Thank you Chris1!
This is great article! It totally made sense and I recognized my self from this. I seem to be often making very quick decisions or having quick opinions on different kind of topics (should my dad buy a house? should I buy certain stocks?, you name it) without realizing I don't have enough knowledge on the topic. Rationality would be to NOT choose the instant option that pops-up to my mind as these solution but to think the topic further. Maybe the original problem is that I trust too much on my ability to get the answer right and forget to analyse other options.
We once had a test in a project training course where we were supposed to build as long bridge of Lego bricks as possible. As it turned out the optimal way was to turn the bricks 90 degrees so additional weight wouldn't break the bridge (they can bear more weight vertically than horizontally). This was ten years ago, and I still feel angry I didn't get the solution.
I can't help thinking rationality could be the reason why so many companies just keep on improving their products when they should be finding better solutions to their customer's problems. I will start working on these topic as a personal development activity.