As promised, here's a sneak peek at our upcoming software - Little Math and Little Musician.
LITTLE MATHThere are 2 main sections to this - Learning Numbers, and Learning Math.
For Learning Numbers, the program will help you teach your child the concept of numbers. This will help the child link together the concepts of QUANTITY (eg. showing numbers of dots), NUMERALS (ie., 1, 2, 3, 68, 92, etc) etc.
Like Little Reader, it will be highly customizable, eg., the icons used, and you can import stuff created by others.
For Learning Math, this is basically teaching arithmetic concepts - addition, subtracting, multiplication, and division. It will be so easy to use. No more spending ages just trying to pre-arrange your math dot cards in order to show equations!
We hope to get the first beta out by October.
LITTLE MUSICIANLittle Musician will teach a child:
Notes & Pitch - ie., the relationship between a note (in terms of pitch), and the representations of the note (eg., the musical staff notation, the letter of the note (eg., G#)).
Rhythm - This aims to enhance the child's sense of rhythm.
Sing Along - This is essentially a baby karaoke, letting them sing along to nursery rhymes. The best part is, this will also really help a child learn to read too!
And this is Felicity's favorite! You can see her singing Head Shoulders Knees and Toes here: it says "This video no longer exists", just refresh the page and try again.)
We hope to get the first beta of Little Musician out before the end of this year.
Hope that gives you some info on what's coming up next! Stay tuned for more!
If you have any suggestions as to what we can include, please let us know!