My daughter was eating pretty much the same meals as me at 8 months (I cook almost everything myself).
If i was doing steamed vegetables (with garlic and a little bit of chili :-), she would have this. Most of her food was finger food at that time, as i was really big on her feeding herself early on with either a spoon or her hands. (But i must add she had many teeth very early on.
For breakfast she would have porridge with soy milk and a mashed banana or wholemeal bread with cheese, lunch usually thin slices on chicken from the grill/tuna/a slice of ham + veggies (either chopped up finely, mashed, or a finger food), and for dinner soup, pasta with tomato sauce, yogurt.. From memory she wasn't snaking a lot throughout the day and had a good appetite for the 3 main meals.
She's been eating on her own since she was 9mo with a spoon and meals are really hassle free. I DO have to clean up a lot once she is finished and i agree my life would be easier if i was feeding her myself but i love that she's so independent.
These days she definitely likes food with strong flavors such as blue cheese, gerkin, garlic etc..