I have not told my daughter much about Christmas this year - we have sung some Christmas carols, put up a tree and looked at trees and Santa Clauses in shops and we have sung carols in church too. Next year I would like to tell her the story of Jesus' birth in a way she can understand, but for now we are still working just praying at night and reading Bible stories which she will not listen to all the way through.
As for Santa, she will get a stocking this year and the reason I think is 1. her cousin who is here is getting one and 2. It is fun for me to do things I enjoyed when I was a child.
I never felt angry with my parents about Santa I think because I understood that they had done so so we could have fun - besides we liked having stocking to wake up to when we had to wait for other presents (we could start Christmas at 04:30 if we chose) This year she will just get a stcoking - no words about where it came from. Next year I will have to decide I suppose or maybe I can stretch it out to the year after that