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3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
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Topic: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life (Read 42474 times)
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3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
March 27, 2014, 08:16:45 PM »
I've been pondering how to make this post for at least two weeks now. I can't really do it all justice in a post, so I'll just type and give you a few thoughts.
In the last several weeks, I read quite a few books (44 so far in 2014). Three of those recent books that I read have really made my wheels turn and will absolutely have an influence on our post-EL life (when Cub is older).
In no particular order:
1. Rafe Esquith's
Teach Like Your Hair is on Fire
(hat tip to KristaG on the recommendation)
2. Judith Rich Harris'
The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do
3. Amy Chua (Tiger Mom)
The Triple Package
Each book has its own merits, and yet each complement each other. For instance, Rafe's book will shatter assumptions you may have about what a disadvantaged (or any for that matter) kid can learn and become passionate about. The book was so inspiring that I watched a documentary that parallels the book called The Hobart Shakespeareans. Trailer can be viewed here:
I couldn't get the video on PBS to load, but the comments are worth a gander. The trailer on YouTube: (the whole documentary might be on YouTube/sometimes they do this legitimately, but I have not searched for it)
Some of the book could be implemented into your family or homeschool environment. A lot of it couldn't though. There are certain group dynamics that he creates. What are the key ingredients? That's where Harris and Chua's books come into play. All three dovetail quite nicely.
I'll give an extremely brief summary here (I cannot do the books justice)
Chua's Triple Package posits that three characteristics are necessary (though not sufficient) to upward mobility and achievement. The three characteristics are Superiority, Insecurity, and Impulse Control. It's well argued and made me realize that as of now, I don't really have a family identity that would fit Chua's criteria for Superiority (my EL affiliation maybe - but this isn't an identity that I could necessarily pass onto Cub without a group). That's where Harris' book comes in. Her book has been around for nearly two decades now, but for whatever reason, I wasn't all that familiar with her theory. It went a long way to explaining some dissonance between several ideas and observations that I had lingering for some time. The major theory is that children adapt and adopt (acculturate) to their environment and at school age this means the majority of their adaptations are to fit in with the most significant portion of their life (which is school and their peer group). Her book, along with Chua's certainly can put Esquith's remarkable educational accomplishments into perspective. It also made me realize that EL can be easily undermined by the wrong peer group.
After reading these works, I'm now mostly reflecting and wondering how to create a post-EL environment that will nurture the love of learning and the love of excellence/effort, etc.
If anyone has read any of these three books, do you care to comment or chime in with thoughts on the book?
If no one wants to comment, this post can serve as my hearty recommendation for any or all of the three books for any parent that frequents this board - you'll get something out of them.
Krista G
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #1 on:
March 28, 2014, 05:06:03 PM »
Thanks for the recommendations, Tim. I was able to request these from my library and am eager to read them. I love book recommendations.
How are you able to read so many books? Do you speed read? I have read 33 books so far this year, so you have me beat. The problem is there is an endless list of books that I want to read. Any advice on how to read more quickly would be nice.
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #2 on:
March 29, 2014, 02:01:49 AM »
It's good to remember to use the library when possible, one of those books I had to buy because mine didn't have it.
Most of the books are audio books where I can multitask. I know "they" always say that doing the dishes takes five minutes, but routinely I find it takes me 20+ often times. Yard work is another place I use the audio books. When Cub and I go out to the hot tub to practice swimming, I have a book playing usually. The little that I do actual paid work from the home office, I listen then, too. This month, my listening took off because I figured out how to take an audio book and re-create the files automatically at a chosen speed using a program called MP3 Speed. The program makes a second copy of the book automatically and it will play on an ordinary mp3 player at a faster speed with a pitch preserve.
Out of 16 books I've finished this month, only 4 were read, and really only one of those was "speed reading".
The Nuture Assumption
took what seemed like forever to get through (it's a longer book and it does repeat itself mildly). Another strategy I use is to have multiple books so that when my brain has enough of one, I can toggle and switch to another topic. My guess is that usually I read at about 500 WPM, but sometimes slower and sometimes faster depending on the writing style, organization, etc of the book.
It's interesting that you responded first to the thread, because when I was finishing
Nurture Assumption
, I had you and your family in mind - I think you'll see why as you go through it. I'll give you a hint though... if children adapt to their surroundings/peer group and you have a peer group built into your family, you also have a built in advantage as a parent (though I'm guessing you already know that).
Good times!
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #3 on:
March 29, 2014, 03:45:01 AM »
Hehe well that explains why my post reply deleted last night!
So it's an interesting three to pick. I have only read one of these. Though the nurture assumption is in my iPad....but it's such a ??? Read. I gave up before I got into it. Too much work for a pleasure read. Now I have a reason to read it I might have more luck. Perhaps it would be better in audio format.
