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Author Topic: My mom has cancer! I need your help!!!  (Read 32654 times)
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« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2013, 09:43:45 PM »

Thank you very much for all your kind words and suggestions.

The main problem is that my mother can not drink fruit juices and eats very little. The fruit causes her feel upset, gas-filled stomach and vomiting. Loss of appetite and feeling very full after even a small meal are symptoms of liver cancer.

She enjoyed a pumpkin soup I cooked for her yesterday. I feel a huge relief.

She also tried the carrot and apple juice later today and it went all bad. I have read somewhere on the internet that to prevent the gas-filled stomach after fruit is to eat a portion of a green salad as well.

My little girl has a very bad ear infection with high fevers  Sad I will not be able to see my mom every day now. My dad is with her but somehow I am the one who can make her eat and try things or feel and stay possitive. Well it is me and my daughter - they love each other so so much.

When I finished my social work studies I have never dreamed that my own mom will be the first person I will need to help. Sad

Please keep us in your thoughts. It helps a lot.
I know tomorrow is going to be better!!!


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« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2013, 02:26:23 AM »

If your mom have upset stomach, try to avoid any cold foods or drinks. Not necessary to eat or drink anything hot but at least in room temperature (even salad). When you cook vegetable soups for your mom, add some ginger. You may also try to make some ginger tea for her
here is the recipe

Remember don't serve the cold version, try the hot ginger tea and make sure you get high quality RAW honey to use in this recipe.

If her stomach issues getting better, try to reintroduce fresh fruits and vegetables juice, you can also add ginger in the juice and before you make the juice, make sure all the fruits and vegetables are in room temperature, so you may have room temperature juice to serve your mom. 

I know dandelion and milk thistle are good liver tonic but i don't know are they good for liver cancer.

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« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2013, 12:01:01 AM »


I am deeply sorry to hear about your mother. Have you looked into alternative cancer treatments? please look up the budwig protocol. feel free to message me with any questions

The Architect
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« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2013, 01:58:09 AM »

So sorry to hear about this.

I'm glad she's not going to do chemo. That is absolutely the last thing I would ever do. 

I believe there are many ways you can cure cancer (as well as many other so-called 'incurable' diseases).  Here are the top 3 things I would do if my Mom had cancer:

1. I would immediately have her start taking MMS:

You can find lots of info (including testimonials) about it over the Internet, through you'll also find quite a lot of DISinformation out there.

2. I would immediately get her to start taking a lot of Vitamin D3 - at least 5,000iu a day, probably 10,000iu.  (Actually she already takes that everyday).  Vitamin D3 can be purchased inexpensively from places like .  BTW, I would recommend everyone take this too, whether you have cancer or not.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
(specifically mentions colon cancer too.)

3. I would get her a tabletop water distiller and start making distilled water.  Drink at least a gallon (4 litres) a day.  (If you're doing the MMS protocols, just use this distilled water alongside it.).  BTW I do this on a daily basis myself.

And guess what the best thing about all the above is - because these methods are unpatentable, they are CHEAP!  And therein lies the 'problem'.  Cheap (and the fact you can't patent it) means there's not much money to be made, which means not much research done on it, which means it's very hard to get mainstream doctors and medical establishments to risk their medical careers and put their necks on the line by recommending them.  Because it has a direct impact on the billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry too, you will also find a lot of disinformation about a lot of this, to say the least.

If anyone has questions, feel free to also email me directly - KL(at) .


Krista G
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« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2013, 05:29:12 PM »


I read this post last night and have had you on my mind ever since.  I have been praying for you and your mom today.  There is so much I would like to share with you about faith and miracles and the power of God.  I can send you a private message.  I pray that you do not lose hope and I cannot even imagine how devastating this is for you.  When I had very little children my mom was my backbone.  I went to her for everything.  I cannot imagine not having her around for that.  I am sure you feel the same.

There is a lot of great advice here so far.  Remember that sugar feeds cancer and right now you want to starve the cancer.  An alkaline diet would help her a lot, but the most important thing is her attitude and her faith.  I know of people who have been healed of cancer because of their great faith.

I will continue to pray for both of you.


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« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2013, 07:05:34 PM »

Thank you KL for stopping by and for all your suggestions. I am going to by the vitamin D3 right now. It is not available in my country . Sad

I will have to do more reading on the other things.


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« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2013, 07:51:16 PM »

Krista, that is it!  How can I be without my mom! She is my best friend. I can´t believe this is happening to us.  Sad

Two weeks ago I couldn´t stop crying then I decided that I have to stop thinking about myself (thing like  what would I do without her) and instead think of what we can do with it and how to help her.

The hardest thing is that it is only me who she believes. And I am not a doctor! I have to go with my instincts and choose alternatives that are the best considering her health complications.

She has her check ups in two weeks. What I know and scares me is that if the results are not better she will not continue with any alternative treatment. Sad

It is also very hard to make my dad to think positively. I am trying to explain to him why she reacts the way she does. We don´t have much time to talk alone since he is with her all the time ( he is retired). Working therapy would be good for him so from next week he will work with my husband while I am there with my mom.

Thank you for your prays.


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« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2013, 08:16:30 PM »

I recommend the "Cancer Survivor's Guide" book
You can download the PDF for free from this page or order the hardcopy book from them or another store (like Amazon).

