This is Ayesha Nicole, a mother of twin girls - 19 months. I am sooo excited to have found your Arabic forum! I am married to an Egyptian that is a master of the Arabic language, as well as a hafidh ul-Qur'an, masha'Allah. I wish I knew more Arabic than I do, however, I want him to guide me as we teach the girls Qur'anic Arabic using the Doman method. When trying to explain to him about the methodology, this site, and Little Reader, I was frustrated because, if he reads it in Arabic, it is easier for him since it is his first language.
I plan to teach the girls Qur'anic Arabic, insha'Allah, using the flashcards to plant the seed of a love of the Qur'an, insha'Allah. There is a good site with English Word-for-Word translation of the Qur'an here > to help me with individual words and the translation, that may be useful for others.
How are you using Little Reader and what have your experiences been with the Doman Method (reading/language/math/music/physical)? Please feel free to type back in Arabic and my husband will read it and translate for me, insha'Allah.
Until then, take care.