I wouldn't pick the same three but we are in very different places in terms of children's ages, so some of what you have to come I have seen and experienced already.
I enjoyed. Battle Hymn of a Tiger mother but never thought to look for more of her books. That one is firmly on the list now!
I have read Raifs book teach Like Your hair is On fire. I enjoyed it. I learnt from it but I found it lacking also. It's a great book for a 5th grade teacher but its a pretty limited audience otherwise. Anyone can get ideas from it but then you are left wanting more. i was recommended one of his other books from a teachers group so perhaps it will add more. I guess I already knew what is possible from a 5th grade class. My daughter is in 5th. as a teacher, I couldn't do what he does year after year and have a family too. I would burn out and my kids would miss out. The most impressive things I took from that book were his test taking teaching strategies, (especially the multiple choice ones), his math games, and the music program absolutely blew me away. I had no idea it was possible to teach a class guitar in one year as he does, the thought never crossed my mind (but it is so obvious now!
) I see no difference between lower socio economic kids and higher, all children can be taught. he teachers attitude first and that is the key to these lower kids. He clearly has a class of kids keen to be in his class and keen to put in the time and effort. I imagine they screen pretty heavily for access to that classroom. ( I could be wrong of course) I still highly recommend the book to all parents and teachers of school age kids even though it left me wanting more.
My three picks?
1) the well trained mind a guide to classical education by Susan Wise Bauer. It taught me what is possible, what is important and to question everything I was taught at uni and school growing up. It sets out a path that makes homeschooling entirely possible to anyone and explains quite clearly what to look for in good curriculum. It taught me to critically evaluate the depth of my children's education.
2) the self propelled advantage
Even though I criticised the simple writing style and nature of this book, the ideas in it are true gold. Sometimes it's the simple things that change your entire outlook.
3) I don't think I have read a third one worth adding to the list yet. Perhaps I read too much...perhaps not enough
I would love to know what others you have read this year! And where on earth you find so many in audio format. Getting bored on my get cranky if I continue listening to our classics while they arnt in the car
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #4 on:
March 29, 2014, 02:07:29 PM »
My brain LOVES this forum. For real.
Proud Momma to DD 11/28/08 & DS 12/29/09, exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day apart in age. Check out my youtube channel for BrillKids Discounts and to see my early learners in action!
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #5 on:
March 29, 2014, 11:13:00 PM »
Mine too! it's like a brain massage whenever I go fuzzy around the edges!
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #6 on:
March 30, 2014, 02:40:49 AM »
I enjoyed
The Self Propelled Advantage
. If I recall, you were the one that recommended it and started a thread here about it (do I remember that correctly?). In the book she mentions
by Daniel Pink. I finally got around to reading that over the Christmas holiday. It was good and has made me think about the three motivational drivers (autonomy, mastery, purpose).... I want to incorporate all of those into my work life, and hopefully get Cub to do the same. She mentioned another book about perfect scorers on the SAT. I haven't read that one (I'd have to buy it), but I did read
The Perfect Score Project
earlier this month (about a mom that spends a year attempting to get a perfect SAT score). In fact, I emailed the author the minute the college board announced changes to the SAT earlier this month (she had clicked "like" on my review of the book) and that was an interesting exchange between us. I'm into books about excellence. It's probably the same quirk that brought me to this forum in the first place.
Well Trained Mind is also recommended. I read through that book I think before Cub was born.
I'm half way through
Grain Brain
and so far I can recommend it for any parent on this forum... but I'm only half way through it. I'll finish it tomorrow, ha ha. One of his earlier books
Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten
, I didn't give high marks to just because I thought he left a lot on the table (no mention of EL?) and his nutrition chapter was somewhat weak. As I suspected,
Grain Brain
advances quite a bit over that particular chapter.
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #7 on:
March 30, 2014, 04:04:29 AM »
Sadly I don't have these books at my online library. I can't afford to read as much as I would like to.
Using the speed up function on my overdrive app is essential for me to listen to audio books. And it also doesn't alter the voice pitch. I did check that after you asked the other day. I never listen to things slowly so I wasn't aware of how deep initial voices were. But they are the same.
Shen-Li has a lot of suggestions for good books.
Sam Wang's Welcome to Your Child's Brain is interesting.
I am still a fan of Po Bronson's Nurture Shock but I didn't feel like I got a lot out of Top Dog.
JJ: 5 years old.
Math: CLE2, Singapore 2A, HOE, living math books.
Language Arts: CLE2
Reading: CLE2
Independent Reading: Half Magic, Boxcar Children, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
Science: BFSU, Peter Weatherall, lots of science books.
Americana: Liberty\'s Kids, Complete Book of American History, Story of Us.
