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Author Topic: what do you do to save money?  (Read 24022 times)
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« on: December 18, 2008, 05:09:41 PM »

Being a stay at home mom, I have to be very careful with our money, especially with the economy the way it is. I do a lot to save money:
I clip coupons (hubby calls me a grandma for doing so, but he is amazed when I tell him how much I save);
I bargain shop (I always look at the sale ads for the stores having the best prices and sales on things. Luckily there are several grocery stores very close to each other so I can go to several if I need to);
Similarly, I buy presents all year long if i see something on clearance that I know someone will like;
I stock up on groceries when they are BOGO or a good price;
I shop online (certain things like electronics are best bought online. You can find very good prices that are much lower than stores). I also buy stuff from ebay. Almost anything I find in a store can be found on ebay for cheaper, even after shipping. Amazon is also a site with good prices.
I also like to get free samples online. Many companies give free samples of their products on the premise that you will like the product and buy it.

As far as around the house, I try to leave the thermostat at a certain temp; turn lights out when not in a room, etc. Unfortunately, no matter how much I complain, a certain other someone that lives here doesn't always adhere to my rules.  tongue

What do you do to save money? Do you do anything around the house to save on electric/water bills?


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« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2008, 08:00:06 PM »

Another great way to save money is buying hardly worn clothes and toys in second time around stores or better yet getting them free from a friend.


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« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2008, 09:00:09 PM »

I like to sew, so I like to use Dad's old clothes to remake into baby clothes.  And we made the boy's jeans that have holes to make shorts.  Oh, and if you shop at Sears, and your child gets a hole in clothes you bought there, they will replace it for free (as long as it is for the same size).  My older boys are constantly getting holes in their pants, so we like Sears.  (They do it for shoes, too.) 

We cook meals from scratch and don't buy processed food very often.  That can save quite a bit, too. 

Other than that, we reuse workbooks by slicing a page protector on one side, then slipping it over the workbook page and give the child a dry-erase (or wet-erase - which we like better because it doesn't get wiped off by mistake while the boys are writing) marker.  We just have to make sure we take the page protector off before we start erasing, or it often leaves a smudge on the book.

Those are my ideas for now. smile   


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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2008, 10:48:19 PM »

I save money by not buying anything for myself.And by cooking food at home.



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« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2008, 11:30:58 PM »

I pick my washing machine water to clean the yard terazzin and balcony.

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« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2008, 02:33:21 AM »

1. Use the local library as much as you can a borrowed book is jut as good as a new one
2. Local library usually run ( particularly in australia) run school hoiday programmes which you can join in either for free or a very low price
3. Start and grow your own veggie patch, it is not only great economically but your children are taught about soil composting, the food is nutrtionally better for you and you are helping global warming.(if you have the backyrd for it but you can also use plant pots
4.  Also have a chicken coup.
5. Visit your local farmer markets (often the food is better and cheaper)
6. Plan all your weekly meals so when you go to the supermarket you do not impulse by more than what you need.
7. Shop for all your xmas, birthday mother's day father's day gifts when things go on sale through out the year.
8. Buy ccolouring books, pencils craft from a local $2 shop you can buy alot more for less.
9. Ikea sell big rolls of butcher paper for a really good price. THis will keep your kids going for ages
10. Have vegetarian meals 3x a week you'll save heaps from not having to by meat plus exposing your childrern to other foods  like falafel and tofu.
11. Buy a environmental friendly washing powder than use the water from your washing machiene to water your yard. ( you will need to purchase a grey water house and attch it to the hose where the water from the washing machiene comes out.
12. Use the water on from the bath on the yard to.
13. Swap your light globes over for the environmentally friendly ones yes they cost more to buy but you will not the long term savings from the lower electricity consumption plus not having to replace them as often the $ will add up quickly.
14. Start a local playgroup with other mums and begin a toy library together. This way you can swap toys with each other everyweek. The kids always have something 'new' to play with and it does not cost any money.
15. You could also do the above with clothes and books.
16. Sell  the stuff you no longer need or use on ebay. this way you can make some cash to put towards other things.
17. Buy petrol (gas) on the cheap day of the cycle.
18. Put buckets in the shower to capture water and also use this on yard.
19. Use left over veggies in the fridge ( depending how good they are) and use it to make a shepherds pie or soup.
20. Only use the atm machienes of the bank you bank with. Save on fees
21 Use cash wherever you can.
22. Go through all your bills and particularly insurance and start shopping around to see if you can get a better deal.
23. Pay off your credit cards and get rid of them.
24. Look at your mortgage and see if you are getting the best deal possible. You can save hundred's of thousand of dollars if you get the right loan.
25. Cook more than what you need and freeze the rest and use it for work lunches,or meals the next day.
26. Buy things in bulk like toilet paper, long life milk and pet food.
27. Shop at op shops for kids clothes or ebay
28. bank online and reduce as many fees as possible.
29. Sew your own clothes (if you have the time)
30. Knit your own clothes.
31. Take it in turns to have movie nights amongst your friends instead of going to the movies.
32. If you have a teenager who wants everything tell them to get a job and start contributing.
33. Always take a packed lunch to work.
34. Swap dvd's with your friends so you have something 'new' to watch.
35. When going on a holiday, try and hire a house to stay in it is often cheaper and you have all the facilities to make your own food.
36. Make xmas presents to give to people. (Most kids love this one)
37. If you want to save money on day care get your local mums together and see if you can help each other out by looking after each other's kids when the other one has to work.
38. Buy furniture 2nd hand you can get really great stuff for little money and all it has is a scratch or a dent on it.
39. Walk to the shop to buy milk if you need it don't drive (if you can and weather permitting)
40. That's all the suggestions i have for know on saving money and some of the things that i do.


