes still on).  I'm not sure if he's peeing right then but when I check, he's wet.    Usually we just give him potty opportunities.  I kind of gauge on how much he's had to drink.  Plus I just go based on the day's schedule of events like putting him on the potty when he gets up, before lunchtime, before & after naptime, etc.. He has toys to play with but generally he pees right away or within the first 3 or 4 minutes if he has to go pee.  During the nighttime (around 11 pm or so), he tends to get squirmy and cry out if he has to go.   I'm thinking we'll do the transition to using the training pants & him "telling me he has to go" sometime around 20 months if he seems ready.  That's about when I did it with our daughter.
8  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Free Christian preschool curriculum online on: September 23, 2012, 06:37:03 PM
I was just looking into preschool curriculum online and there are lots of things out there.   I found one that I'm going to give a try for now.  It's:  .   Navigating their site isn't too easy but once I got to the curriculum, it looks like something that I can work with.   One thing I'm wondering about is with regards to handwriting and letters.  I'm trying to decide if my daughter is ready to follow the instructions for "the correct way" to write her letters.  I don't want her to get into bad habits with writing her letters.  For now I'm just having her practice tracing dotted line patterns.
9  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: Free Kindergarten Common Core (US) workbook download....with conditions. on: September 23, 2012, 06:04:23 PM
DId you get the workbook?  Which one did you get - the English or Math or both?   What do you think of them?
10  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: Carrying a tune - born with it or learned? on: September 16, 2012, 05:48:49 PM
Thanks for all the feedback!    I didn't know the LMS could be adjusted for octave.  That's good to know!  Once we do get LMS, I'll have to install it on our second computer as well and see if daddy would like to try it out  smile    He can mostly match pitch with certain singers/songs that he knows well when it's in his range and he gets the up/down gist.  My daughter can recognize a tune and she can sometimes keep the pitch within the song.  She really loves music/singing so it's my hope that doing the LMS with her will only help her develop that ear.   And little brother will get to pick it up along with her.  He loves music too and though he doesn't talk too much yet, he signs "more" even before we're done singing one song just to let us know he wants the singing to continue.   
11  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Carrying a tune - born with it or learned? on: September 16, 2012, 03:21:25 AM
Just curious if anyone knows if the ability to "carry a tune" (match pitch) is more genetic or learned?  My daughter (4) loves singing.  I've sang to/with her a lot since birth.  We eagerly awaited Little Musician.  We tried it out and she had fun with it so we're budgeting to buy it.  In general I have noticed my daughter seems to lose track of pitch.  She gets the up/down but not quite the pitch in relation to where she started out.  I've got the musical ear but daddy has a harder time matching pitch (especially when I sing next to him!).  So when we try to sing all together, it's a challenge.  I usually let my daughter start singing then I try to match her and then daddy is on his own  smile    Anyways, I haven't looked more into it yet online.  I just thought I'd see if anyone out there knows.  My son is just learning to talk so I'll be eager to hear him sing and see where he'll fit in to our family "choir".
12  BrillKids Software / Little Musician - General Discussion / Re: LITTLE MUSICIAN - NOW LAUNCHED! on: May 21, 2012, 06:58:24 PM
How long will the $175 (bundle pricing) be going on for?  Just want to make sure I don't miss it.  How much will regular pricing then be?  What type of a deal do you typically do with letting folks use loyalty points towards purchasing the software?  (i.e. an approx. like 10000 loyalty points equals $10 off or something)?   Thanks.
13  BrillKids Software / Little Musician - General Discussion / Re: LITTLE MUSICIAN - now in OPEN BETA TESTING (with a complete curriculum)! on: April 13, 2012, 05:02:01 AM
The Little Musician Beta will be usable until May 10th, 2012 - will you extend that if the "real" version isn't quite ready for release?   Will anything from the Beta version still function/be usable after May 10?    Will you run any deals for Little Musician once it's released?  smile    Can points be used towards purchase of software or curriculum?  Thanks!  Deb
(downloading now... looking forward to testing it out!)
14  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Infant Potty Training/Elimination Communication on: January 06, 2011, 03:55:28 AM
We pretty much did infant pottying fulltime, with a few adaptations.  We used a bowl for catching pees/poos when our daughter was around 1 1/2 mo. old.  I would make a "pshhhh" sound each time she peed.  We also followed the Babywise routine of  sleep, eat, play, sleep, eat play, etc.  So when our daughter woke up, we'd take her diaper off and have her try to pee. Then she'd eat and by the end of nursing/eating, we'd have her try to pee again.  Then before going down for her nap, she'd get a "pee opportunity" again.  Once her wake times were longer, I'd give her pee opps. every half hour to 45 min.  That was how I viewed it - I gave her pee opportunities.  Between the holding her bare bottom over the bowl and making the "pshhhh" sound, I think she just figured it out and would go.  I didn't catch them all but we got better as time went by.  We used the Baby Bjorn little potty from the time she could sit (around 5 months).  We haven't had a dirty diaper to change since!  We still take the little Baby Bjorn potty around now as a potty for when we're out and about and can't find a bathroom (i.e. on the road, on a walk).  In our house, we put plastic easy-to-wash toys in a basket by her potty for her to occupy her time if she doesn't go right away.  Some are bath toys and some are just misc. toys like a shape sorting toy.  Every now and then we rotated the toys so they were by different potties.   

