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Author Topic: Is walker good or bad?  (Read 28496 times)
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« on: January 24, 2011, 08:38:16 PM »


Our doctor suggested that walker is not good for the babies and not to put baby in walker.
So we have not bought the walker for our baby.
I would like to know your opinion about the walker.
Does your doctor also says the same thing?


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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 05:17:02 AM »

My doctor didn't say anything. I didn't use walker bcz my home was little smaller. she is walking by holding to walls. I give her practice by holding hands.

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« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 05:38:34 AM »

My doctor specifically mentioned about walker and advised not to use walker..............

carpe vestri vita
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« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 06:17:17 AM »

Walkers can be dangerous in two ways.
1) A child can 'walk' themselves into a dangerous situation. Babies have 'walked' down stairs, over seemingly small obstacles that then cause the walker to tip, and a variety of interesting other things. Walkers are actually illegal in Canada.
2) They are not really good for development. Walkers only supports the babies' weight by their crotch. There is little to no back support. The walker must be at a height that the child's feet are not flat on the floor (or else they could climb out). The child could develop hip problems from the strain of supporting a significant protion of their weight by their crotch. They also tend to develop bad walking technique because they try to stand solely on their toes. This can cause foot problems as well.

My doctor specifically warned against anything for the baby that supported them by their crotch. Exersaucers, jumpers, Baby Bjorn/Snuggli/Infantino carriers, this thing

All of them, because of the possibility of hip problems.

A bumbo chair or a proper baby carrier (BabyHawk, Beco and Ergo are all soft structured carriers that use the correct positioning) are good tools to use to keep your baby from resting on their head. Also at your baby's age, he should be spending more than two hours on his stomach (according to my doctor).

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« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2011, 06:23:11 AM »

Walkers can be dangerous in two ways.
1) A child can 'walk' themselves into a dangerous situation. Babies have 'walked' down stairs, over seemingly small obstacles that then cause the walker to tip, and a variety of interesting other things. Walkers are actually illegal in Canada.
2) They are not really good for development. Walkers only supports the babies' weight by their crotch. There is little to no back support. The walker must be at a height that the child's feet are not flat on the floor (or else they could climb out). The child could develop hip problems from the strain of supporting a significant protion of their weight by their crotch. They also tend to develop bad walking technique because they try to stand solely on their toes. This can cause foot problems as well.

My doctor specifically warned against anything for the baby that supported them by their crotch. Exersaucers, jumpers, Baby Bjorn/Snuggli/Infantino carriers, this thing

All of them, because of the possibility of hip problems.

A bumbo chair or a proper baby carrier (BabyHawk, Beco and Ergo are all soft structured carriers that use the correct positioning) are good tools to use to keep your baby from resting on their head. Also at your baby's age, he should be spending more than two hours on his stomach (according to my doctor).

Graet input...
I am looking for some toys for my baby physical development...
Can you suggest some....

Thanks a lot...

carpe vestri vita
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« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2011, 06:56:04 AM »

LOL. Not really... Zed has very few toys.

I can list everything he owns.
Assorted stuffed animals (all gifts that he has never played with)
Wooden letter blocks
Wooden standard blocks
Shape sorter
Stacking rings
Wooden puzzles
Leapfrog alphabet magnet phonics thing
Stacking cups
6 wooden vehicles (cars, planes, helicopter, locomotive)
Bead rollercoaster (AKA Bead maze)
Many balls of different shapes and sizes
Lots of books
A bucket of duplo blocks
Vtech laptop (not age appropriate at all)
Waldorf style newborn (life size) doll (with a carrier, a couple outfits, a blanket and it's own tiny teddy bear)

He had a crawling track when he was very small. We built it ourselves. If you search there are a few people who have posted how they've made theirs. Ours was not the best.
After he outgrew that, he would crawl towards anything. Stacking cups were a hit though.
We also had a wooden dowel that we used for the beginning stages of brachiation. We were hoping to build a ladder for the house, but we don't have the space. We take him to the park a lot though.

There is a lot of good information here. If there is something specific that you're looking for searching is easiest, but just random curiosity, I'd browse the  Teaching Your Child - Other Topics sub-board for topics about the Doman physical program.

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« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2011, 07:34:19 AM »

No no walker, our first girl walked very early by 8 months, we did crawling track and lots of activities with her. Our boy is using crawling track since birth as well, and does pretty well. We wear him, letting him spend lots of time on his tummy, etc.

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« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2011, 01:45:31 PM »

I used walkers with my girls. I didn't use them frequently, but when I needed to get something done and laying on their belly or putting them on the floor to play just didn't cut it with them I would put them in a walker.

