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[22 Mar] Important Announcement Regarding License Keys and Usage of BrillKids Products (More...)

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[08 Jun] NEW: Vietnamese Curriculum for Little Reader! (More...)

[15 May] Hello Pal Social Language Learning App Has Launched! (More...)

[3 Mar] Update: Hello Pal now Beta Testing! (What We've Been Up To) (More...)

[11 Feb] Sign up for our Little Reader Vietnamese Beta Testing Program! (Sign ups open until FEB. 15, 2015 ONLY!) (More...)

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[18 Nov] Get your Arabic Curriculum for Little Reader! (More...)

[21 Oct] EEECF News: Get 30% Off from Hoffman Academy! (More...)

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[13 Aug] The Early Education for Every Child Foundation (EEECF) is now a registered charity on AMAZON SMILE! (More...)

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[09 May] Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts! (More...)

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[13 Mar] Get your FREE Chinese Curriculum Update for Little Reader! (More...)

[20 Feb] FINALLY, introducing our Spanish Curriculum for Little Reader! (More...)

[24 Feb] We're looking for Content Checkers and Testers for our Arabic Curriculum! (More...)

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[19 Dec] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! NOTE: BrillKids office closed on holidays (More...)

[16 Oct] Announcing the WINNERS of our BrillKids Summer Video Contest 2013! (More...)

[04 Oct] Get Little Reader Touch on your Android device! (More...)

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[31 Jul] BrillKids Video Contest Summer 2013 - Deadline EXTENDED to August 31st! (More...)

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[22 Apr] Little Reader Touch Version 2 Now Available (More...)

[21 Mar] French Curriculum available now for Little Reader! (More...)

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[07 Feb] Update to Little Math Version 2 now! (More...)

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[19 Oct] We're Looking for Translators for our Little Reader Software (More...)

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[25 Sep] CONTEST: Get A Free Little Musician by helping EEECF reach your friends and colleagues! (More...)

[17 Sep] Give a child the gift of literacy this Christmas: 20,000 children need your help! (More...)

[29 Aug] Little Musician wins Dr. Toy Awards! (More...)

[29 Aug] VIDEOS: Perfect Pitch at 2.5y, and compilation of Little Musician toddlers! (More...)

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[03 Aug] Welcome NEW FORUM MODERATORS: Mela Bala, Mandabplus3, Kerileanne99, and Kmum! (More...)

[03 Aug] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5)! (More...)

[25 Jul] Bianca's Story - What happens 10+ years after learning to read as a baby/toddler (More...)

[27 Jun] Updates on our Early Education for Every Child Foundation (EEECF) (More...)

[27 Jun] Join the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5) (More...)

[04 Jun] Being a Successful Affiliate - Now easier than ever before! (More...)


[30 Apr] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest! (More...)

[28 Apr] The Early Education for Every Child Foundation - Help Us Make a Difference (More...)

[20 Apr] Little Reader Curricula on your iPad or iPhone - now possible with iAccess! (More...)

[12 Apr] LITTLE MUSICIAN - now in OPEN BETA TESTING (with a complete curriculum) (More...)

[12 Mar] *NEW* Little Reader Content Packs now available! (More...)

[01 Feb] Join the March 2012 Homeschooling Contest: Create a Monthly Theme Unit! (More...)

[27 Jan] Join the BrillKids Foundation as a Volunteer! (More...)

[20 Jan] BrillKids Featured Parent: Tonya's Teaching Story (More...)

[17 Dec] Dr. Richard Gentry joins the BrillKids Blog Team! (Read Interview on Early Reading) (More...)

[08 Dec] Little Reader Touch promo EXTENDED + Lucky Draw winners (More...)

[01 Dec] Affiliate Success Story - How Elle Made $4,527 in Sales in just 30 days (More...)

[22 Nov] Little Reader Touch now available in the App Store! (More...)

[09 Nov] Winners of the September 2011 Video Contest (More...)

[01 Nov] Another free seminar and updates from Jones Geniuses (More...)

[16 Sep] SPEEKEE is now a BrillKids partner product! Get Speekee coupons at the Coupon Redemption Center! (More...)

[02 Sep] Little Reader Wins Another Two Awards! (Mom's Best Award & TNPC Seal of Approval) (More...)

[05 Aug] Little Reader Deluxe Wins the Tillywig Brain Child Award! (More...)

[28 Jul] LITTLE MUSICIAN beta-testing NOW OPEN! - Sign up here. (More...)

[14 Jul] Little Reader Wins Another Award! (PTPA Seal of Approval) (More...)

[13 Jul] Jones Geniuses FREE Seminars & news of Fall classes (More...)