So we used 2 little Baby Bjorns from the start and then moved up to the larger Baby Bjorns.  Right now we have 3 potties in the house for her to use - 2 are Baby Bjorn large potties and one is another brand with a lid (this one is in her bedroom).  At age 2 1/2, our daughter does go pee and poo on the big potty when we are out and about.  But I have found at home having the toddler potties as opposed to the potty seat on the big potty has been preferable so our daughter can simply go and use her little potty without help.  She will even empty the ones that are in the bathroom (w/o making a mess too)!

As for increasing her potty independence, once our daughter was about 15 months (during summer), we let her go bare butt a little when playing outside.  We had a little Baby Bjorn nearby and when she started to pee, we'd point it out (or she would) and usher her to her potty.  The next 4 or 5 months became a transition of having her go potty whenever I went, or when I thought she needed to go, to watching more for her cue.  When she was about 21 months (January), I went through a week of dressing her down, keeping it nice & warm in the house and letting her pretty much cue when she needed to go.  I had a potty in the living area as well as the bathroom and her bedroom.  After a few accidents, she caught on.   By age 2, she was pretty much trained although she still had to have help pulling down her pants and pulling them back up.  Now at 2 1/2, she can do that by herself for the most part. 

One thing I did to help with the nighttime was to get my daughter up (no talking) to go potty in a little potty right by her bed each night.  She barely woke up when I'd do this.  It ended up being usually about 3 hours after she went to bed.  Since I'm a night owl, it worked for us that I had her go before I went to bed.   Now I only get her up if I know she had a lot to drink for dinner or soon before bedtime.  I also have used a monitor in our room and hers to hear her in the night.  On a few occasions she would wake up and call for help to go pee.   We are happily at the point that in the mornings, I don't need to rush to help her go pee because she can take off her own sleeper and use her little potty in her room all on her own! 

Regarding diapering, we had lots of disposable diapers given as baby gifts.  So I used Kushies AIO diaper inserts inside of the disposable diapers.  Since I pretty much took her diaper off right after naptime, eating, etc., I often caught our daughter with a dry diaper or not too wet.  As long as the disposable was dry and as long as the waist straps held the diaper on ok, I would reuse the diaper.  Eventually I got Kushies pocket diapers but did the same thing with those - I just laid the Kushies insert right inside the diaper and reused the Kushies if it wasn't too damp.  Around the 18 to 21 month stage, I used Kushies training pants and around 22 to 26 months switched to Gerber cloth training pants with the Kushies at night.  Since then we made the change to regular undies all the time with only a few minor incidents. 

For us, EC has been worth it.  Since she has gone on a potty since 5 months, our daughter pretty much knew that was where to go.  Having the toys to entertain helped on any occasions where she didn't go right away or was working on poo poos or just didn't want to sit and try to go.  The transition to no diapers was only a matter of time as to when she could identify that she had to go, then make it to the potty in time and get her undies/pants down (first with our help and later on her own). 

When out and about, we try to have our daughter go before we leave home, when we arrive at the destination (store or someone's house) and before we leave.  We're giving her a little more say so - if she says she doesn't have to go, we don't always make her try, depending on the situation (i.e. how much she's had to drink & when; where we are and how easily accessible the bathroom is).

Here are a couple sites that might be helpful regarding EC/infant pottying.

Best to all who try it.  You might face skeptics (spouse, friends, family) but once they see how it works, they might see it's worth the effort in the long run.  I share about EC with my friends and family mostly because it's not so common so if no one suggests it as an option, others won't know about it.  Now that we have a baby boy due to arrive, I have to figure out how the ECing will differ for him than it did for his sister.   
15  The BrillKids Forum / Contests / Re: WINNERS OF THE VIDEO CONTEST: You, your baby and Little Reader! on: July 16, 2010, 06:21:02 PM
Thanks Brillkids!  Congrats to all the other cuties who participated. 
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