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Author Topic: purposeful play  (Read 17703 times)
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« on: May 18, 2010, 07:06:18 PM »

Hi all,

I've been reading various bloggers' accounts of their daily "purposeful play" sessions with their kids.  I'm quite inspired by some of the fun they've been having.  When I've attempted to copy some of their ideas my two year old seems to be far more interested in tapping the table like they're his drums, wiggling off my lap to play with his beep, beep dumptruck or he'll just flat out tell me "no want dat".

Do any of you have a purposeful play time in your day?  A time where your child is having fun and learning something you want him to?  If so, what are some of your tricks to keep your child on task?


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« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2010, 11:28:31 PM »

Hi Kizudo,
This is what I do-my toddler is the same as yours...
I follow Montessori in that toys are mostly wooden-not plastic, all set up nicely so that my daughter can access them when she feels like it. The rule (it took her no more than a day or two to grasp this), is that she needs to play on a mat. Of course I'm not being extreme, no one care whether the toy ends up on the side and she's the one on the mat :-) but it gives her a sense of order. She can only take on toy at a time and put it back before she takes another one. (she needs my assistance for this)
A good thing with this system is that she choses what she feels like. Of course it happens often-she'll pull out the rug, a memory game, take out the cards.. and just wander off.
I've noticed she intriged in activities which are a bit unusual and the ones i create myself. as i'm on a very small budget, i'm trying to find a second life in most everything jugs, containers etc..

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« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2010, 07:58:23 PM »

Hi Hypatia,

Do you do any activities WITH her?  For instance, I found on a rainy day we talked about clouds and water and I found an activity of gluing down "triangle" type pieces down to make an umbrella.  He needed me to put on the glue, but wasn't interested in sitting down at all.  He did not want anything to do with the "structured" activity.  He's fine to play on his own, but I want to do some learning activities WITH him.  Do you do such?  How do you keep her focused?


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« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2010, 04:29:42 AM »

Hi Kizudo,
It might be because at this age your little man is still only ready to parallel play.
Just a thought...


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« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2010, 05:33:12 AM »

I went through a Montessori childcare centre a while ago - and one of the purposful play things they had was - 2 jugs on a tray which was on a mat.  One containing rice/some sort of grain.  The child is taught to pour the grain from one jug to another (fairly small jugs with a broad neck - like the pyrex measuring jug shape but made of plastic), doing the activity on a mat.  Once they've finished they pack everything away, including the mat, and put it back on the shelf.

The kindy was set up how Hypatia sets her stuff - shelves with various activities.  The child must pack their stuff away before they can start the next activity.

Sorry I can't remember any of the other things.


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« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2010, 08:12:40 AM »

Our park has a water fountain (which is off right now) but the holes where the water comes out has different colors. I just keep asking her "where is the yellow circle?" and she goes to it. We do it with all the colors. My point is, try to find something that they can run to, touch and you can celebrate with them.

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« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2010, 02:50:32 PM »

The cool thing about that is that eveything can be prposeful play. Your LO has only been on this world for such a short time. He is still learning so much. Especially when they play. So point things out, colors, shapes, the sounds certain toys make. Take things apart, put them back together. When you read, don't just read, also point out the things in the pictures. Just about everything. Read a Montessori book. I found a lot of good ideas in this one book I read. I think it wad called: how to raise an amazing child, the montessori way. But I don't remember for sure, LOL


“It is true that we cannot make a genius. We can only give to teach child the chance to fulfil his potential possibilities.” - Maria Montessori
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« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2010, 06:59:42 PM »

Thank you all for your suggestions.  Truth is that I do a lot of what you've offered as ideas.  I just have this vision in my head of him sitting calmly on my lap as we excitedly match buttons to their mate...or sort beads by their size...or paste triangles to their spot!  I guess what is needed is me to acknowledge the value of all those things that I am doing and not short change them as being a "less than" learning experience. 

