You can get many pros and cons for epidural. The most important thing is for you to feel comfortable with your decision. And guess what, you can change your mind too! Mostly, I would never judge anyone for their birthing choices.
My choice was to try as "natural" as possible, but after a few hours decided on the epidural. My first child was 13 years ago. Then the epidural upset me because I could not move half of my body. Didn't have control of my legs and that was scary. As my 24 hours of labor continued my baby was not coming out on her own and finally had a c-section. I was glad I saw everything and was able to hold her right away. It would have not felt right to miss that by having to get general anesthesia.
My 2nd and 3rd were very different. I tried a natural birth but unfortunately my body is not build for natural birth; my babies are too big for my body and my anatomy is not build for it. So ended up with 2 more c-sections. The epidurals have come a long way! In the last two I could move my legs, move around, probably could have walked, but they won't let you try that
! It didn't even hurt when tey placed the needle.
My kids were and are all healthy, had high apgar numbers and did not have any side effects. My side effects came from the c-section.
Good luck on your decision! Remember, do what works for YOU!