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Author Topic: How to deal with whinging?  (Read 21939 times)
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« on: January 07, 2011, 10:27:59 PM »

I am at my wit's end with Nicholas at the moment. He is a champion whinger. It grates and I find myself losing my temper. I can cope with crying, as he only does that for a reason, but whinging is almost constant at the moment and I hate it!

He want's to be carried round all the time, and if I'm busy he crawls around my feet whinging for attention. How can I get him to stop? I try asking him what he wants, but the most response I get is pointing in a vague and general way (he can point in one direction, I turn to try and figure it out and he points in a completely different direction) or he wants the biscuit tin. He gets three good meals and two snacks in the day - he definitely isn't hungry or thirsty, he just wants sugar!

We have just started signing, so hopefully that will help, but I don't know if can cure his clingy-ness whenever I'm in his line of sight! If he sees me leave the room, it's temper time. If I attract his attention in any way away from whatever he's doing, he wants me. I don't get anything done because I only ever seem to have one free hand! And yet if he's with another person and I'm not there, he couldn't care less! Unfortunately, I can't hire his favourite person (9-year-old uncle) as he has school!

Any tips from people who've survived this?


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« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 12:22:06 AM »

I had the same problem withour daughter and would like to prevent whining with our son.  I have done some research on the internet and found some suggestions that worked with other childrern (each child is different so I woudl try many things until you find what works).

1.  Teach you child sign language so he/she can communicate better and earlier with you.
2.  Ignore all whining, try to show no emotion to the whining and don't take it personally.  One mom suggested playing music and singing.
3.  Use a whining chair that is separate from a time out area.
4.  Praise once the whining stops and the child communicates without whining.

Good luck!

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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 01:39:48 AM »

When you figure this out, let me know smile. I happen to be the disciplinarian with children, the one person that whining doesn't really work with, but oh my God I'd be lying if I said that they don't try it...

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« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 02:13:42 AM »

I was just thinking about this today. My son whines way too much. I have no idea why b/c I have never given in to his whining or paid him more attention. I normally just ignore it or make him go to his room. I'm interested in hearing some tips.


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« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2011, 02:32:48 AM »

My twins don't whine.  I don't know how this happened but my twins sing a song when they want something instead of whining for it.  They will sing it over and over, often times in unison, but it is much less annoying than the alternative.  Sometimes I will even join them.  The other day I was waiting in line at the grocery store and the mom behind me commented on how cute they were singing "I want the toy, I want the toy..." 

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« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2011, 09:58:33 AM »

Wow Twinergy! How can I get my son to do that?! That has to be the cutest way to demand something!

Thanks for the tips - I try very hard to ignore him but it doesn't seem to stop him. I have ended up putting him in the cot so I could cook his dinner in peace (and without tripping over him) once or twice...

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« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2011, 01:44:12 AM »

has the signing helped? i have noticed that my daughter is a lot happier now that she can get her point across. but she was never much of a whiner to begin with. she is a clinger though. i still have to carry her a lot and she is 20 months old and weighs a lot! especially when there are new people around, like in the street, she will say "dog" and "scared" and stop and i have to carry her if we don't want to freeze right then and there. it should get better on its own.

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« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2011, 10:14:53 AM »

There is a fantastic set of parenting courses aimed at teaching parents very basic child psyhcology - I did both and highly recommend them. They are called "You make the difference" and "Raising Secure Children". They were written by some American psychologists (can't remember who sorry) but you shoud be able to find info easily enough. If not let me know and I'll try to fin my info.

Despite what many many supposed experts and parents who have been there etc will tell you - ignoring a child's feelings is dangerous (not to mention downright rude).

Ignoring them because they are whinging tells them you don't care. They don't stop whinging because it's the wrong thing to do and they don't stop because they have learned there are better ways to communicate.

They stop whinging because they have been taught that expressing their feelings is pointless, unappreciated and unheard.

You may get the "desired result" - that being that they stop whinging and clinging, but in the meantime you have taught them that at times when their feelings are overwhelming them and they can't get their words out or express themselves through actions or communicate their thoughts in some magic manner that you aren't interested. This is a dangerous set up for a relationship that has many years ahead that are very likely to have more trying times than the clinging.

