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Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
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Topic: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts! (Read 900753 times)
Mod Mom
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Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
May 09, 2014, 08:38:59 AM »
Major Announcement: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotion Discount!
We have a major announcement to make about our Little Learner suite of products (
Little Reader
Little Math
Little Musician
), which has been under preparation for quite a while.
It concerns how you will be able to access and purchase our products going forward, as well as price changes and a promotional launch discount.
1. Free Versions Of Little Reader, Little Math & Little Musician
For the longest time now, we've been wanting to allow more people to be able to afford our products, by reducing the entry cost of our
Little Learner products
It's therefore with great pleasure that we announce today the launch of
Little Reader LITE
Little Math LITE
, and
Little Musician LITE!
Here are the important things to know about this LITE version of the products:
It will
never expire
- you can use it forever!
You can use it to
play back courses
(trial courses, or full courses which you purchased separately)
However, you will NOT be able to do anything else, such as
creating, editing, customizing, printing
, and does not have any additional tools like
Easy Voice Recorder
Picture Editor
. You will only have one main panel in your software: the
(in addition to the START GUIDE, SUPPORT and FORUM screens, plus basic features in the TOOLS screen).
But the best part is: it's
All Lite versions will come with "Starter" content which are the same as the Trial content available before, and additional different language starter packs for Little Reader will be available for download during the Pro trial period (see below).
2. PRO Features Available Separately
For those of you who wish to take advantage of the full power of our
Little Learner software
, you can now do so at any time simply by purchasing a
PRO key
that will unlock all features. With this key, you will have access to all panels in addition to just the PLAY COURSES panel, such as
PLAY & EDIT (for Little Reader), DOWNLOAD, FREE PLAY (for Little Musician), etc.
Pro keys are now available separately for Little Reader, Little Math and Little Musician for
$99 each
NOTE: When you download LITE, it comes with a 14-day trial of the PRO features, so during this time, you can try them out. It would be best to download the Starter Content Packs in all languages, as you would be able to play and replay them all even after the PRO trial ends. You will not be able to download anything anymore after the end of the PRO trial.
3. All Curricula Sold Separately at $99
All curricula, including the English US/UK curricula, can be purchased separately, and you can purchase it independently of the PRO key. The regular price of
each curriculum is $99
Scroll to the bottom to find out, or read the announcement on our
Discussion Forum
4. Change Of Prices & Promotion
There will be some other slight adjustments to prices overall, in order to make things generally more affordable to everyone. And to kick off all these new changes, we are adding on a Mother's Day promotion right now!
Join us as we celebrate
Mother's Day
with all moms everywhere!
We are giving away
great discounts
all around! Not for one day or a week but for
the rest of the month (May 9 - May 31, 2014)
Together with the major changes announced above, here's your chance to really save on great BrillKids products like our award winning
Little Reader
Little Math
Little Musician
So hurry up and visit our
online shop
today to enjoy these great offers!
Visit our BrillKids Online Shop
Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 09:32:12 AM by Kezia
Mod Mom
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #1 on:
May 09, 2014, 08:39:38 AM »
1. What does this all mean for me?
You can use all our products with basic starter content forever, for free, by just enjoying the LITE versions.
You can now purchase LR, LM and LMs with the full curricula at a much lower price than before. The entry cost to access our full curricula for each of our products is now only $99. You just need to get the LITE product, and pay for a curriculum.
You do not need to invest another $99 to get the PRO key if you do not need all the PRO features. You can decide to upgrade to PRO later at any time, if you feel you have a need for it. So effectively, you're no longer forced to have to pay for all those features if you don't even need them. If you're a "just hit play" person, this is perfect for you.
If you aren't interested in the English curriculum and just want to teach other languages, you're now also no longer forced to pay for the English curriculum that used to be bundled with Little Reader. Now, you would just get Little Reader LITE for free, and pay for the language curriculum you're interested in (say, Chinese), clean and simple, with the PRO key being an additional option.
2. What about LR Basic, Deluxe, etc.?
We will still have the "Basic" and "Deluxe" packages, but these are now just bundles which you can choose if you wish to save some money. For example, if you want the English curriculum and PRO features anyway, it would make sense if you just get Little Reader Basic or Deluxe, since it would be cheaper than if you were to get the English curriculum and PRO key separately.
3. Can I download lots of library content during the PRO trial and continue to play the content after the PRO trial ends?
During the PRO trial, you will have access to all features, including downloading from our library, so you will be able to download whatever you want during this time. However, after the PRO trial ends, you will only be able to access the PLAY COURSES panel of the software. In the case of Little Reader, this means that you would not be able to access the PLAY & EDIT panel, which would mean that you will no longer be able to access individual Category downloads either. However, you will still be able to access the different language starter content packs that you may have downloaded, as these are accessed from the PLAY COURSES panel.
In the case of Little Math and Little Musician, icon sets that you downloaded previously would still show up in the lessons that you are able to play back from the PLAY COURSES panel.
