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31  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: I was ASKED to "speak" at the Library! on: July 25, 2011, 05:10:23 AM
I just read about this great opportunity you have to share what you are learning and doing about early education. I am sure you are going to do an excellent job just being yourself and incentivate other moms (or grandmas in charge of kids) to look ino this. If it wasn't for this excellent forum, i would never had confirm about babies learning to read and specially about LR that makes it much easier for parents to teach.

Keep us posted, who knows maybe this can be done in more places and make people aware of what babies have been missing.
32  Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Right Brain Kids Book on: July 18, 2011, 01:11:13 AM
...There are better resources that you can for free via the internet and LR forum.
Please can you give me any links where i can get free resources for right brain activities?

I have a 4 yr old and 5 month old baby grandsons?
Thanks in advance.
33  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Can I use little reader free trial software without purchasing the curriculum? on: July 18, 2011, 12:52:52 AM
You can also see the Chinese Curriculum following this link :

oliveeye, congratulations, you make an excellent decision buying LR.
34  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Little Reader method vs Doman Flash card-Which one is better? on: July 18, 2011, 12:08:46 AM

I hope you are trying LR at least 2 times a day. The words are repeated on following days and some replaced by knew ones. I consider LR much more than flashing words. There are many benefits because you can personalize the images or videos with familiar faces or objects around your child's environment. Another important thing is that you can use this product to teach your kid languages. For now we have the basic english product and Chinese curriculum. They are workin on the French and Spanish Curriculum. nevertheless there are many downloads from this forum members and we can start using different languages.

i hope yo decide to use it and keep us posted.
35  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Find out how a ‘story sack’ can make reading with your child so much more fun! on: July 17, 2011, 08:48:55 PM

I found not only reading sacks to good for my grandson who likes to tell me back the story but also playing with puppets. The older is 4 years old and likes to narrate following the book (not really reading) to her couisn, my 4 month old grandaughter.
I will complement with puppets.
Good ideas on this site.

As they say:

'Story Sacks
Having read a favourite story with your child, help them to make or gather props that can be used to retell the story.  An example may be Little Red Riding Hood: a doll, a small basket, Lego trees, a doll’s house, a cloak and a soft toy for the Wolf.

Help your child to make puppets of their favourite book characters.  These may be sock puppets, wooden spoon puppets, finger puppets or something more elaborate.  They will all provide much pleasure for your child as they retell the story using the puppets.'
36  The BrillKids Forum / BrillKids Announcements / Re: Little Reader Wins Another Award! (PTPA Seal of Approval) on: July 15, 2011, 09:58:49 PM
Congratulations, i am not surprise. It is an excellent product.
37  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: 3 languages? How to start? on: July 15, 2011, 09:55:04 PM
Paula, nice to have you in this forum. You will find a lot of useful information on helping your baby. LR is an excellent program that allows you to personalize your videos, images and even voice. My daughter started LR English a week ago with her almost 4 month old daughter after choosing some of her family's pictures and editing them. So now when the images pop up, her hair or her husband's face will be show. It is really very good and holds your child attention. My grandaughter also hears French music since born and is watching Little Pim in French and my daughter who had a few classe of french when young is now learning with her. During the day she tries to use some words that they have been learned. So at this time she is expose to Spanish, French and English.

On the other side I am showing LR English to my grandson who is 4 yrs old and at first he did not like other than native language (spanish) but now he asks to do it himself and has shown me some tricks like going backwards, moving the arrow while showing the word in the multisensorial part etc. He is delighted every time a new word cames up.

I think Tavinho is lucky to have parents that can use 3 native languages. If you like you can make your own edition but take a minute to see what other language downloads you have in this forum made by other parents.
38  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Im a new DaD!! on: July 11, 2011, 04:45:24 AM
Welcome to this forum and congratulations for your baby.

You will learn about many products as your baby grows. I got for my older grandson when he was 18 month (now 4 yrs old) Wee Sing around the world, Beethoven Wig and trebellina. Maybe you can start to know them.

My grandaughter has been listening music in different languages, specially the ones we plan to teach her: french, english and our native spanish. Recently my daughter is personalizing LR and will start twice a day now that my grandaughter is 4.5 month old.

At this age talk a lot to your baby and sing o him. 
39  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Reference on 'Journey to the East' Learn Chinese fro Children on: July 11, 2011, 04:31:54 AM

i think you are right, thought it was all chinese and i see that it is basic english with some chinese words.
50+ vocabulary words

I think in Little Pim and LR i get much much more.

Thanks for your link, i see many good products and read the comments on you page. As soon as we start Chinese with my grandaughter i will post it.  My grandson is learning english with LR and even though he is not to font of reading, he wants to see if there is a new word and detect which one is new. So that is what keeps us going.

At what age did you start with Eaton?
Have you tried LR chinese curriculum with his picture or his family's?