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« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2008, 05:04:40 AM »

One thing that has really helped us to save money is to have an actual budget written down. It is broken down into categories like groceries, clothing, and all the needed things like mortgage and utilities are in there too.

This really keeps me in check, and forces me to really think about my spending. For example, I was at the mall this weekend getting Jacobs 1 year pictures taken and was tempted to buy some really cute shirts for my daughter that I saw while walking around. But since I loaded up on winter essentials at the begining of the month and hubby got some new work clothes our clothing budget is shot. So I close my eyes and walk on by.  closedeyes

It helps us to not spend on unneeded items and continue to save what we plan on saving.

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« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2008, 04:17:59 AM »

Kimba15, that list is IMPRESSIVE.  Karma to you for sharing!

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« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2009, 03:57:38 PM »

We find a weekly meal planner great.  This way we don't purchase items we are not going to eat.  Plan to make enough so we can have it a second night (also great for when you don't feel like cooking) and also we make sure we plan in the any leftovers.  this way we are not throwing out and wasting food.  Its also a good idea to go through all of your cupboards and use what you have in them.  Its amazing what you have hidden at the back and even more amazing what you can make with it.

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« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2009, 04:26:48 PM »

I have learnt over the years to accept peoples offers.  I'll buy you lunch, come over to our house for dinner, all of those sort of things.  mum used to and still does buy me the odd packet of toilet rolls every now and then.  semms weird, but if I don't have to buy such things, then I'm saving money.  Also, use all of the things in your cupboards.  When I was pregnant and took maternity leave for 12 months, I did not buy 1 beauty product.  My cupboards were filled with half used bottles of creams, shampoos and hair styling products.  so i just kept using them.  then xmas would come around and my mother in law wuld buy me more cream.  I don't think I have had to buy more  yet.  They may not always be the exact ones you want, but still do the trick.

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« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2009, 10:44:44 PM »

We have a diaper genie. In order to save money on the refills, we only throw the dirty diapers in there.
Also the clothes he is growing out of can be sold for money to buy the new size.
Soon (near march) the mortgage industry rates will go down to 4.5 and 5 percent. You can contact your current mortgage company and let them know you want to streamline your rates. There is no credit check, they just check your payment history. Also, twice a year (if possible) double your payment-or put your tax return towards your house. It will decrease your amount owed rapidly, since you do not have to pay interest on the money that is paid down quicker.
Instead of daycare, try to find a trustworthy friend (maybe a stay at home mom) and offer to pay her to care for your child. You child will have more one on one attention and you will not have to pay as much per month for daycare. Such as instead of paying 120 per week, you could offer 80.

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« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2009, 10:57:26 AM »

since i have been at home, we have hardly used the car.  I can't remember the last time we put petrol in it.  I try to walk into town, up to my mums house and just everywhere.  Now that summer is here and the weather is really warming up, I just have to be careful not to have Koen in the pram for too long, and I always make sure he is protected from the sun.  Not only are the walks good interaction time, they are great exercise and of course as mentioned earlier we save $ by not using as much fuel.  Oh, we have even gone walking in the rain a few times, it is really quite nice and a different sensation for Koen.

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« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2009, 12:52:47 PM »

Soon (near march) the mortgage industry rates will go down to 4.5 and 5 percent. You can contact your current mortgage company and let them know you want to streamline your rates. There is no credit check, they just check your payment history. .

Could you tell me more about this?? Is it the same thing as refinancing??



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« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2009, 03:09:20 PM »

i just decide to take some amount in a month n never go far than that becox i got only a few pocet money

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« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2009, 04:18:56 PM »

I don't usually buy things that are not necessary.

I rarely buy clothes. I don't buy dress just because that style is now in vogue.
For as long as I'm comfortable wearing it and it looks good to me, I'm happy with that.

I invest so that I won't spend the money for not important things.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 04:24:44 PM by Danellie » Logged
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