Hi everyone!
We would like to invite you to revisit these Account Management pages to see the changes we have made - you may find that we have recreated and added some functions which will hopefully make for a smoother experience as you navigate, download and change your BrillKids account information.
Here is a list of features we have changed / added to:
ACCOUNT INFORMATIONNow, your personal information and baby information may be accessed in a single page! Easily update your baby information or your account details - all you have to do is visit this page and click on Save Changes after you're done making your changes!
FORUM PROFILEThis is where you can view all everything related to your forum account - how many posts you've made, links to your shared files and videos, and how many loyalty points you have.
You can also change your avatar and screen name from this page.
MY FILESThe My Files page is where you'll find all the files you have contributed to the forum - so if you're an avid contributor, you won't have to go through all the trouble of searching high and low just to find the files you've submitted to us! The files are now sorted into their respective filetypes, to help make searching ad organization faster and more effective.
SOFTWARE SYSTEMSThe Software Systems page is where you will be able to download your software, license key, and curriculum content - to make it easier for everyone, we've separated the data into 3 sections, respective to your BrillKids learning system.
Now, you can easily access your downloaded files, your progress diary, your purchase history, and your learning system's respective video tutorials!
There are also a couple of new functions which may help make your experience with using our learning systems better:
Activation Records:(We're currently doing a few things to tweak this feature, and it will be available for use soon, so please stay tuned!)
You can now see the computer names in the PCs where you have installed and activated your BrillKids software. In the event that you need to install and activate in another computer, all you need to do is delete your old activation record, and you’re ready to move your BrillKids learning system!
Teaching Resources:We have added links to eBooks, videos, and customer support in the Account Management section, so in case you need a little more information about your learning system, you won't have to go anywhere else to find it!
We hope that you enjoy all the new changes we've implemented in your Account Management sections - if you have any questions or comments, feel free to let us know!
As always, thank you very much for being a part of the BrillKids community!