Looking for other teaching tools that you can use with your little one?

We've added two brand new categories under FREE DOWNLOADS
Activity Sheets and
Children's eBooks!
We at BrillKids have created two Activity Sheets which can help you teach your child how to write both numbers (from zero through nine) and the letters of the alphabet! We've made learning to write easy for your children - simply guide them through the numbers stroke lines until they complete the number or letter!

We have also created eBook files for two stories which we have featured in the past - The New Toy written by lawrencelb and Colors of the Rainbow, written by Khloe! In addition to these, we've added our own simplified storybook for The Three Little Pigs, complete with vibrant pictures and large letters to help your child become familiar with the words on the page.
We hope you enjoy these new educational tools - all for FREE from BrillKids!
Happy Teaching!