My sister and I were both due on the same day. Both our sons ended up being premature, mine by ten weeks, and hers by four. Benji has always been somewhat bigger and that doesn't bother me as it is normal considering he had six weeks extra growth before birth when Nicholas was struggling to re-gain his birth weight.
Now, eight months down the line, Benji is pulling away in some areas and it is really starting to bug me. I know I'm being irrational, but I can't help thinking my son should be doing things first.
It is especially unfair, since my sister makes good use of the tv babysitter, while I am trying hard to encourage Nicholas to be on his tummy and crawl. He just can't seem to progress. We've been land-swimming for months and although he's getting better at rotating on the spot, he refuses to push down onto the floor or the sides of his track for propulsion. Benji is now rocking on hands and knees and ready to take off.
I just can't bear my sister's reaction if Benji crawls first - she'll be gloating forever. And it really really gets to me that for all the hours and hours I've made sure to put Nicholas on his tummy, Benji spent most of them sitting in his car seat or on the sofa watching telly!
I know that all babies develop differently, but Nicholas has been almost-crawling since April and his lack of progress is really starting to worry me - in all other areas he's doing as well as any 8-9 month baby (he's 9 1/2 actual age, 7 corrected to his due date). The paediatrician says she won't worry unless he's not moving by next December - I don't want to wait that long if there is a problem...
Any advice would be greatly appreciated