Oh dear - I have left out stocking fillers for my brother (still young enough to believe in Santa - he's closer in age to my son!) and have had to re-assign them as Christmas/birthday presents so as not to ruin the fantasy!
I've bought a lot of Chinese DVDs for my son - it is his absolute favourite 'game' ... or was until I showed him a couple of annoying Japanese songs, which he's now hooked on

I try to stick to things I will use for teaching (books, books, books, some dvds, educational toys, books...) since the rest of my rather large family will ensure he gets lots of the noisy and annoying STUFF. Plus they think he has too many books and doesn't need to be learning so many languages, so they wouldn't get the useful things anyway!
I am in the process of de-cluttering pre-holidays - I like to have the place mostly-respectable for the constant stream of guests, as well as getting rid of the unnecessary clutter in preparation for the deluge of more

Try looking on etsy.com for beautiful fairytale sets - handmade and often very eco-friendly/organic toys made by talented people - way better than filling the pockets of the big corporations!