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Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
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Topic: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten (Read 180295 times)
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #15 on:
April 22, 2010, 04:57:44 AM »
i'm in the process of finding out what is going on, what exactly is expected, etc.
i'll let you all know what i find out as i go. wish us all luck. i'm beginning to think that i should just forget about it and take my chances...
will keep you posted. thanks again for the links!
the doc
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #16 on:
April 23, 2010, 04:53:11 PM »
Doc - I think you are on the right track. I don't know about the Stanford Binet IQ test, but I've seen other IQ tests before and I reckon practice makes perfect. I do believe you can prepare your child if you have the right materials and you know what the test is about so don't give up.
Nurture for the Future
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #17 on:
May 02, 2010, 08:52:53 PM »
Greetings all:
I just came across this link and thought this forum might be interested. I found it interesting how much importance schools put on such tests. this is about the KBIT test. i believe this child is smart, but after this test the school doesnt' think so. this is a perfect example of why it is important to know about such tests and how to fight for your child to get them into a gifted program.
hope you guys find this interesting,
the doc
here is the text:
Q: I have a daughter in the first grade. She is seven years old, and she said that "its boring in the classroom". I noticed to the school after I got a advice from after care personnel. She took a KBIT (which she did not know it was a test), and this is a test result:
Verbal knowledge Riddles Verbal
27 20 = 47 >>>>>>>111
Matrices Nonverbal
33 = 33 >>>>>>>125
IQ composite 236 >119
The CST call me for conference, and finally they said that my daughter is scored 119 on the KBIT-2, and the CST is not recommending gifted evaluation at this time.
How to improve the KBIT-2 test? Thanks in advance.
A: Firstly, a brief overview of what the KBIT-2 is. The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition (K-BIT 2) is used to measure verbal and nonverbal cognitive ability. It is used to obtain a quick estimate of intelligence, estimate an individual's verbal versus nonverbal intelligence and/or to screen to identify students who may benefit from enrichment or gifted programs. Additionally, this test is also able to identify high-risk children through large-scale screening who may require a more comprehensive evaluation. This test is developed by leading cognitive ability experts Alan and Nadeen Kaufman, therefore, it is assumed that this test provides highly valid, reliable results and is useful for a broad range of purposes.
Based on a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15, your daughter scores are a little above average (about 85-115 should be within the average range on a bell curve). This means an overall score of 119 places him in the top 15% of performances (may not be enough for a gifted program admission). You may need to get the school to discuss the scores with you to find out areas that needs enrichment to make a more informed decision on catering for his learning needs. If the school decided that the scores do not meet the criteria for a gifted program, they may have their reasons for doing so which they should explain to you. Most schools have multiple criteria for admission into the gifted program and IQ scores are usually well above average for students to benefit most from such programs.
There is no specific way to increase the test score for K-BIT-2, but in general there are some methods that can be used. Practice makes perfect, so test practice may help the child be more comfortable with tests due to familiarity. Psychological factors also influence test taking to a certain extent so a child should be least anxious and nervous about taking any test. Sometimes parent expectations make children very anxious and affect the results. Physiological factors such as not getting enough sleep and fatigue can influence a child’s ability when answering test questions, especially intelligence tests that requires brain work. In short, anything that stimulates the brains - (reading activities, exploring, discovering, music, stimulating games, creative art, etc) would sure give one’s brain a boost.
Here is a website is quite interesting and offers a ways to boost your IQ.
Having said that, the increase may not be very significant for everyone. These tests are meant to screen some children who are assumed to require special programs to cater for their intellectual needs. A child, who is “forced” into such programs without having the right pre-requisites, may suffer educationally. For example, a child with border-line results is rejected entry but forceful parents practically plead to the school for an opportunity for their child - the child may not benefit fully from the program and may drop out, much to the frustration of both the child and parents. This is the same as other special children with learning disability who need a special program to cater for their learning needs but a normal child would surely not benefit form these special programs.
Therefore, by all means help your daughter with the test preparation but bear in mind that the school has set criteria for selecting students in such programs and selection is made quite carefully by a team of teachers and/or professionals. Best of luck!
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #18 on:
May 15, 2010, 04:48:39 AM »
Here's a quick update. I just toured a school with the required testing. Apparently in NYC they require an iq test in PRESCHOOL. And if you didn't take then you need to take to start kindergarten. So she was trying to out me at ease about the test! Wow!
Anyway, apparently the test tries to find out id the child has real cognitive skills and not just learned skills. So when the proctor asks "if you have 3bears and 2 bears went to sleep for the winter how many would you have left?" your child is suppose to talk through the problem and come up with the answer and not have to use a pencil and paper to figure it out.
So my question to you all is if we're all doing doman and shichida math and they ask that question and they answer it immediately, is it a learned skill or cognitive? And what about reading? Are we teaching them to be little robots spitting out information or are they using their brains cognitively?
Any ideas you have I would love to hear!
