I'm reading a book written by a Belgian mom who taught her 4 children many things..Her name is Cecile B. Loupan. She published two books in the 80s and 90s (they are not available in English)
The latest one is called (my translation :-) "Alll children are gifted- A guide to enhance your child's natural abilities."
She was unsuccesful with the Doman flascard method (children were looking away) so here is what she did to introduce them to reading.
Recommended ages are from 18 months. Below is an approximate translation:
1) The first word to offer your child is her name. You can put it in her bed and have a look at it mornings and nights.
2) The first-words-board: Tape a large white carboard on the wall and whenever your child has a new word/sentence, write down the word with your child and review others.
3) Double-up the word by writing them on individual flashcards, and hand her over her word while saying 'This is the word xx, I wonder if we can find it on the wall...' and look it up.
4) In the child's absence (in order for her to be really surprised) tape a dozen or so words in his room, the word lamp taped on the lamp, the word bed on the bed etc.. and 'tour' the room with her. If she's older, write the cards in her presence and ask her to help you tape them.
5) The word of the day. (This is my favorite tip as it's easy to introduce in a wake up/bed routine) Chose a special place, at eye-level for the child (such as a little drawer) and every day, leave the word of the day. 'Today, the word is..' It can be taped or leaning against a vase etc. (I'm doing this twice a day)
For children who are talking:
6) When your child does a drawing, ask him to suggest a title and write it down.
7) If you have an eraser board, leave it near the high chair/table and tell your child what they are having to eat. Individual words; chicken, rice, apple etc Ask your child to circle her favorite food.

(that's a great one!) Regularly, ask the child to check the mail box where she'll find a letter (written by yourself..) Start simply with a few words "Hi Ella!" and once your child is really excited to collect her mail everyday, you can write long sentences.
9) the shopping list: write it down with the child looking and at the shops, show them how to cross out the items..
Hope this helps.... I'll try to write down some more tips when I have time!