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Author Topic: eliminating dairy products  (Read 56511 times)
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« Reply #45 on: January 16, 2009, 03:28:10 PM »

Thanks for sharing that Miamimum. It's hard to believe that a doctor would be one to not give his kids milk.

There is a fish oil that I take that is odorless. It's made by nature made. I have never tasted it or burped up fish taste. You may want to try it or look for a similar product.


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« Reply #46 on: January 16, 2009, 09:40:33 PM »

NHOCKODAY can you write me the name of the product. My son is on holiday in London so that he ask for it please.I HAVE OVER 6 BOTTLES that consist in omega ..and iron but when he smell it he refuse it.At this moment i am giving him Eskimo kid and he improuved regards consentration.thanks

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« Reply #47 on: January 16, 2009, 11:17:40 PM »

It's Nature Made brand Odorless Fish Oil 1200 mg. Here is their site You just have to make sure that you buy the odorless because they also make some that is not odorless.

Here is a store locator if you are in the U.S.
It looks like you can buy it online too.


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« Reply #48 on: May 05, 2009, 09:24:41 AM »

Hi all,
I stay in India and I personally do not have access to raw milk or too much of soy milk.
My daughter does not like dairy products, especially milk and curd but I force her to drink it everyday as I have always heard dairy calcium is a must for growing children.
she does get cold and cough often which takes almost a month to go.
please suggest which susbstitutes we can give to replace nutrients of milk and dairy products? are calcium sandos enough?

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« Reply #49 on: May 05, 2009, 09:54:26 AM »

Hi garima,

You haven't mentioned how old your kid is.  I stay @ B'lore and I don't give any diary products or milk as I have found most of them are not fresh.  When my son turned 2, I started him on Pediasure, Vanilla.  Its a little expensive than most other nutritional powders, but worth it.  It has all the ingredients needed for growing children and there is no need to add milk.

You can also try protinex junior by Wockhardt. 

Hope this helps,


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« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2009, 02:39:46 AM »

Ok, so i've just read 4 pages of numerous posts. What I've gathered from reading all of them is basically, SOY is bad, Cows Milk & Dairy is bad, Almond is also bad, flaxseed oil is bad...and I think there was more??  wacko

Goats milk may offer a better alternative. I'll conduct more research on this matter. I am currently giving my 12 month old son Earths Best Organic formula and was planning on continuing giving him formula until the age of 2 due to all the minerals/vitamins and nutritional value in the formula. I may have to alter this plan...


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« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2009, 07:50:59 PM »

UK study finds high levels of inorganic arsenic in rice milk and advises against giving it to children under age 5.
Summary here:

Complete Study here:

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« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2009, 10:11:50 PM »

I don't know... I feel pretty safe not giving my little ones cow's milk (or goats milk, or soy milk, etc).  Some of my children like to drink it occasionally.... we have it in the house mainly for DH's coffee or for recipies (pancakes, cheese sauce for mac'ncheese, etc).  In a week we might go through 4 litres (1 gallon) at most.... for a family of 8!  My oldest is 15 now and they're all growing up just fine without having milk as a regular part of their diets.  In fact, in 15 years with 6 children, we've had a grand total of only 3 or 4 ear infections... I've read that dairy can contribute to this.  If I didn't breastfeed them for almost 3 years or more, then I might get some sort of 'vegetarian baby' book from the library.... but they are all getting milk (from me) during those first few years, and then they are weaned.  (Just like all the animals in nature who wean and then no longer drink milk for the rest of their lives... especially not the milk of a different species... it just doesn't seem natural when you think about it like that).

Well, it's only my humble opinion... I'm no medical doctor or anything... but to me I think it must be okay and healthy to wean from milk past babyhood.

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« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2009, 10:45:21 PM »

I don't know, if you perceive there is a problem with your child's health then I guess you should look to eliminating allergens, including dairy.  I do not think my child has any health problems, but I could be wrong.

What do you do for calcium, vitamin D, and protein and fat source then.  There aren't many foods that are very complete on these types of nutrients, which I think is one of the main reasons our diet is riddled with dairy.  I don't think they should recommend getting rid of dairy without suggesting affordable equivalent substitutes.


