Hi everyone!
We're very happy to present to you the NEW and IMPROVED BrillKids Forum and BrillBaby website!You'll notice that we've made many new improvements to make your website and forum experience richer and more convenient. Here's a list of changes we've made:
BrillBaby - a fresh new look Your favorite one stop site for all things relating to baby education is now better than ever - we've reorganized all of the articles and reviews and optimized the pages, so now the site loads faster, is prettier, and has fresh new content! Be sure to check out our early learning E-Book entitled, How to Teach your Baby to Read!
New Forum Home Page Panels We've designed a whole new look for the Home Page Panels, to better organize the announcements and your personal profile updates. Once you sign in, you'll immediately be able to see your messages and view your unread posts or new replies to your posts by clicking on the links on the top left panel. You will also be able to choose what color scheme you would like your forum to use, so you can have a personal color preference for your BrillKids forum!
The Little Reader Library HOME When you click on Little Reader Library from the top navigation bar of our forum, you will now be taken to a page where you can easily see popular Little Reader downloads, recently added files, and BrillKids recommended library files.
Download stats are also available near the bottom of this page, where you can have real-time statistics on how many files there are in our online library, as well as top rated downloads, most viewed, most commented, and newest files.
Little Reader Library Categories All of our Little Reader library files are now organized into categories, which make for more efficient sorting and searching! You'll also get information on how many files there are in a particular category!
File Search Looking for a particular file? Searching our library is now made easier with our new and improved File Search! You can look for files according to title, author and keywords, and if you want to narrow your search further, simply click on Advanced Search!
File Organization After selecting a particular category you want to view, you will see a page which has all the essential information you need to know about the file - titles, authors, ratings, and dates - you'll even see what kind of media the file has, whether it includes pronunciations, images, videos or picture audio!
Download Preview When you click on the Preview button, a screen will pop up, which will easily give you a snapshot look at the file you have chosen. You'll also be able to see thumbnails of the file's images, as well as how many media files it has attached.
Little Reader Library File - More Info At the bottom of this preview if a More Info button, which will take you to the file's exclusive page in the BrillKids server. You will be able to see several thumbnails of images included in the file, as well as more in-depth information about the file. You will also be able to add comments to the files, as well as rate them!
Adding Files to the BrillKids Online Library Now, you can add files from anywhere in the BrillKids forum! Simply click on the My Files button at the top navigation bar, and click on Add a Download. You will be instantly taken through the new file uploading process.
New File Uploading Process We've changed the file uploading process to make it even more user-friendly and easy to use. All you'll need to do now is to choose the file type of your download, the language it's made in and the categories you would like to tag your file with. You can choose up to three categories for each file, so it'll be easier to look for them when other members are searching for files by topic!
A dynamic bar will tell you the upload status of your file, and once it's complete, you will be taken to your files page! [Your file will not be visible to others until it is approved by an administrator or global moderator.]
We hope you all enjoy the improvements we've made! Visit our BrillBaby website and BrillKids Forum to see more of the many great upgrades and enhancements we've added!
To you and your baby - Happy learning!
From your BrillKids Team