The doc
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #19 on:
May 15, 2010, 04:02:58 PM »
"if you have 3bears and 2 bears went to sleep for the winter how many would you have left?"
Hi....In my opinion when a child figures this out it is both learned skill and cognitive skill. First, they have learned the language and learned what 3 and 2 and 1 mean. And then, they are using that learning and subtraction that they have learned from parents and applying it in a new context which is cognitive. What if a child says I still have 3 bears because just because 2 went to sleep doesn't mean that they are not there.
Similarly, reading can also be both cognitive and learned skill. A child does not memorize every word once they figure out the phonetics they read. When they are reading, they decode the sentence using learned skill and cognitive. I think our mind puts all our learned skills and decodes and that is what contributes to our baby's and our intelligence. And I think it is not wise for a school to separate it out and rate one skill like cognitive more as opposed to learning skill less. Because a baby is really using both at one time. If you give a child a puzzle, I think that might test their cognitive skill much more as oppose to asking them a question like the above.
Anyway, in my opinion labeling a toddler so early with these tests is nuisance. Because you are to some extent closing the doors for them, even in the minds of the parent. I would be afraid if my daughter scores low that I would believe her less and if she scores high then I guess that would boost my confidence. But I still belive in Doman thinking that testing is not good as they will learn that learning is only important because their's a test at the end. I soo much rather just borrow the gifted education curriculums and teach my daughter on my own! And then once she gets older....write her success story and send to all of the gifted programs!! :P
Regarding your previous post as to your daughters test...I think if your daughter is borderline the schools should take her. To some extent I disagree with the statement that normal children should not be in a gifted program because the more you push a child's brain the bigger it gets. If you only expose them to normal things they will only learn that much. Their brains are capable of learning so much. But I think it is also important for parents to realize if they in a gifted program that every child might struggle initially and that is fine and it is from that struggle that they will become more intelligent. I guess the schools are afraid if the child struggles the parents will become demotivated and the child will follow.
Let us know how it all goes....we're learning a lot from your experience. I hope your daughter does get into the gifted program..... If you do have their curriculum, can you share that with us. I would like to know what is it that they teach in such "gifted" programs.
Good luck....
Last Edit: May 15, 2010, 06:54:18 PM by ariel
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #20 on:
May 15, 2010, 05:39:52 PM »
thanks for your input ariel!
first of all, i agree with you. it is impossible to tell if something is learned or cognitive, especially if they have been learning the way all of us teach on this forum.
second, my baby is just 14 mo. the example i gave in my last post was from a concerned parent from a forum about IQ tests and she was freaking out. i used it to show how educators in the states rely on these things, and it is really unfair.
unfortunately, that is the way the system works over here, so i guess you have to play the game. i just don't want my daughter to be penalized just b/c we've been flashing bit cards and dot cards.
since she is really only saying a few words, i cannot tell if she is really taking this in. we do TW, doman bits, math, LR, etc. i'm going to trust the experts on this forum as well as the right brain educators out there and just keep doing what i'm doing.
will keep you up to date as i hear more. i have another tour soon and i'll find out more about the gifted programs, testing, etc.
flashing bits and discouraged,
the doc
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #21 on:
May 15, 2010, 07:00:42 PM »
Ahhh I received the post from that site.
I know how you feel...we all feel this way now and then. All this flashing is it memorization and are they really learning anything? I think you should rely on several programs and incorporate many to prepare your daughter. Puzzles I would say are most imp for any type of IQ tests. The bits will increase the memorization skills and increase her curiosity. I am curious to know what is your goal for your daughter? and Do you live in CA or NYC?
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #22 on:
May 18, 2010, 04:02:05 AM »
well, i am sooooo glad i dont live anywhere like that.....i live in louisiana, and we dont have any kind of test like that to get into kindergarten, or prek..............please...........prek? sad is it that this kind of pressure is being put on these children at such a young age........they will have enough pressure as they get older........cant they just enjoy being a child for just a little while......i am raising my granbabies, 5 4 2..........yes, i do things with them.......the 5 yr old is finishing kindergarten, and was an ace student...............teacher came from a catholic school for 30 yrs, and has raved all year about how smart she is...........4 yr just graduated from montisourri prek....the 2 yr old is still at home......all she wants to do is read....she cant get enough, as do the other 2.....we have done work books, writing lessons, etc.....they are all 3 really smart, but i have never pressured them, and dont believe in putting them in preschool untill 4 if i am able to stay home, which i am...thankfully.......everything is done at their own pace, and their own time.....nothing is pressured......i was the same way with my own kids, and they are all three very smart.....
granmommy to 3 wonderful babies. am raising them along with my husband. they are my life, even though at our age we would sometimes like to do other things, they are my world.
love granmommy
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #23 on:
May 18, 2010, 04:23:34 AM »
well, i am by far not an expert in any of this, but i believe that what they are referring to as cognitive is their ability to apply concepts.....the concept of math and subtraction itself is a concept...being able to apply it in a particular situation is the cognitive just simply say 3-2=1 is 2 yr old uses concepts alot....she will tell me stuff like look i have 2 markers...she will put one behind her back and look at me and say now, how many do i have....she also has other ones too, that is just an example....
granmommy to 3 wonderful babies. am raising them along with my husband. they are my life, even though at our age we would sometimes like to do other things, they are my world.
love granmommy
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #24 on:
July 04, 2010, 12:08:47 PM »
Just saw Stanford Binet IQ test kit on eBay. You might want to get it and "pull apart" see what it is about...