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« Reply #54 on: July 09, 2009, 10:47:25 PM »

Ok, so i've just read 4 pages of numerous posts. What I've gathered from reading all of them is basically, SOY is bad, Cows Milk & Dairy is bad, Almond is also bad, flaxseed oil is bad...and I think there was more??  wacko

Goats milk may offer a better alternative. I'll conduct more research on this matter. I am currently giving my 12 month old son Earths Best Organic formula and was planning on continuing giving him formula until the age of 2 due to all the minerals/vitamins and nutritional value in the formula. I may have to alter this plan...

My beloved stool softener is bad??? Why???


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« Reply #55 on: July 10, 2009, 01:35:48 AM »

I just read this on the Holistic Pediatric Association web site

 Flax seed oil is often recommended as an omega-3 supplement for children, but there is a problem. Flax seeds contain the omega-3 fatty acid ALA that must be converted to DHA by an enzyme so that the body can incorporate it into cells. The problem is that children make this enzyme only in small amounts, if at all. If they do not have the enzyme they will not benefit from the omega-3 fat in flax seeds. Newborns are completely unable to convert ALA to DHA. A study of breastfeeding mothers who took a flaxseed oil supplement had no resulting increase in their own plasma or breast milk levels of DHA, showing that adults do not make this conversion either (Francois, 2003). Flaxseeds are not an adequate source of DHA.

I thought it was kind of interesting that kids have very little of the enzyme needed to benefite from the omega 3's in flax seed.  It would sure be easier to  get them to take it.  I have to be very careful not to mix too much in with K's food or she won't eat it.  Sometimes that means spreading it out over a few meals & I forget so she doesn't always get the full dose.

It isn't bad, just doesn't benefit babies to take for omega 3.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 01:37:56 AM by Twinergy » Logged
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« Reply #56 on: July 10, 2009, 02:47:10 AM »

Kappasweet wrote:  What do you do for calcium, vitamin D, and protein and fat source then.  There aren't many foods that are very complete on these types of nutrients, which I think is one of the main reasons our diet is riddled with dairy.  I don't think they should recommend getting rid of dairy without suggesting affordable equivalent substitutes.

Well, for calcium we make smoothies with almonds or brazil nuts in them, also salad lettuce is a good source of calcium, some fruits and other things too.  Vitamin D is manufactured by your own body when you are exposed to sunshine, so unless you're living in the far North where the winter days are dark, then a daily exposure to the great outdoors will be plenty for Vitamin D.  Protein is in lots and lots of stuff; besides the nuts I mentioned, it's in fruits and vegetables too.  Protein is made up of amino acids.  A fruit or a vegetable or a nut or a grain doesn't have all the amino acids, but with a varied diet, it should be no problem to get enough complete protein.  (The real concern in North America is probably that many people consume too much protein).  There are many healthy fats that aren't animal based... for the baby I mash avocado with banana for example... also nuts, olive oil... even oranges have a small amount of fat in them believe it or not.  In our house we do use cheese... mostly because it is convenient and tasty... but I'd feel very comfortable feeding the kids a totally vegan diet too.  I think the older ones might protest, and I'm quite sure my husband couldn't do without some meat either, so for our family we have a 'mostly vegetarian diet' and we all seem healthy.  There are lots of vegan books that explain how vegans easily get their nutritional requirements, but I'm not any kind of health expert... I've just read a few books and I feel quite comfortable without emphasizing dairy consumption in our children's diets.  The nutrients you mentioned are actually some of the least concerning to vegan diets from what I've read.... sometimes iron or vit.B12 can be an issue.  (One book I read asked "Why are the countries with the highest dairy consumption per capita also the countries with the highest incidence of osteoperosis?")

Many books that advise eliminating dairy do point out that the American and Canadian Food Guides have changed over the years to emphasize more fruits and vegetables and less dairy and meat... they suggest that medical science is discovering that so much dairy is not good for our bodies (a milk that is designed for a large muscular cow... human milk has less fat and more lactose - the milk sugar that grows our central nervous systems; our brains).  However, they point out, even with this medical knowledge, the governments can never suggest to cut down or eliminate dairy because the dairy industry is so wouldn't be a good political move at all.  And remember, it's the dairy industry commercials that say " does a body good".

