Hi KrksonaWe're sorry but we do not have an installment plan payment option for Little Reader Deluxe, although we do have it for the Basic sets. The reason why is because so much value goes into one box that an installment payment, should the payment fall through and be rejected starting from the 2nd month of the payment schedule, is not feasible for us to have as of the moment.
Hi SidoniaThe digital files of the rest of the storybooks is still not included in the software. We are currently working on the production of these files, and as such, we will release an update to the curriculum which include the digital files of the rest of the storybooks in a couple of months. Some of the books for now are made to be standalone products to be used to compliment your Little Reader lessons, with most of the highlighted words found in other categories, even if the stories themselves are not animated. However, rest assured that we're working on this.

Hope these explanations help!