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Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Best way to teach Chinese, German and English
on: April 25, 2012, 02:23:25 AM
Hi Biene!
My daughter is 3 1/2 and we started to introduce her to English, Spanish, Mandarin and German when she was 6 months old. My husband speaks English, I speak Spanish, Mandarin she has learned from DVD's and we ended up dropping the German because we run out of materials. I'll definitely say to teach her all the languages at the same time. They may mix words here and there, but with time the get better at using the right words when speaking certain language.
Now, regarding your baby answering to you in English, is normal because you live in Australia and that is his native language right now. I have the same issue with my dd, but every time she speaks to me in English I tell her she need to tell me in Spanish. I tell her I don't understand. She knows I do, but that is the way of my telling her the conversation is not going to continue until she talks to me in Spanish. Neither of us speak or know Mandarin, but a couple of times she has named things in Mandarin (or at least we think is Mandarin because of the pronunciation) and one of her favorite DVS right now are in Mandarin.
Hope this helps! Good job on your journey!
Parents' Lounge / Forum Games / Re: Add an animal
on: October 09, 2011, 02:25:32 AM
dinosaur • dog • cat • eastern pipistrelle • wood rat • rat • pig • tiger • lion • jaguar • camel • fox• cow • rabbit • mouse, hamster • cougar • spotted skunk • polar bear • deer • goat • alligator • ox • least shrew • coyote • coypu • seal • zebra • sheep • tiger • gorilla • leopard • wolf • giraffe • panda • monkey • donkey • weasel • kangaroo • porcupine • vole • mole • guinea pig • frog • panther • chameleon • mouse • hippopotamus • crocodile • walrus • iguana • white mouse • wombat • elephant • horse • puppy • lizard • lemur • koala bear • warthog • camel • lamb • cheetah • ape • panda • emu • saltwater crocodile • yak • fish • bull • hedgehog • horse • buffalo • mosquito • ant • whale • dolphin • platypus • bat • snake • dingo • raccoon • llama • swan • squirrel • whale • hyena • eagle • gazelle.hen • shark nemes • armadillo
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Nap Time Help!
on: October 06, 2011, 04:31:18 AM
We had the same issue with our dd. We always closed the door thinking it would be best to keep noise out of her room. I have been reading a book regarding sleep problems and it suggested to leave the door open so they don't keep wondering what is going on and they feel connected. We tried it and it worked! Everyday she says she doesn't want to take her nap and I tell her I will leave the door open if she doesn't fight it and stays in bed. Sometimes she goes to sleep right away, others she talks for a little bit and then falls to sleep. I had to close the door a couple of times that she got up with excuses. That way she knew I wasn't joking. There may be a couple of times your baby may cry and it's ok because you know he needs the rest. If tat doesn't work the next step is to create "a big crib" in his room. You do that by putting a gate and leaving the door open. Some people may not agree with this. We weren't sure about it, but after many sleepless nights and trying many different things, we are going to put a gate up and see how it goes. The open door technique has worked for us for naps but not for the night Hope this helps a little bit.
Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Brilliant Minds Montessori Math Kit
on: April 02, 2011, 03:18:17 AM
Thank you for the Right Smart program suggestion. I just checked their website and it definitely looks like it is something that will work for us. I'm going to wait a few months since they new baby will be here shortly and probably will not have much time to spear. As soon as I get it and use it, I'll give you an update. K2U.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: birthday party for 1 year old
on: March 17, 2011, 02:53:21 AM
We only had family and close friends and ended up being a big party. We did a ladybug theme, but my dd didn't really care about it. We did it to have the memory of her first birthday party but honestly they don't care about anything and you spend a lot of money even on something not to big. I'll say to pick a character you son likes for decorations and don't worry about any activities. Since all the kids were little they were with their parents most of the time anyways. They kind of got together when we started opening the gifts and they were toys, but you know how it goes the attention spam of that was 5 minutes at the most. We did go to a costume party for a year old and half of the kids had their costumes on and the other half had taken them off, but none of them seemed to be scare by any of them since the only ones in costumes were the kids and most of the times their costumes are cute. Now, these were all girls, so maybe that will make a difference on the type of costumes people will put on their kids. Make sure you have a cupcake for your son. I didn't do it and I wish I had done it  My dd was overwhelmed with the big cake.
Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Brilliant Minds Montessori Math Kit
on: February 26, 2011, 07:31:30 AM
Thank you for asking lzp11. For now LM is out of the question as soon as I started loading it she said no, no. She does count a lot uring the day, but my concern is that most things she counts are up to 10. She mastered her numbers up to 10 in English. When counting up to 20 she always skips 13 and 16. In Spanish she does so much better, she can count up to 20 no skipping numbers. I'm just still struggling on how to introduce number beyond 20. I created a playlist of videos for counting in youtube and my dd really likes them. I got some pompoms so she could sort them by color and then put as many pompoms as the number the flash card was showing, but she just wants to play with them and not do the exercise. I just found a matching game I had bought last year that has the number, the word and the picture to be matched. I'm going to try that tomorrow. I got my foam dice last week, but I had not used them because wasn't sure how to make a game with them. I think I'm going to have a couple of containers, throw the dice and out as many beans in the container as the number on the dice. Having the couple of containers will help when doing addition or subtraction. The set of dice I got had two dice with numbers, two with dots and two with signs. I'll let you know how it works.
I'm still thinking about getting Numicon. Which kit did you get?