Posts: 553
Karma: 128
Baby: 5
Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #2 on:
May 10, 2014, 01:46:09 AM »
Sounds like some great changes! What is the difference between the basic version and the new pro version? I see both listed in the store, but they look the same to me.
Posts: 1772
Karma: 232
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #3 on:
May 10, 2014, 10:33:41 AM »
Now that is a great idea. That will help many of the parents who are not teaching English first around the world. Love it.
Do those of us with a full version now need to update? Say if we buy a new language pack? If we do update in the future will it change our version to pro?
$99 is quite a bit more accessible for many families world wide. Great choice.
Posts: 1772
Karma: 232
Baby: 3
Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #4 on:
May 10, 2014, 10:37:48 AM »
I just figured out you can get a 300 day long country cause and play it on this new lite version for only $31! What a bargain! And useful for older kids to boot!
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #5 on:
May 10, 2014, 12:57:54 PM »
Thanks for the discount! Finally decided to buy the LR Basic and LR Touch last night with this Mother's day discount. Started with Day 1 class with my baby Enzo today.
Posts: 16
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #6 on:
May 10, 2014, 01:32:53 PM »
Looks great!! Now if only there was an iPad version of Little Math everything would be perfect!!!!
Posts: 553
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #7 on:
May 10, 2014, 04:43:47 PM »
Okay, I get it now. The PRO version isn't a curriculum, just the features to edit, make your own content, and download new files from the library. The English version is separate. I don't know why I didn't get it the first time I read through everything- it's pretty clear. Sorry!
Posts: 1821
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #8 on:
May 11, 2014, 03:12:09 AM »
Those of us who've been using the original LR version, already have all the PRO features, and it will stay that way, updates and all.
And yes, Tamsyn, you are right, PRO is not a curriculum. One can get any curriculum separately now, no need to buy English in order to use Spanish for instance. And if you are planning to only play back the Already prepared curriculum, it will be all that you will need.
But if you would like to create your own lessons (which something I do all the time and find it extremely useful), your own courses, download thousands of files from free lesson library and organize them in courses, share what you have created with others, customize the play back, use picture editor and easy voice recorder, then you can opt to get PRO and enable all those awesome features
I think overall it gives more flexibility for all!
Proud mommy of 3 early learners!
Posts: 1772
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #9 on:
May 11, 2014, 08:17:03 AM »
I think its a great solution. Plus you can spread out the costs over a longer time period. For he first few months you can Use a basic language pack and later once you are hooked upgrade to Pro
fabulous for all the non English users.
I understand we will keep all the features I was just wondering if the next upgrade would change the wording or look of ours. More from curiosity than any really important reason
Mod Mom
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If the world is night, shine my life like a light.
Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #10 on:
May 12, 2014, 02:19:13 AM »
Thank you so much for all the positive feedback.
We're very happy to make these new changes - and you're all right - we wanted to give everyone more accessible entry points to be able to use our program.
We probably won't be changing the look anytime soon though Mandabplus3
Just a few important points (in a very very summarized format):
- If you already have Basic from before = that's equal to having a CURRICULUM + PRO
- If you're a new parent who wants to teach, but you're really not into making your own lessons = just get a curriculum. You won't need PRO at all.
- If you're a teacher who doesn't want to use our curriculum or media but you want to make your own lessons = just get PRO.
- If you're a parent/teacher who wants to use the curriculum AND make your own lessons = get a CURRICULUM + PRO. Or better yet, get BASIC.
- If you're undecided about getting anything just yet, that's just fine too! You can just download the programs and use the trial over and over and over again!
Oh, and don't miss out on the new COUNTRY COURSES! They come with a schedule already, they're great for older kids AND 100% of the sale goes to our Early Education for Every Child Foundation! How neat is that?
Thank you thank you thank you to all the volunteers who made this happen - and a massive heartfelt thanks to our EECF president Natalie who coordinated everything!
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 02:21:04 AM by Lappy
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #11 on:
May 12, 2014, 07:40:57 AM »
Dear All,
The offer looks great!
I am planning to buy a Language Curriculum Pack and i have enough points to get 25% discount. If redeem my points and get 25% discount now, Can i use this discount on your $99 pack and pay $74.25 only.
Please clarify.
Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 02:41:11 AM by Lappy
Posts: 1537
Karma: 224
Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #12 on:
May 12, 2014, 08:35:59 AM »
Hi Sweetmon! The discount promotion we're doing now is directly applied to the item prices - that means YES, you may still use your redeemed discount coupon or any other coupon you'd like to apply to your shopping cart.
Jaydeep Gajera
Posts: 14
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Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #13 on:
September 06, 2015, 08:11:05 PM »
Offers looks great !
Posts: 276
Karma: 25
Baby: 1
Re: Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts!
Reply #14 on:
October 31, 2015, 08:20:12 PM »
Good deal
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