Excellent work.
40  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: How do you work in lots of languages? on: July 11, 2011, 04:10:49 AM
It seems we are on the same track.

As i mention on the other thread about raising kids, we are also doing our best to expose my grand daughter to many languages.

We started less than two month ago and we know that will not see results too fast but i am convinced that the best investment is your childs education and the more she is expose to the easier it will be for her to learn another language or at least to get the correct pronunciation on her head so if she continues learning it will help. If she listens the same songs or sees the same videos over and over in another language, she will learn. Of course if you can get someone to reinforce it , the better.

What i will also want to know about others experience is if it is better to use one language daily or to have seperate sessions in different languages all days.
41  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Raising kids with a Non-Native Language on: July 11, 2011, 03:58:06 AM

My daughter and i had a lot of plans for raising her child multi-lingual.
She was going to expose her from birth to 5 languages: spanish (native), french, english, quechua, chinese.
As others mention, it is easy to say but difficult to do.

Here is what she has been exposed to:
Since birth, she has been listening to french music and singing from my daughter. Also sometimes we talk and sing in english.
At 3 months she start with Little Pim french and is doing it regularly combining with music. My daughter (she took some french classes before) watches with her so she is leaning and talking to her with the same phrases in everyday life. For example while breastfeeding, she drinks a lot of water and tells her what she is doing (in french).

Almost when she was 4 month old, they start YBCR in english every other day. So for now she is doing mostly french and english when they are alone. The rest of the family speaks to her in spanish (our language).

The plans are to keep up with this 3 languages (also reading in english with YBCR and LR)
Later on, maybe by 9 month old they will start with quechua. I recomend to start as soon as possible since his father, grandparents from his dad and a maid that helps her speak quechua. 

I am learning Chinese with rosetta and LR Chinese. Maybe i will also start classes. Hopefully before her first birthday we will start with LR Chinese. If i, a grandmather starting now with Chinese am learning to recognize many words and simplified symbols, imagine what a baby can learn¡

 I recommend you try to get spanish songs for children and DVD. Also you can use LR with spanish downloads, Little Pim Spanish and other mentioned in this forum.
Good luck and keep us posted.
42  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Where are my images ? After installing LR 1st semester i see them no more . on: July 11, 2011, 03:38:40 AM
Thanks Kezia,

i just read this and will check it out with my daughter on tuesday when we get together.I think she found her images and put them again.

I will also try to export what she had pesonalized and put it in my pc where i teach my grandson.
If i continue having any trouble i will keep in touch.
43  Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: When did you start giving solid food and what type? on: July 06, 2011, 01:02:57 AM
I see that there are different customs throught the world. When my sons were babies we use to give them 'granadilla' juice at 4 month old and some cereal from rice. We always introduce something new separate from other things in order to see that reaction cause as Mela Bela mention it can cause a reaction. By 6 month they were having juice and we start with more mashed (puree type) food.
Now my grandaughter is pure milk, not even water. I use to give her mom a lot of water with 'anis' that was suppose to be good for her stomach. Now she likes and drinks a lot of water wich is excellent for breastfeeding but she normally likes water.

Will see if she has more milk to at least keep up to the sixth month only with breast milk. 
44  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: my son is mixing all languages that we are learning on: July 05, 2011, 10:48:16 PM
i can easily understand this specially when we are working with many languages at the same time and i think that in time they will start to realize the difference between the different languages and start using them correctly.
My grandson use to mention some animals like 'cow', 'pig', 'mouse' 'dog' in english even when speaking spanish. I think the reason is that he made up his mind and found it easier to pronounce those words instead of the spanish ones. He knew them because of the books that i usually read to him as a child (in english). In the preschool (2 yrs) they recomen to avoid speaking in other language till he learn to speak 'his' native language well but i know they were wrong. Now he is 4 yrs old and knows and speaks perfectly the spanish word but also knows the english translation.

The doubt i have is when you do not have someone around him to speak the language correctly.
My granddaughter started french (DVD, music) at 3 month old and my daughter is lerning with her in order to mention some words other than watching the DVD. She also listen to english music but is going to start LR around 5 month old. Later on she will start Quechua (only conversation since we do not have any material) and Chinese (only through materials - LR, DVD, CD since we have no one to speak to her.

It is very important for parents that are exposing their kids or even babies (the younger the better) to various language that they realized that maybe some of this situation of language miximg will take place.  The wonderful result of this exposure is that they will remember the sounds and if they continue learning the language when they grow up, it will be  lot easier.
45  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Where are my images ? After installing LR 1st semester i see them no more . on: July 05, 2011, 07:41:30 PM
My daughter start customizing some images from family photos. Yesterday i dowlonad the complete english 1st semester since she was using the trial version. Today she was surprise to see that all the woek she had been doing was not accces.
How can i 'incorporate' what has been done so far?. Are the personifications save in any place?
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