If you read up a little on basic child psych you'll understand why all the myths about spoiling children and giving in to children etc are wrong.

But to try and put it in a nutshell....

Children experience their feelings as a physical experience at first and through time and our guidance learn understanding and then to associate this with labels/words/signs. For instance "this horrible dry feeling in my throat means I need a drink" and soon instead of crying they say "drink". Or like lizaveta's little one has learned to express that she is scared because of a dog - which may I say is exceptional communication of feelings for such a little one.

They are not born understanding their feelings. So sometimes the reason they are whinging is because they don't have the words, they are having big feelings or desires that they can't express and the longer they experience the feeling for the more desperate they get and the more difficult it becomes for them to express themselves.

Think about how you feel when you are overwhelmed with emotion and then imagine how that would feel if you had no understanding of what you were experiencing.

It is also known that when children's emotions are high their logic is low and vice versa. It has to do with the bridging of right and left brains which isn't complete enough to deal logically with emotions in the average child until five or six - even then they struggle.

You can teach your child, just as you can with reading, and help them understand their feelings, needs and emotions earlier. But you can't do this by ignoring their attempts to express them.

If a newborn baby cries we know it has a reason and we follow the list until we find out what it needs. But for some reason once a baby has a few words or can walk we expect them to suddenly have access to higher thinking without us ever teaching them how to have these higher thought processes or having time enough in the world to have learned.

The only answer to stopping the whinging is to find it's source - and to accept that sometimes your baby (and they are still babies) just desperately wants to reconnect with you no matter how inconvenient it may be for you.

So step one - help them label and understand their feelings and needs. It is best if this is done at times when they are not whinging and then followed up after the whinging is solved. Eg you were upset because you wanted a biscuit. That feeling you had was hunger. You were hungry. Next time you can say biscuit or point to the biscuit and mummy can help you. Don't expect it to work immediately it takes some time for children to understand what they are feeling - especially since the same feeling can encompass many desires.

Step two - when they are emotional help them to regulate themselves so that they can access their logical thoughts and better express themselves. If a child has got themselves into a state you will need to distract them first and help them to regulate their emotional state - they cannot think clearly when they are emotional so you need to guide them through this process.

Step three - as hard as it is to get anything done - all too soon you'll be begging for hugs. Keep connected with your child and let them know that no matter what their feelings are you are interested and you want to help them. We are all entitled to feel the way we feel. It may not be something that mum or dad can neccessarily do anything about but they are nevertheless entitled to their feelings. Ackowledge the feeling, label the feeling, explain why they feel that way and then deal with it by fixing it and giving them the cookie or explaining that they can't have a cookie but they could have a banana if they're really hungry.

Step four - avoid putting adult thoughts into your child's mouth. They have not had enough time in the world or enough experience to think the way we do. Remember they are an empty slate that you are filling it in. So you can fill it in with Mummy understands that you're angry and that's okay you can be angry sometimes, you still can't watch tv, but it's okay that you feel angry about this [/b](remember to provide an alternative to their desire if you are going to say no) - or you can fill it in with stop being silly i've said no and that's the end of it now stop your whinging because I don't care and I don't want to hear it.[/b]

Have a think back through your childhood - remember emotional times how they were handled and how that made you feel better or worse. It may help you understand what your bub is going through.

Remember empathy is something we teach our children by exercising it ourselves.

Best of luck blush


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« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2011, 12:40:21 AM »


That sounds logical. Did this work with your kids? Are they confident young leaders? I really would like to know because that's what I want to teach my child to be. Not to be a bully but also not be bullied by someone. She seems to get picked on a lot and she's only 18 months. How do I teach her to stand up for herself? Also, she seems to be uncontrollable when we are in public and at home. She runs everywhere I don't know how to teach her that running around and away from me is not ok.

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« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2011, 04:17:35 AM »

Hi bestmom,

Yes it is working with my son and I have seen it work with my three nephew the oldest of which is starting highschool this year.

All our boys are confident, caring children able to interact well with other children while making their own decisions.

As for being picked on - it is an unfortunate fact of life that some children out there have been taught some nasty habits that they impose on other children.

Recently I was attending a mothers' group and our children were in creche care. We are able to watch them through the windows while we have a chat which is the only reason my son is allowed in the creche.

