When we bought the original YBCR set almost three years ago, we upgraded to a deluxe package that came with a Your Baby Can Speak Spanish set- 3 DVDs, a CD, and an activity book, as seen here:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003JC1762As Alex was all of eight weeks old, I had a look at the first DVD (standard flashcard/picture style), and put it aside. Then later, we bought Tu Bebe Puede Leer (Spanish version of YBCR), so I never gave it another thought. We also have quite a few other Spanish for children programs, so I thought they would be redundant.
But!!!! Today I was updating Alexs IPod, and came across the set. I opened it up and realized for the first time that it comes with a DVD with 21 music videos for kids, in lovely YBCR fashion! Regular children playing, organized by topics, with the lyrics written out at the bottom of the screen in big letters! They do it in such a manner that the Sentence is sung/ written in Spanish, then sung again/written in English, sentence by sentence. Oh, wow. Alex was glued to the screen, and within 10 minutes was actually repeating whole phrases in Spanish...and this is from my daughter who has been fairly resistant to learning languages, unless it involves words she loves or counting (she has now learned to count to 20 in 11 languages, although I can't tell yet if this will be a neat party trick for her or spur a later interest in languages

This is such a fantastic set, and I can't believe it has been sitting unused on a shelf for so long...it also is a poignant reminder of just how much the world has lost with the YBCR company out of business.
Has anybody else used this particular set? If it is sitting on your shelf as well, I urge you to dust it off and give it a try
Also, when I imported the accompanying CD into ITunes, it recognized it as the French version...so ostensibly, a French version exists?! Does anybody have this? Want to swap?