My big question is still "Why are we the only species that don't wean?"  All the mammals in nature look pretty healthy without drinking milk past infancy.  Well, like I said, these are just my own experiences and insights... I'm no medical expert.  But I've read enough books that I feel comfortable with the diet we eat in our family.  And our babies are getting milk until they're almost three or longer... human milk.  If I couldn't breastfeed for that long for some reason, then I would definetely look for some alternative because babies do have different nutritional needs than adults do.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 03:01:07 AM by momtomany » Logged
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« Reply #57 on: July 10, 2009, 05:15:59 AM »

quote author=anjie link=topic=1940.msg29182#msg29182 date=1241517266]
Hi garima,

You haven't mentioned how old your kid is.  I stay @ B'lore and I don't give any diary products or milk as I have found most of them are not fresh.  When my son turned 2, I started him on Pediasure, Vanilla.  Its a little expensive than most other nutritional powders, but worth it.  It has all the ingredients needed for growing children and there is no need to add milk.

You can also try protinex junior by Wockhardt. 

Hope this helps,

Hi Anjie,
My daughter is 3 yrs old and doesn't like milk at all.
I will try pediasure.
Its scary to see mothers feeding their kids 2 glasses of milk, cheese, curd and your kid eatin nothing, as if she will be deprived of nutrition.
Thanks for the encouraging reviews by all of you.
I will try alternatives.

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« Reply #58 on: July 12, 2009, 01:52:30 AM »

I only had time to read a handful of the posts. But here's what IAHP told us. Yes, definately elliminate the we did what we could. It's been reduced to at least 75%. It's not easy to maintain, we just do our best! And as far as the calcium they told me sunshine was the best form of bone-building calcium. So we spend many hours in the sun. I have also found this info on Dr. Mercola's website. Hope this help some!


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« Reply #59 on: August 06, 2009, 02:01:13 PM »


I've read all 4 pages, still confusing what to give my baby. she is 15 months old, still drinking 4-5 bottles of formula everyday (Nestle Nan 2). She has been on formula since 6 months old due to me going back to work full time and had to go overseas for a business trip at that time. And face it not all full time working mom can keep up their milk supply, if you are going to suggest that I should have expressed milk. I have invested good money in that machine and it did not work very well for me though I tried many ways.

Well now my baby goes to a daycare. She is a picky eater, at home and at daycare. So I have been relied on her drinking formula to complete the required nutrients. I give her liquid iron to supplement her food intake as well. We are an Asian family so we don't really use milk in cooking. That part is fine then, I only have to worry about her formula now right? And the daycare's cooking, since I am sure they use heaps of dairy products in cooking and drinking. The other day I just came to pick up my baby earlier than usual and see they fed her cracker with cheese on it, and she seemed to like it.

So am I to substitute cow-milk based formula with some other formula? If so, what is the suggestion since rice milk, soy milk, animal milk, almond milk are all not good?

Or do I just drop the milk and hope she will eat all the food we cook when she is hungry? I am just so worried that she would be losing weight. Her cousin is underweight and developing problems because he is eating too little.

She also drinks once at night time and once very early in the morning when she is still asleep (we do not force her to drink, she lets us know she is hungry and in need of a drink by signs). What do I do with those meals, it seems not a way to let her get up and feed her solids at 11pm-12am or 4-5am???

Also when I have a 2nd baby, and have to drop breastfeeding before 1 year old, what should I do to give the baby nutrients without dairy? You know under 1 they need milk as they are only learning to eat solids.

A note on the fish oil, I have not been able to follow the links since I'm using my work laptop. However I've read info somewhere else regarding flaxeed oil does not provide DHA in a form readily for our bodies to absorb, and it is not easy to convert from other forms to DHA. Actually I have done a few research myself on the fish oil, and all of the products availalbe in pharmacies, supermarkets where I live (NZ) are sadly lacking in both DHA level, and information regarding their products. I bought my fish oil online from a company called Xtend-life, I found they publish the most complete info regarding fish oil, what to look for, what source of fish, how they process fish into Omega 3 oil, the level of pollutants in their fish oil (not just saying they comply to whatever standard...), what make of the capsules etc... their website is if you want to read. Before that, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, I bought fish oil from a company called Oils for life, also online. My baby has always had a good attention span, not sure due to fish oil or not though. I only switched the fish oil because Xtend life publishes more info around their products though. Surprisingly both the companies are NZ companies, and their main source for the oil is Hoki fish, a NZ deep sea fish with natural high level of DHA.

Waiting for feedback regarding what I should do with my baby's formula feeding? Many thanks in advance.

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