Honestly it did them no harm. Doctors do not recommend walkers anymore because there are just way to many parents who don't know any better to not use them around stairs. They were finding many children were getting hurt because parents weren't watching them around stairs.

They do have walkers that have stoppers on them. That is what I had. I say as long as you use it on a flat surface away from stairs, and with supervision they will be perfectly fine.
Also if they are able to climb on things do not put them in a walker. They can climb out and get hurt too. When my daughters had the ability to climb that was when I put the walker away.

I have four beautiful and wonderful daughters that did just fine using a walker. They developed just fine and do not have any orthopedic issues  whatsoever. Even my youngest who was born with vertebral issues did just fine. I limited her time in it but it did help. Especially when she wanted to get around and couldn't.

I say they are fine, using with caution and supervision. Remember though you are the parent and you know what is good and right to use for your child.


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« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2011, 05:04:11 PM »

I have to agree with TracyR4 (not just because we have the same first name).  I used a walker with my first child and she was a very early walker and does not have any hip problems (she runs 10 miles most days and played soccer for years). Both back then and now we had a one story home and I didn't use the walker as a baby sitter.  When I carry my son on my hip his legs are spread further apart then when he is in any of his activity centers.

Many things are dangerous if miss used for example -
Bumbo - an idiot put it on a chair or table and the baby fell and got hurt.  DUH, I use it somtimes when I read to my son and we are both sitting on the floor as the instructions say.

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« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2011, 12:00:57 AM »

Baby Walker Banned in Canada...

Here is the resource:

"Putting a baby in a walker is like giving a teenager a Ferrari -- definitely not recommended.

That's why, as of April 2007, Canada has banned the sale, importation and advertising of all baby walkers. It's against the law to even sell a used baby walker at a garage sale or flea market.

Baby walkers have resulted in serious injuries. Falls down stairs in baby walkers are the greatest cause of head injuries for children under the age of two, according to studies done for Health Canada.

Most injuries are caused by falls when the baby walker tips and the baby is thrown downstairs or crashes into furniture, heaters or ovens. There is also an increased risk of your baby being burnt by previously inaccessible objects, such as candles and hot cups of tea. Thirdly, it allows her to reach household poisons, such as perfume, mouthwash or alcohol, left at a previously safe level.

Despite the Canadian ban, injuries from baby walkers are still a risk for Canadian children since some are available as hand-me-downs. But, remember, studies indicate that walkers do not help babies learn to walk and can actually lead to delays in child development, so there's really no benefit to using a baby walker.

If you have a baby walker, Health Canada strongly suggests that you discard it. Make sure you remove the wheels so that it will not place an infant at risk if someone else retreives it.


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« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2011, 09:18:22 PM »

My mum used a babywalker with all of us and is adamant that it did us all no harm. It probably doesn't have anything to do with the hip problems I developed in my twenties, due to hypermobile joints. Probably.

I really don't think they would do harm if used safely and sensiblly and in moderation. Lots of parents do the first two but leave baby in the walker for half the day - half an hour per day won't put nearly so much strain on the joints as three or four hours would...

That said, I haven't got one and wouldn't want one. I don't think they help to teach walking, as baby can't put feet properly on the floor. And it is hard enough baby-proofing to knee level, let alone remembering that this tiny baby who is normally just crawling can now reach the tablecloth, cup of tea etc.

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« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2011, 09:20:16 PM »

Is that baby just hanging off the door?! What on earth is the point in that  wacko

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« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2011, 09:40:44 PM »

I'm and very pro-walker. My 2 year old had one when she was a baby (we were living in China so it wasn't illegal like it is here!) and it was fantastic!

She didn't have any walking delays nor did she seem to have any other issues from it. We didn't have her in it ALL the time, mind you. Mostly when I was cooking...


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« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2011, 09:44:34 PM »

Is that baby just hanging off the door?! What on earth is the point in that  wacko
It looks like thats for use when you are at a public restroom and need somewhere to put the baby besides the floor. It took me a moment to figure it out, but I have to say that it looks brilliant and while I don't think I'll use a walker, I would use that!!

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« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2011, 10:11:54 PM »

Oh! And I don't think that I'd use a walker simply because I love the idea of attachment parenting and wearing my baby is what I know from my own childhood...

I also am a firm believer in ample tummy time for the baby, ala Doman, so I think that If I got a walker, it would be used very sparingly, but then again, sometimes I can't stand to hear a baby cry, so I might break down and have to lay baby down somewhere or get him into a walker....

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