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #25 on:
July 06, 2010, 06:53:02 AM »
This thread is interesting to me because I grew up in L.A. and was educated in the LAUSD school system and I have a faint memory of being given an IQ test in elementary school, or some kind of evaluative test that must have gotten me on the list to be in 'honors' classes.
By high school I was doing speech and debate and became keenly aware of the private high schools in the county...there must have been private primary feeder schools to those high schools, and I'm assuming there was some kind of testing happening in the private school tracks.
My first instinct is to say you shouldn't worry at all because the kind of care and attention you give your little one almost guarantees you'll have an intellectually strong kid who will perform strong on any IQ test with no additional prep. :-)
My second reaction, after reading through the other replies, is that even if you wanted to prep your kid for an IQ test, I don't know if it's really possible.
You may want to read about the history of IQ tests, find out which kinds are administered at your desired schools, and maybe try to encourage your LO to practice thinking and reasoning in ways that are asked about in IQ tests - but that seems so hard to prep for. I had the impression that people with high IQ's simply solve problems or come to conclusions significantly faster than the average person, and I just don't know if that can be taught. Also, I can't imagine IQ tests can be memorized, or else how could it be trusted as a meaningful test at all? Anyone who studied the questions and memorized them would be deemed a genius! I think you can only hope to be aware of the types of intelligence the test tries to measure.
That being said, the book Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten does mention there are specific games and activities you can play to help boost IQ:
It also mentions diet and household toxins can affect IQ.
Also, a simple google search for "Prepare for the Stanford Binet IQ test" revealed many interesting links:
Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 09:25:00 PM by mom2ross
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #26 on:
January 05, 2011, 12:53:28 PM »
As a school psychologist, I can tell you that practicing for an IQ test probably is not possible. Many of the tasks asked of one are not traditionally academic in nature. They do have to do with word knowledge or information and lots of other things that memory and visual perception. I supposed that you can practice stretching the memory or make sure that the vocabulary is good, but that is something that must be encouraged and nourished for years. A crash practice will not help much.
I do not give the Stanford-Binet, but even if I did, professional ethics would not allow me to comment on specifics about how to do well.
Most of those online IQ type things are way different than the real thing. In real life, the child will be using manipulatives, blocks, etc. Those online things are typically knocks offs and not reliable.
Yes, IQ does correlate with school achievement. There are a ton of studies that document that, but there are many other factors that go into how well one does. We all know that motivation and persistence can be key as well.
Also, IQ at age 5 is not stable yet - I often see 10 to 20 point differences a couple of years later. This is because the kinds of things that are measured in a 5-year-old are different than what is measured later. In general, age 6 is when IQ starts becoming stable.
So, I guess that private schools can give the test to get in, but I wouldn't worry too much. If you have been working with your child, then the child has developed visual, auditory, memory, and language skills that will influence the score.
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #27 on:
January 05, 2011, 05:42:08 PM »
thank you so much for your input! very helpful! since i posted this about 6-8 mo. ago, i have discovered that they are impossible to prepare for... other than the blocks, etc.
now that my DD is 22 mo. she can recite the alphabet in english and spanish, can count to 20 in english spanish itallian and sign (because of the nanny) and is learning to solfege in 4 clefs (i am a professional composer/conductor). the is understanding shapes as well. and just now is KIND OF sounding out words and can add and take away. i think that is going to be a little while. so we will just keep going!
i think the one thing that has always worried me about these tests is that will they recognize the skills she already knows, or will they not show up on the tests?
the doc
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #28 on:
January 14, 2011, 02:39:18 AM »
Learning all of those things helps to develop the cognitive skills that will show on those tests. After starting your baby can read with my daughter at 2 years 4 months, her visual perception and memory skills went through the roof. She is monitored in a longitudinal study as part of the control group (typically developing child) and she scored in the 99th percentile on a test that measures those things. At age 2, she was only around the 50th.
I would also do puzzles and talk talk talk. Language is highly associated with those verbal tests. I'll have to think about the reasoning tasks.
In other words, what you do at this age will affect the test scores more than what you could do 5 years from now. The brain is more plastic right now because connections are being formed.
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Re: Stanford Binet IQ test to get into kindergarten
Reply #29 on:
January 14, 2011, 02:42:04 PM »
An IQ test in kindergarten is crazy. If he doesn't pass what, he does not get an education????? This sound crazy!!!!!!
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