Krista G
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #8 on:
April 01, 2014, 04:28:02 PM »
I lived in Belize for the first 12 years of my marriage and had to buy almost every book I wanted to read. Now I live in Florida and love the library and only buy an occasional book. I adore the library. What a blessing to be able to read so many great books for free!
I am waiting for the books to come in and am eager to read them. One of the best books I read this year was Rafe's book. He blew me away with his music program, the thinking skills with tests that Mandy mentioned and his financial plan for his kids. I thought that was awesome. I also loved The Core by Leigh Bortons. While it is about Classical Education, which I love, it is different in many ways from The Well Trained Mind. I think all you early learning enthusiasts would find some wonderful ideas of things to teach your little ones. I want to work on the mapping this summer with my kids. I actually underlined a lot of that book and need to read it again or go take notes.
The Self-Propelled Advantage challenged some of the ways I do things and allowed me to step back. I realize that my kids often like to do certain subjects without me and if I let them go they are faster and more motivated to accomplish them.
As for cleaning the kitchen, maybe I would enjoy it more with an audio book playing. What I think is a five minute job always turns into about 40.
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #9 on:
April 01, 2014, 06:47:38 PM »
Hi PokerDad,
Thank you for starting this thread, I always love book recommendations. I watched the video you embedded, it reminded me of Marva Collins' way of teaching. Rafe Esquith's and Marva's philosophy seem to be similar. I will order Rafe's book, (as I doubt, the library has his book here in the UK). Can't wait to read it!
Krista G
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #10 on:
April 01, 2014, 07:19:51 PM »
I forgot to mention the other book I read this year that I really enjoyed. It is none other than Jim Trelease's Read Aloud Handbook. I had read a previous edition, but the new edition really did have quite a bit of new information. It always inspires me to read more to my kids. I think reading is the single most important activity parents can do with their kids. A few years ago I vowed to join the 2012 book challenge to read I forget how many books to my kids. While I did complete the challenge along with some other parents here, I always felt that the area of weakness in our reading is making it a daily habit. There would be many days where we would not read at all. Even so, we still read a lot, but I wanted the consistency of a daily habit more than anything. Jim mentions a family that kept a reading calendar of the number of days they read aloud without missing. I found this to be inspiring for our family. It has been such a positive experience. Previously we would do other activities and miss reading. Now before we do any of these other activities we read. We have 92 days of consecutive reading behind us and it feels so great that we don't want to miss. I love that my kids come and find me and ask me if we are going to read. They know that if they want to watch a movie on the weekends we have to read first. We have read so many books because we are consistent. The other night was so enjoyable. I had all six of my kids in my bed and they listened as we read almost all of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Even though I have older kids they still love to be read to. My 14 year old often says, "Mommy, will you please read to us? I love when you read to us." That is music to my ears and delights my soul. I have spent so many wonderful hours reading to my kids. We have built so many memories from the times we have read together. When we were reading the Harry Potter books about 6 years ago they would jump out of bed at 6 AM so we could read for an hour. They often beg me not to stop (which I love). That was the case with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They begged me to keep reading and I had to eventually stop and send them to bed. The book is just a good reminder of why reading is important. It is preaching to the choir, but I still enjoy reminding myself why it is so important.
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #11 on:
April 02, 2014, 03:30:47 AM »
Thanks everyone for the excellent recommendations. I have read most of the book mentioned above, but others were just added to my list.
Grain Brain is fabulous - on that note - about brain health and improvement I am currently reading The brain that change itself, by Norman Doidge
fantastic read. and on the pipeline my next read - recommended by a good friend is Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman.
Great week everyone
Last Edit: February 26, 2016, 09:46:37 AM by Kezia
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #12 on:
April 02, 2014, 12:57:14 PM »
I love book recommendations too and enjoy your posts PokerDad.
I love these types of books and appreciate ideas on how to enjoy more of them.
Here is something new that might help, Check out, a speed reading technology. It isn't available yet, but I think it is possibly game changing.
I am always amazed at how someone can spend months or years synapsizing much of their hard earned life's insights into a book or books and we can buy one for $10. One of the greatest bargains of all time. What a way to leverage other peoples' knowledge.
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #13 on:
April 02, 2014, 01:09:01 PM »
YES Julia! I am impatiently awaiting the release.
Proud Momma to DD 11/28/08 & DS 12/29/09, exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day apart in age. Check out my youtube channel for BrillKids Discounts and to see my early learners in action!
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Re: 3 Very Impressive Books That Have Changed My Outlook On Post EL Life
Reply #14 on:
April 03, 2014, 06:13:27 AM »
Krista you just cost me another $10! Lol havnt read The Core. Up to chapter three so far, so good.
Can't wait for spritz. But I DO hope they get it to work properly with all the major platforms before they release it. No point having it if it will only read a PDF. Too limiting.
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