You might want to research the macrobiotic diet. They also teach what Krista G said above, that "sugar feeds cancer" among other principles.

The Kushi Institute ( ) offers week long programs "Way to Health" that introduce people to the macrobiotic diet and way of living.
Most of the people who attend do so in pairs of a person with cancer and their support person (e.g., partner, relative, friend). You can also find macrobiotic counselors around the world to consult with (though they are not cheap generally).

The Kushi Institute has a page on cancer and macrobiotics:
They do acknowledge that the older macrobiotic books used too much salt/sodium, so if you follow recipes in older books, be sure to reduce the amount of salt/soy sauce that is called for. My understanding is that their current recommendations for cancer include a diet containing no oil or sugar and very little salt.

They also recommend chewing foods thoroughly (until it turns to liquid in the mouth) before swallowing it. Some people set a timer for 30-60 seconds for every bite. They believe this allows you to absorb more of the nutrients from every bite so that you can eat less food, and that eating less food requires less energy so that the body can use the "saved" energy for healing instead. One of their teachers is a cancer survivor that swears by this technique.

They also recommend a bit of light exercise everyday (a routine of simple stretches that gets the blood flowing to all parts of the body).

I recommend a lightly cooked "green" soup every day. This can be made pretty easily using a blender. Cook 2-4 cups of a green vegetable (e.g., kale, broccoli, watercress, arugula) in a little bit of water (1-2 cups) with vegetable broth powder and a tablespoon or two of raw cashews for about 10-15 minutes (depending on the vegetable). Then blend it in the blender (using very little of the stock initially and then diluting with the stock to the desired consistency) and season to taste (with a dash of white vinegar and pepper). It's an easy way to get the nutrients of leafy green vegetables without having to spend so much time chewing. The cashews give a creamy mouth feel to the soup. You'll want a good tasting stock powder. I like Seitenbacher. An immersion blender will not be able to grind the cashews into a cream (it should not be gritty tasting). You'll need a good quality blender to do the job.

Best wishes.

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« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2013, 09:08:15 PM »

I will be adding links here which I find usefull.

elaida thank you. Itis too late here to read them now. I will look at it tomorrow.


The Architect
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« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2013, 11:33:25 PM »

One thing I forgot to mention until I saw Krista's post - physical is only half of it - the other very important half is MENTAL.  Do not underestimate the importance of healing the mind. The physical symptoms are actually just a manifestation of issues in the mind, and a lot of it can be subconscious.

On that, I would recommend 2 things:

1. Read "Dying To Be Me" by Anita Moorjani:

It's a New York Times bestseller and definitely one of the best books I've ever read. I would recommend anyone and everyone read this, because despite the title and nature of the topic, it's actually much more to do with living than dying.

Here's a Youtube video I found of her (haven't seen it yet, but she'll probably cover some of the basic things about her story):

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

(There are also subtitles in a few different languages.)

2. EFT (emotional freedom technique) which others have already mentioned above. Plenty of Youtube videos.

Above-all, everyone in the family would do very well to drop the fear that comes with this situation. I know i'ts easier said than done, but books like Dying To Be Me would help.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 04:13:09 AM by Kezia » Logged

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« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2013, 04:43:52 AM »

Lelask, I have nothing really to add. Just want you to know that my heart goes out to you and I will be praying for you and you mom.


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« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2013, 05:14:22 AM »

I have a good inspirational story for you. You have to see it and hopefully it'll benefit your mom:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

My prayers with your mom

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« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2013, 08:18:30 AM »

Reňa, I am sorry! As I wrote to you personally - you are my friend and you know that my husband had malignant tumor as well :-(. But I was NOT definitely in your shoes because we were VERY lucky and one operation solved everything. But I definitely agree that mental health is a big part of physical health and physical problems show psychical ones. I recommend to add treatment of soul and mind of your mum as well. I go to kinesiology treatment myself and I would recommend it!
I pray for your mum to recover and for you to manage everything!

« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 04:12:47 PM by pupisek » Logged

Everybody should know about early learning field. Our children deserve it. -------

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« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2013, 08:43:12 PM »

Thank you for your support.

There are better days and worse days. When she feels worse I really can´t stop crying. I am exhausted. There is no many alternative things we can try  Sad  My mom can´t eat. Last week there were 2 days when she didn´t eat anything at all.
She hates the smell of food or drinks. All that smell makes her sick. Even the gas while preparing food makes her sick. Today we had to leave after 10 minutes being there because she could smell the ice cream my daughter ate 30 min before.It was very hard to see that she is loosing interest in her grandchildren. My daughter was her first grandchild and they almost spent every day together. Their relationship was so strong and my mom would do anything for her, they could play together for hours. It is so hard to see that they can´t spend time together. Sad
My mom doesn´t want to fight the cancer. I don´t understand. She has loving, supportive family We would do anything for her but she keeps saying she has lived enough.
She doesn´t want to talk about it.
How can I be without her? How can she not want to fight? This is very hard for me. How come she doesn´t want to live? 

She won´t read any books or articles related to cancer, she won´t listen to relaxing music. She won´t do anything that could possibly change her mind.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 05:39:35 AM by lelask » Logged

Krista G
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« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2013, 09:00:30 PM »

I am so sorry for you.  I cannot even imagine having to endure this.  I don't know how to get her to have a will to fight this battle.


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