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The BrillKids Forum / BrillKids Announcements / Re: Get your Russian Curriculum for Little Reader!
on: June 25, 2014, 04:08:27 PM
Just went to buy the Russian language pack, and the price in the online store was raised to $95 from $90. The original announcement (above) said the 10% discount will be good until June 28, and today is only June 25. I think you applied the Father's Day discount to it, which does go down to 5% from 10%. I thought I was good for three more days!
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Twin rivalry/differences?
on: June 15, 2014, 05:32:53 PM
So funny! I have fraternal twin girls, and we have a similar problem. One is faster than another and gets frustrated with her sister's slow reading. So, we just read our books separately and in a different room. This doesn't hold the faster one down and prevents the slower one from being frustrated. I don't think rivalry is avoidable. We are all better at some things than others. So, I also point out things to the slower reader that she is doing better than the fast reading twin!
The BrillKids Forum / BrillKids Announcements / Re: Get your Russian Curriculum for Little Reader!
on: June 15, 2014, 03:51:38 PM
Thank you for the information on how to get the Russian starter pack. We've been waiting for two years for this!!! Yey!
Unfortunately, I've got the same error several times with two separate browsers, IE and Chrome. Here's the error message:
"Error encountered during reading of protocol link. Please report this to BrillKids Support! "
The message pops-up when LR opens trying to read the content file. I tried to just download the file, but no go, same error message pops up because LR opens automatically.
Thank you!
Local Support Groups / Русский / Re: Когда Выйдет Русская Версия ЛР?
on: August 10, 2012, 03:30:49 AM
Спасибо за Ваш подробный и быстрый ответ! Будем ждать русского варианта. Честно говоря, я вы с удовольствием купила бы и простой перевод  Дети всё таки растут быстро и нам очень бы пригодилась практика на русском именно сейчас. Английская версия нам очень нравиться. Может возможно будет предложить этот простой перевод за баллы заработанные с БриллКидс сейчас пока мы ждём официальной версии? Так же как другие переводы которые популярны. Мы уже скачали всё русское что есть! Насколько я понимаю, это проект был добровольцев всё равно. Это было бы здорово!
Local Support Groups / Русский / Когда Выйдет Русская Версия ЛР?
on: August 01, 2012, 06:21:47 PM
Я помню что где-то на форуме было написано что с ЛР 3 выйдет русская версия материала, но это было год назад. Кто-нибудь знает когда приблизительно будет русская версия? Очень ждём!
Заранее спасибо за ответ.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Teaching writing instead of reading?
on: February 18, 2012, 03:04:31 AM
It sounds like a badly mis-implemented Montessori method to me. Montessori schools do teach writing before reading and they teach phonic sounds before letter names, but not like that at all! I actually wouldn't call it writing but rather words forming, but regardless, they don't draw pictures and tell kids to guess how to write the word the picture represents.
There are several stages in learning to write in Montessori, and one of materials they use are sandpaper letters that kids trace (knock off Montessori-like ones can be had at Amazon for $17). They may be helpful to you guys. The knock off ones from Didax on the said Amazon actually have arrows on them to show how to write the letters correctly and because they are made of sandpaper, it's sensorial experience for children that helps them learn. The kids trace the letters with their hands after a teacher shows them, usually two different looking ones at a time, e.g "a" and "t".
We also like Leapfrog "Talking Words Factory".
BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: LR vs. YBCR -- testimonies?
on: February 01, 2012, 03:03:18 AM
I second that. LR is a lot more versatile and more comprehensive program than YBCR. We did YBCR and are now watching "Your Child Can Read" set since my twins love the DVDs and ask for them, but after you're done with the DVDs, you're kind of stuck. This was when we got LR. You can go over the DVD set again of course, but who wants to? It's boring for you and your child. My husband can't stand to hear the jingle anymore! The amount of words you can learn is limited by the content of the DVD. With LR, you can download great stuff or make your own as much as you want to.
That being said, you can get YBCR DVDs very cheaply on Ebay, and this is something you can't do with LR. And, like I said, my twins like the DVDs, but they like LR as well.
They also enjoy LeapFrog "Letter Factory", "Phonics Farm", "Talking Words Factory", and "Numbers Ahoy". Some of them are available on Netflix, and if you subscribe, it's awesome. The rest can be gotten cheaply on Amazon as used goods.
EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Recommend Preschool Ready-Made Program or Kit?
on: February 01, 2012, 02:54:54 AM
I was wondering if anyone can recommend (or not recommend) a ready-made preschool curriculum for 3 year olds. I'm looking for something easy to use that preferably includes all the materials, but it's not deal killer if it doesn't. My friend and I are thinking of forming a preschool co-op through a local Twins Club. The good thing about multiples, among many others of course, is that we only need one or two more families to join us, and we'll have enough kids to make it the size of a regular preschool. The hard thing about multiples is that we don't have a lot of time to devote to the material prep and curriculum development, so we think that ready-made program with our own signature add-ons is a way to go. Please let me know what worked for you and what you thought about any program that you have tried. Many thanks and perhaps some karma later on 
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Trying to decide what to do about preschool
on: January 31, 2012, 07:10:05 PM
It looks like a standard curriculum for preschool. I just found out that the wonderful Montessori school we were planning to enroll is closing in the summer because the lady's husband is relocating, so we're also looking. To be honest, it seems to me that most preschool list a variation of the same curriculum, and while it looks extensive, depending on your child's level, it may not be enough. Personally, I think the to look for if you like the teacher (s) because this is what will be a determining factor in school success. Because of this, you have to visit the school and talk to the teacher. For instance, one of the schools we visited in the summer, which was a true Montessori, didn't click with me or my kids right away. They were scared of the teacher, and I just got a wrong vibe, so I knew right away that this is not going to work, regardless of how great their curriculum was. So, don't agonized over what they teach and look for a great teacher, see what the other parents are like in the school because it will determine what kind of kids you child will make friends with. I think this is the key, and this is what we're doing. Just my two cents 
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: A Bit of Progess in Learning Russian
on: January 30, 2012, 03:58:47 AM
Isn't it amazing how they do it just like that? One of my twins shocked me when she said "Mommy is drinking water" in Russian with correct grammar. How in the world do they figure it out?! I don't think I've said more than two times in their presence, and there you go. They just know. I'm a native Russian speaker, but I have to remind myself to speak Russian to them all the time because everyone around us speaks English, and I am so used to speaking only English, it's hard to switch.
I'd check to see if there is a Russian church near you because a lot of them have classes on weekends but don't advertize it (not religious courses, just the language usually). If you're in Washington DC area, there is web site, and I bet there are similar resources in some other major metro areas. DC actually doesn't have a large Russian population, but suburban Maryland does, and there are some Russian schools in Northern Virginia, so it's worth checking near-by areas as well. Good luck!
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Trying to decide what to do about preschool
on: January 30, 2012, 03:44:19 AM
There is a book that you may find useful "The Genius Behind Montessori", and if you have Kindle, it's $1.99 on Amazon till the end of January as their monthly deal. I'm reading it right now, and I love it. It answered a lot of my questions. For instance, in Montessori programs, the children learn to write before they learn to read. My twin girls also know their letters and sounds and can recognize simple words, so I think that writing will be very helpful to them because I haven't taught them this yet and because I like the way Montessori program teaches them to. They first build hand muscles and coordination with special exercises (games actually), then they trace the letters, etc. It made a lot of sense to me. We were able to find a small home-based Montessori program near us where all kids are together, so this way, my girls will get exposed to older more advanced kids as well as their peers at the same time. I liked it better than a large center (and less expensive too). Just my two cents 