One day I suddenly had an overwhelming need to look for my boy (I think I could subconsciously hear what was going on outside) and low and behold I see a 4 year old pushing him over, he fell to the ground. My breath caught in my throat I looked for the creche workers (no where in sight) and just before I could go rushing out there my boy (just two at the time) stood up ran up to the other boy gave him a shove in the back and said "you no push me".

I was both horrified and proud simultaneously. Horrified that he pushed the boy in the back but proud that he stood up for himself and let this other boy know that he wasn't happy with his behavior.

I later explained to him that I was exceptionally proud of him for standing up for himself and that he was right to let the boy know that he didn't like what he had done - I then explained that pushing someone in the back was not the right way to handle it and we spoke about just using our words and if it happens again finding and telling an adult (the creche ladies I was not so proud of and told them in no uncertain terms how I felt which resulted in policy changes).

It was great for us because we had been worried that his first exposure to violence would reduce him to fear but it didn't. In our house he has never experienced any physical violence (not even a tap on the hand) as we believe that hitting a child because they're not doing what you want will result in them hitting other people because they're not doing what they want - a vicious cycle that people don't seem to understand. He has also never had a voice raised at him (for similar reasons) and the word no is reserved for dire situations only.

So we are happy - he is confident and able to make decisions for himself. 


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« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2011, 03:16:59 PM »


Is this the book you referred to in your earlier post? - this book, along with "Hold on to your kids", are two of my all time favorite parenting books.

My daughter Ella started daycare when she was 1 year old and, within a few days, a little boy in her class started pulling her hair. (She was the only one with long black hair in a sea of brunettes and blondes). We taught her to put her hand out whenever this boy looked like he was about to do this, and say loudly, "Stop." or "Back away." As her verbal abilities gradually became more developed, we then taught her to say, "Please don't pull my hair / hit me / push me. That's not nice!" And we told her she should say this in a loud voice so as to catch the attention of a teacher just in case the other child is not deterred and continues to do it. She has since grown into a confident, emotionally secure, and empathetic toddler who not only knows how to stand up for herself but also look out for other people. Just the other day, her teacher told me that Ella, upon witnessing another boy push her friend D down, walked up to the other boy (bigger and older than she is), and said firmly, "Please don't push D. That's a bad choice!" Then she went and got a toy and gave it to D (also older than she is) and said, "Here you go, it's okay." Ella is the youngest (by far) and smallest in her class so I worry a lot about bullying, but incidents like this one make me a little less worried and think that she will be all right after all.  smile


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« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2011, 11:46:41 PM »

TmS, are you referring to these books?

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« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2011, 01:15:16 AM »

Hey Arvi,

I believe they are the books that go hand in hand with the courses. If it talks about the circle of security and the circle of repair then yes.

The amazing thing about it is it is very simple, very obvious and so difficult to do when life takes over but it is worth it.


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« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2011, 04:28:14 AM »

I have a problem with my daughter always getting picked on by her cousin who's older than her by 7 months. My daughter is now 21 months and just takes the beating and I keep telling her to say "stop" and to get out of the way when someone hits her but she doesn't do it. She just stays put and let her hit her and cries running to me after. What else can I try doing?

My daughter also has a whining problem but only with me. I can't get her to do anything. It's always her way but it's only me that she doesnt listen to. With her father she is fine and listens.

My daughter can't seem to stay still and the house can't stay clean for more than 3 hrs. I can't clean all the time as I am in school full time. What can I do?

She is a very sweet and affectionate kid. it's just she's a real handful and I want to know how to "tame" her. LOL

« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 04:34:32 AM by bestmom » Logged
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« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2011, 01:56:21 PM »

The kids are always worse with you, but it is because you give in to her every demand. You can make her pick up her own toys. A 2 year old is quite capable of cleaning up after themselves. Store her toys so she can cleanup herself. Playing with one toy and putting it away before getting something else. Just makes some rules and stick with them. It will be hard at first but eventually it will be easy.

Children learn quite quickly if they whine they get what they want because parents can't take it. Just do not give her what she wants when she whines it will stop. Easier said then done. If the child learns you run the house with rules and not them, things are much easier.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 02:12:31 PM by patreiche » Logged

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