[30 Jun] Little Reader Wins 2011 Creative Child Awards! (More...)

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[08 Jan] Little Reader available on the iPad today! (More...)

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[01 Jun] Deadline for Submission of Entries for the LR Video Contest - Extended Until June 30! (More...)

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1  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: desperate for help with homeschool on: July 27, 2012, 10:34:54 PM
I try to do what you said, but It is so hard for me because I have being educate in a different country with different content and different methodology. Once I decided that for me, homeschooling was how I want my kids to be educate, for tell the true, I panicked. one of my kids has so many allergies that every time I am not around, I have the feeling that someone will call me to say that my kid is at the hospital. Recently we discover a new allergy. So I didn't now what to do and I found Calvert. Looked good, but not expensive for what they offer. Thanks a lot. you and everybody here open my eyes with homeschooling and I just decided to stay with sonlight because I actually like all the content for pre-k. We will try to have fun....
You can get lots of help at . If you've read books, you might know that the common advice is first to think about your educational philosophy--what your goals are, and based on that, what sort of approach, overall, you want to take. I agree, I think this is very important. As you also probably already know, homeschoolers tend to identify a number of different approaches to homeschooling, including classical, Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, traditional textbook/workbook approach, the project approach, unschooling, and others and various combinations of these. Many, maybe most, people come up with their own approach that isn't clearly any one or another.

Just to offering my own reaction to what you said: "I need something more dynamic, and something that come prepared. something that I just have to present and explain to my kids." Wouldn't plain old books fit the bill? My own approach is based on this insight.

You're worried about how to start homeschooling pre-K? Don't! It's pre-K! Relax and take your time learning what (in your opinion) needs to be done. The best approach might be simply to do what you know or firmly believe works, and then take your time doing research and thinking about how to improve. Nobody can make up your mind for you, although some might try.

One last thing. I have read that other people are highly tempted to get a big canned curriculum, and indeed some do. I've never done so, myself, but it seems understandable. It sounds like you're tempted to go in that direction. The trouble (I gather) is that a lot of people bounce around from curriculum to curriculum. Some people (like us...) end up getting stuff a la carte because, well, homeschooling allows them to. It might seem intimidating to make choices individually. Well, it's not that bad. You basically just have to decide what you're going to teach, and then make a series of decisions about each subject.
2  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: desperate for help with homeschool on: July 27, 2012, 10:18:33 PM
Thanks everybody for everything. After carefully look all curriculum here mentioned, WE decided to stay with sonlight. The content is fun, I did not like the workbooks from pre-k, but that is not a problem, and has a good price. But what really call my attention is the books for work about God. So, thanks again...
3  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: desperate for help with homeschool on: June 23, 2012, 10:53:20 PM
  blush Thank you all, I gonna check all sugestion and at the end I'll do wat I think is the best to her. thanks again
4  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: desperate for help with homeschool on: June 23, 2012, 10:36:36 PM
You can get lots of help at . If you've read books, you might know that the common advice is first to think about your educational philosophy--what your goals are, and based on that, what sort of approach, overall, you want to take. I agree, I think this is very important. As you also probably already know, homeschoolers tend to identify a number of different approaches to homeschooling, including classical, Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, traditional textbook/workbook approach, the project approach, unschooling, and others and various combinations of these. Many, maybe most, people come up with their own approach that isn't clearly any one or another.

Just to offering my own reaction to what you said: "I need something more dynamic, and something that come prepared. something that I just have to present and explain to my kids." Wouldn't plain old books fit the bill? My own approach is based on this insight.

You're worried about how to start homeschooling pre-K? Don't! It's pre-K! Relax and take your time learning what (in your opinion) needs to be done. The best approach might be simply to do what you know or firmly believe works, and then take your time doing research and thinking about how to improve. Nobody can make up your mind for you, although some might try.

One last thing. I have read that other people are highly tempted to get a big canned curriculum, and indeed some do. I've never done so, myself, but it seems understandable. It sounds like you're tempted to go in that direction. The trouble (I gather) is that a lot of people bounce around from curriculum to curriculum. Some people (like us...) end up getting stuff a la carte because, well, homeschooling allows them to. It might seem intimidating to make choices individually. Well, it's not that bad. You basically just have to decide what you're going to teach, and then make a series of decisions about each subject.
Thank you so much, you have no idea how much relax I am now. I didn't know wat to do. In my head I had to follow directions. Thanks again
5  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / desperate for help with homeschool on: June 18, 2012, 01:50:49 AM
Hi everyone, my husband and I decided that we are going to homeschool our children. I've read books and articles, but I'm still confused about the system that I'll use them. I know that I am not able to search and work with books used in schools, I need something more dynamic, and something that come prepared. something that I just have to present and explain to my kids.
I was thinking of calvert school.
My daughter will start pre-k next school year, and I want to be prepared to work with her. but still do not know which system to use. The only one tha I know is the Calvert School.

