Hi - for those Aussie parents out there who are thinking of getting Little Pim but have held off due to the price - I've found a local website which sells them quite cheaply. It's called Burn Direct.
The following link will get you to the search page for Little Pim
http://burn.com.au/products/products.php?Pl=%26Tp%3D&Fd=description&Qy=little+pimThey currenlty have Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, Iapanese, English and Hebrew. The 3 pack is US$34.18 (46.95 - at the current very good Aus-US conversion rate) which is the cheapest I've seen, they do make their money on the P&H but it still worked out cheaper than ordering it from the States. They sell the individual discs too for US$ 16.29 (22.95) - but you may as well get the 3 pack for under double the price.