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EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Thank you note +free flashcards
on: September 01, 2017, 08:09:00 PM
Aloha Everyone, I want to thank you Waterdreamer for mentioning my blog. Although it was done a while ago ;-) blogkidviet, you are starting a great blog as well, keep it going! I will be visiting you for sure:) I would like to mention my new website I'm currently creating: It's just a start and I have tons of other printable materials to add to a website Doman like materials too. I've been teaching my boys since they were born. Now they are 6 and 8. You can shoot me an email at [email protected]. You can ask me anything regarding teaching, materials etc No strings attached. I'm here to help anyone who wants to gain more knowledge about early education. Please visit my blogs: (I'm not so active on this one anymore but maybe you can find some ideas or resources you need. If you would like to receive free flashcards please click here: hui hou, Marta
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Newbie needs help please.
on: August 31, 2017, 04:18:47 AM
Hi FunGran, I don't see anyone who answers your question so I will try to do it. It's always good to start with the basic. You have 2 little babies and it's safe to start with basic flashcards of colors, family members, things around the house etc /bits of Intelligence-pictures only. I would make a daily schedule and a list of flashcards you want to show and start showing to babies. It will be lots of testing and tries if you will be able to do these sessions together. The younger babies may want to sleep when the other one is fresh and ready etc. I can give you a tip that may work for you as it worked for me. I created a very comfortable spot for my boys which was a little corner with books around. There was a little child size sofa which boys loved to sit on. I invited them with a convincing, happy voice to come over. I called my sessions "Bit time" so that's what I called when it was time for a session. They loved it and they always were coming to play with me. Always finish your session with a game. Give them a chance to participate to touch flashcards and just simply play with them. Have fun, laugh and be happy. I would start with picture flashcards-bits. Then once it progresses and you see that children are ok with sessions you can introduce math or English. Don't' try to introduce everything at once. It may be overwhelming at first and hard to you. It's really hard work if you want to run few programs with 2 children. It may be done of course, but take time, observe your babies. Look if they like it and if it works. Test different method, different times and places. Then slowly progress. Have your flashcards ready and prepared a month in advance. Time goes quickly and you may run out of flashcards so it's better to be proactive. Let me know if that answered your question. Shoot me an email at [email protected] if you have more questions. Good luck! Marta
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Am I doing it right
on: June 09, 2017, 05:08:23 AM
I would say focus your attention on your baby's reaction. Does she like these sessions? Is she fully concentrated? Is she asking for more? If yes, you can try to add one more session and see how she reacts to that change. If she will like it keep it 3 sessions a day. If she will lose interest you can go back to 2 sessions.
What I saw with my boy is that once I introduced 3 sessions a day he progressed to the point where he didn't like to see the same session for 5 full days because he already learned those words. I had to choose to keep going 2 sessions a day and keep the same pace or to keep 3 times a day with only 3 days a week.
I've chosen the second scenario for him. I know other kids like repetition and 3 sessions a day for 5 days, so I guess you need to know how to play it right. There is no perfect answer to how much time you should or shouldn't spend on your child's lesson. Keep trying different methods and eventually, you will find the right system that works for your daughter.
Good luck
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Anybody know flashcard books for young children?
on: June 09, 2017, 04:55:17 AM
Please check this website Here, is a free product and they have other free as well to print out and try it with your child. I used similar flashcards to boost my babies vocabularies. I flashed them by categories 3-5 sets a day for 5 days. My visual spatial boy (right brainer) got the most of it as his brain was able to see the picture and learn how to say it at the same time by looking at words. When you have a baby you don't really know yet if he/she is visual spatial or not flashcards with words are a great tool to try. I bundled my flashcards with book rings after I was done with flashing method and used them as regular books. It worked like magic :-)
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: how to teach other languages?
on: July 04, 2011, 07:13:03 PM
vanichezhiyan, I saw the youtube video of a 4 years old girl who was speaking 11 languages. Amazing!! I'm not sure how she was exposed to all of them, I guess I should asked in comments section, but that was long time ago and I wasn't so interested at that time. I guess if you would like to present Doman method to teach other languages you would need to create all these flashcards and show them to a baby. But how someone can do that without knowledge of the language? I think in that case someone need to look into other sources of materials like dvd's, music, teacher, programs like BrillKids, online flashcards. I've started a journey to teach my baby Eaton different languages:Chinese, Japanese. Please check my post: I've started with English: BrillKids Polish:purchased flashcards Spanish: educational DVD's, BrillKids lessons, simple books I can read and flashcards, now I also use some Montessori Print Shop cards, but most of these words Eaton know already. Chinese: see my post: DVD's, songs, teacher, BrillKids (not effective with my baby) Japanese: educational dvd's Russian: lessons from BrillKids, plan to translate and make some flashcards as I know that language a little bit. I try to use all materials available on the market. Sometimes I will not buy a dress for myself  but I will purchase some educational material for my baby. People are also very helpful with exchanging materials. Have a great holiday! Marta
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: My 1 year old is obsessed with books - should I be concerned?
on: May 10, 2011, 06:52:18 AM
Arvi, When my boy was about the same age he was obsessed with books too. He was waking me up at 4 am and wanted me to read books. He was constantly sitting next to shelf with all his books and he was giving me one by one for reading. Many times I didn't finish a book and he was giving me another one. Then he was giving me the same one to read many times. I was constantly reading to him all day long. But he was doing some other activities too. Mostly montessori toddlers toys-he loved them a lot, because it was a challenge for him.
I was increasing amount of our books every week going to thrifts stores. I was looking at different books that included different words, pictures, different tenses. It was totally worth it. This stage changed and he stopped reading books for 2 months at about 18-19 months. He was interested in trucks, cars and mighty machines. Now Eaton is 28 months old and he reads books very regurally-about 10-13 average a day. But it also depends if we stay home or doing more activities outside. At this point he learns a lot from books and he loves them.
So I wouldn't worry about reading too much, also I wouldn't worry about the stage that baby doesn't touch books at all. Once you started stimulate baby's brain he/she will ask for more now or later.
You are on a way to raise a kid who will love reading books, so enjoy that stage ;-)
xoxo marta
Local Support Groups / Hawaii / Re: Aloha
on: February 22, 2011, 07:12:59 AM
Hi Diana! I just saw your post about moving to Hawaii! Gratulation! Great to have another early learning mom close by. I'm from Big Island. Right now I'm watching your cute son reading periodic table, so beautiful. He knows a lot of interesting stuff! Interesting blog you have 