We pretty much did infant pottying fulltime, with a few adaptations. We used a bowl for catching pees/poos when our daughter was around 1 1/2 mo. old. I would make a "pshhhh" sound each time she peed. We also followed the Babywise routine of sleep, eat, play, sleep, eat play, etc. So when our daughter woke up, we'd take her diaper off and have her try to pee. Then she'd eat and by the end of nursing/eating, we'd have her try to pee again. Then before going down for her nap, she'd get a "pee opportunity" again. Once her wake times were longer, I'd give her pee opps. every half hour to 45 min. That was how I viewed it - I gave her pee opportunities. Between the holding her bare bottom over the bowl and making the "pshhhh" sound, I think she just figured it out and would go. I didn't catch them all but we got better as time went by. We used the Baby Bjorn little potty from the time she could sit (around 5 months). We haven't had a dirty diaper to change since! We still take the little Baby Bjorn potty around now as a potty for when we're out and about and can't find a bathroom (i.e. on the road, on a walk). In our house, we put plastic easy-to-wash toys in a basket by her potty for her to occupy her time if she doesn't go right away. Some are bath toys and some are just misc. toys like a shape sorting toy. Every now and then we rotated the toys so they were by different potties.
So we used 2 little Baby Bjorns from the start and then moved up to the larger Baby Bjorns. Right now we have 3 potties in the house for her to use - 2 are Baby Bjorn large potties and one is another brand with a lid (this one is in her bedroom). At age 2 1/2, our daughter does go pee and poo on the big potty when we are out and about. But I have found at home having the toddler potties as opposed to the potty seat on the big potty has been preferable so our daughter can simply go and use her little potty without help. She will even empty the ones that are in the bathroom (w/o making a mess too)!
As for increasing her potty independence, once our daughter was about 15 months (during summer), we let her go bare butt a little when playing outside. We had a little Baby Bjorn nearby and when she started to pee, we'd point it out (or she would) and usher her to her potty. The next 4 or 5 months became a transition of having her go potty whenever I went, or when I thought she needed to go, to watching more for her cue. When she was about 21 months (January), I went through a week of dressing her down, keeping it nice & warm in the house and letting her pretty much cue when she needed to go. I had a potty in the living area as well as the bathroom and her bedroom. After a few accidents, she caught on. By age 2, she was pretty much trained although she still had to have help pulling down her pants and pulling them back up. Now at 2 1/2, she can do that by herself for the most part.
One thing I did to help with the nighttime was to get my daughter up (no talking) to go potty in a little potty right by her bed each night. She barely woke up when I'd do this. It ended up being usually about 3 hours after she went to bed. Since I'm a night owl, it worked for us that I had her go before I went to bed. Now I only get her up if I know she had a lot to drink for dinner or soon before bedtime. I also have used a monitor in our room and hers to hear her in the night. On a few occasions she would wake up and call for help to go pee. We are happily at the point that in the mornings, I don't need to rush to help her go pee because she can take off her own sleeper and use her little potty in her room all on her own!
Regarding diapering, we had lots of disposable diapers given as baby gifts. So I used Kushies AIO diaper inserts inside of the disposable diapers. Since I pretty much took her diaper off right after naptime, eating, etc., I often caught our daughter with a dry diaper or not too wet. As long as the disposable was dry and as long as the waist straps held the diaper on ok, I would reuse the diaper. Eventually I got Kushies pocket diapers but did the same thing with those - I just laid the Kushies insert right inside the diaper and reused the Kushies if it wasn't too damp. Around the 18 to 21 month stage, I used Kushies training pants and around 22 to 26 months switched to Gerber cloth training pants with the Kushies at night. Since then we made the change to regular undies all the time with only a few minor incidents.
For us, EC has been worth it. Since she has gone on a potty since 5 months, our daughter pretty much knew that was where to go. Having the toys to entertain helped on any occasions where she didn't go right away or was working on poo poos or just didn't want to sit and try to go. The transition to no diapers was only a matter of time as to when she could identify that she had to go, then make it to the potty in time and get her undies/pants down (first with our help and later on her own).
When out and about, we try to have our daughter go before we leave home, when we arrive at the destination (store or someone's house) and before we leave. We're giving her a little more say so - if she says she doesn't have to go, we don't always make her try, depending on the situation (i.e. how much she's had to drink & when; where we are and how easily accessible the bathroom is).
Here are a couple sites that might be helpful regarding EC/infant pottying.
http://www.diaperswappers.com/http://diaperfreebaby.org/Best to all who try it. You might face skeptics (spouse, friends, family) but once they see how it works, they might see it's worth the effort in the long run. I share about EC with my friends and family mostly because it's not so common so if no one suggests it as an option, others won't know about it. Now that we have a baby boy due to arrive, I have to figure out how the ECing will differ for him than it did for his sister.