Please help me.
6  Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: Breastfeeding and Nipple Eczema! My Battle on: May 12, 2011, 02:18:26 AM
I am glad for you. Just one thing. Careful with esteroids cream. They help, but if you use to much, the eczema come back really bad. My son has eczema, the first time, worked so well. When I stop using, it came back so bad, I waited for a week and try it again. It was the worse thing I did about. His face get so bad, but so bad, I cry just on think about. I start with aveeno terapy, it is working but not very well. In 4 day I use all one tub of that. Now I will start with cetaphin. I was going to buy repcillin but I just decide to try cetaphil first. If some one now the way to eliminate the eczema without esteroids, PLEASE PM me.
7  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Food Allergy on: May 12, 2011, 01:54:14 AM
I heard on news (in Slovakia) that after a long research they learnt that the best age to introduce food to a baby is four months. Appareantly there is a "window of opportunity" and less alergies later in live. I don't know wat to think about this.
It has been two months not that we( I ma still breast feeding) are not eating any milk products as we are fighting eczema=food intolerance/alergy.
This is what I was told:
When testing food,if there is a reaction, you leave it out for two weeks and try again. If there is still reaction leave it out for six months.
How to test? If you are breast feeding - you eat it and watch out for the reaction ,usually 18-20 hours from the time you ate it.If you are not breast feeding- first day spread it around his mouth, second day- one tea spoon, third- two tea spoons and so on.
But I am sure you can leave peas out and try different food and get back to it later.
.   How do you deal with the eczema??? For my kids nothing work and I decide to not use esteroids anymore, but I don't know wath to do....
8  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Food Allergy on: May 12, 2011, 01:51:32 AM
Bela, how old is your son??? I start feeding my babies when thay were 6 to 7 months. I don't understand how is possible, all my kids born with allergy and my husband and I, we have nothing. I think you shoud wait a month and try it again. I recomend start with sweet potato. blink
9  Local Support Groups / Virginia / Re: Gainesville, VA about 40 miles from DC on: April 23, 2011, 02:16:16 AM
No we did no meet...
I do Ice Skating on Fairfax Ice Arena every Tuesday morning. Do you know where is it???
10  The BrillKids Forum / BrillKids Announcements / Re: BrillKids Discount Coupons - Finally Here! on: March 22, 2011, 06:58:53 PM
Thanks KL.
11  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: HOMESCHOOLING CONTEST: Create a Monthly Theme Unit! on: November 18, 2010, 02:50:37 PM
Nice job, I will love create some but know I am out of time... Congratulations Wink
12  Local Support Groups / Virginia / Re: Gainesville, VA about 40 miles from DC [AWARDED!] on: September 11, 2010, 03:54:15 PM
Hi, my name is Deisi, I live in Prince William County.
I Stay at home with my kids, I love to teach them, but, Right now I have being really buzzy, so, I'm not teaching as much as before. I have 2 kids, my girl is 2 and 11 months and my boy is 1 and 4 months. I'm expecting a boy (30 weeks pregnant).
I'll like to meet every one who like to share experience about heath and care, teaching langueges and every thing they are teaching.
13  The BrillKids Forum / BrillKids Announcements / Re: BrillKids Discount Coupons - Coming Soon! on: July 07, 2010, 12:47:58 PM
Hi L and J,

Unfortunately, we haven't set a date for when we'll launch the discount coupons yet.

We'll surely let everyone know once we get to doing this, so do look forward to it!  happy

thanks.  smile  Wink
14  The BrillKids Forum / BrillKids Announcements / Re: BrillKids Discount Coupons - Coming Soon! on: July 02, 2010, 11:34:46 PM
Do you have a date in mind for the discount coupons? I really want the LM, but right now, things are so, so difficult that I can't afford it. Sad
15  Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: Pregnant and without energy on: May 31, 2010, 03:29:56 PM
Hi L and J

I thought I was alone!!  unsure   I'm 9 1/2 weeks and feel precisely the same!!  I've grown to feel bad about me not teaching my 2 year old too!!  confused
I'm on Iron supplements as I'm permanently iron deficient, but I'm still very tired & the best of all my 2 year old has started to wake up at before 6am - and she used to sleep until 8 or 9!!
I'm not eating well, but that's because food makes me nauseous.

I hope for my sake and yours, that this tiredness will pass very soon!!   yes


Are you doing better??? I hope so... I'm doing a little better, but I start to drink coffee again  unsure but know I do not feel sleepy anymore big grin

Have a nice week
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