4,500 families are suing the government because they believe vaccines caused their child's autism.
Since the 1980s, critics have questioned the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Government health officials and most doctors insist the benefits are large and the problems exaggerated.
Now a June survey of more than 10,000 families suggests the problems are more than speculative.
It found teenage boys vaccinated as children were:
--Twice as likely to suffer from autism
--Four times as likely to have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
--And boys and girls of all ages - vaccinated as children - were more than twice as likely to have developed asthma.
So what can parents do to at least limit the side effects?
-Don't vaccinate a child who is sick or has had a previous severe vaccine reaction.
-Be careful about giving multiple vaccines on the same day, especially to premature babies.
-Tell your doctor if your child or your family has a history of autoimmune or nervous system disorders.
-Learn vaccine side effects so you can monitor your child after vaccination. In case of problems, immediately call your doctor.
The most important thing is good nutrition to build a strong immune system.
That's not just theory, that's history. The fall of mass death from infections occurred when nutrition improved on a large scale.
"When they looked at diphtheria and they looked at measles and they looked at all these infectious diseases that were killing so many people, they found a 75 percent, 90 percent, 50 percent drop in the number of people who were dying before the vaccine programs were ever started," Blaylock said.
In other words, the drop had nothing to do with the vaccines.
That kind of information is needed by parents, Fisher believes. Know the risks and the benefits. Then make an informed decision. And know that vaccine policy may need radical reform, so parents are allowed to pick and choose what's best for an individual child.
"We have to individualize the policies to begin with," Fisher said. "But we have to do the scientific studies to really determine whether a policy of using 48 doses of 14 vaccines before age 6 is a wise policy."