In most, or perhaps all, of the US and Canada, Nanny Cams are legal within your own home as long as there is no audio recording. In many states, audio recording is legal as well. Some states require a signed consent form from the caregiver to use video/audio surveillance. Of course, in no state is it legal to put a camera in a bathroom where an individual expects privacy so that's not a matter or debate, we are talking about any other "public" room, family room, kitchen, etc.
For parents without extended family near by or available friends to help care for their children, websites like or provide a valuable tool for locating qualified caregivers. But in the end, a potential caregiver is still a stranger with a resume. The other option is to simply never have a break as a married couple which isn't healthy for the family either. Some parents think that a Nanny Cam will help them feel more comfortable protecting their children so they will actually be willing to have a night out. Others feel that it's in invasion of the caregiver's privacy. I have always heard that if you feel the need for a camera, then you shouldn't hire that person and trust is trust. But then I have also seen the tragic reports of caregivers captured on film on the evening news by parents who had no idea.
As a group of "overachieving" parents who go to great lengths to educate their children, I am curious what the consensus is on these forums is in regards to "protecting" your children at the sake of a caregivers supposed privacy in your home (if such a thing exists). Thoughts? And yes, it's a somewhat controversial topic but let's not get too heated.