My eldest daughter since turning 3 has become very,very difficult. She is very argumentative, refuses to do anything asked of her and if you try and do something fun like cooking she just will not follow any instruction. Ask her to use her listening ears and she seems to switch them off. She has also become increasingly rough with her sister as well. I am pretty sure this behaviour is normalaccording to my friends who have 3 year olds who refer to them as the tyrannical 3's but her behaviour is becoming unbearable and she is becomng unbearable to be around. I am tired of arguing with her and trying to reason with her to get her to do what she needs to do.
Our early learning program has almost had to halt because I can't get her to focus or listen. I can't leave the house because she refuses to listen when we go out. Some of the things I have done are
Naughty Corner after being warned not to be mean to her sister
Banned her from swimming lessons (can't be used right now as swmming does not recommence until end of January) Although did work very well
[/list]Ban herfrom the playroom for 15minutes after I have asked her to clean up 3 times and then bring her back in to clean up
Reward chart for good behaviour (dd not work because bad behaviour continued anyway)
No book of at bedtime and staight to bed lights out if she has been warned not to do any of the above she get warned 3 times (3 strikes your out)
The only problem I have nothing seems to be combating her behaviour. she keeps going and when she is disciplined it is almost war with amassive tantrum to go with it. Her behaviour is also eating into my time with my youngest dd as my eldest dd needs me to stand over her just to get her to do anything.