Thank you for your thoughts.


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« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2010, 04:38:19 AM »

" I think it wad called: how to raise an amazing child, the montessori way. But I don't remember for sure, " 

I really enjoy this book too.  It has some great info. 

We try to incorporate everything into daily life.  We talk about math concepts when cooking, nature when going for a walk outside, etc.


Laura - proud Mom to my new reader with 47 chromosomes!
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« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2010, 04:19:15 AM »

Do any of you have a purposeful play time in your day?  A time where your child is having fun and learning something you want him to?  If so, what are some of your tricks to keep your child on task?

Almost all the activities we do have something educational in a playfull way.
At first I show him encyclopedic bites and now being older (3 yr 5 month) he likes to show them to me and I am amazed on how he recalls some facts mentioned by me.
When we play hide and seek he is practicing counting.
When going to the park we look for the birds and plants.
We play songs whose lyrics help him vocalize and other stuff like animals sounds eg:
the dog barks, the cat meows, the wolf howls, the cock crows, the toad croaks, the lion roars, a horse neighing etc.
Many other activities can be play and educate at the same time.


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« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 07:21:09 PM »

i try to see purpose in all we do together
all play is purposeful play and essential for proper development 
we have tried some Montessori activities some of which she liked
but now i try to mostly involve her in real life activities instead of trying to "create" a learning environment
it's easier for me, cheaper and it can really be a help
if i need to clean the bathroom i give her a small bucket of water and soap and let her try to clean the shower
we shop together and she helps pick out fruits and veggies looking for the best ones with no spots
we garden together she waters and weeds
when i'm cooking i'll have her wipe off the table and chairs
and she can help sweep the floor after dinner

we try to have toys that allow for as much creative play as possible
all different kinds of art supplies that she can easily access and use whenever she wants
musical instruments
puppets, trains, dress up and cooking toys things that encourage make believe

with toys i think less is more and we invest in a few great items that will last years
rather then a lot of cheap things that will brake and clutter
i look in thrift stores, outlets and swap online for good kids books
i also make a lot of her things(like felt food for her kitchen)
we avoid plastic, disney and videos as much as possible
and try to give her a lot of unstructured time to explore
anyway this is what works for us
here are some thoughts on the importance of play

    Play helps children learn about the world in which they live. They can investigate and discover, test their theories, spatial relationships, explore cause and effect, societal roles and family values. Such is the importance of play, that there's virtually no area of life about which it can't teach a child something.

Play builds self-esteem. Children will often play at something they know they can do well, at which they can be successful.

Play builds social skills. Children will begin playing with inanimate and non-threatening objects, like cuddly toys, bricks etc, so practising their interactive skills. Later, playing with other children will build on this foundation as they learn to share, take turns, assert themselves and begin to empathise with others.

Play with parents shouldn't be underestimated either, as research shows that children whose parents play with them ultimately develop superior social skills.

Play also provides the opportunity for children to work out their feelings. The importance of dealing with difficult or unpleasant emotions is immense. A child who's worried about going to the dentist, for example, may deal with the anxiety by setting up a clinic for dolls with toothache.

Play helps with language development. Think of the vast number of words a toddler uses during play, many of them repeatedly, enhancing their language skills.

Play allows children to grow beyond their years. They can pretend to be all sorts of things in play - a doctor, a surgeon, a civil engineer even!! (Think of those bricks)

Finally, don't forget to consider the importance of stimulating your child's creativity and imagination - making a castle in the sand, or a car garage out of a shoe box, taking an order in their own (imaginary) restaurant or dressing up as a king or queen - these all allow children to stretch the limits of their world and experience the fun in make-believe.

Emphasizing the benefits of "true toys", such as blocks and dolls, in which children use their imagination fully over passive toys that require limited imagination.


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« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2010, 07:24:27 PM »

Functional Play:
The child enjoys repetitive play with objects and gains motor and practice skills. Good examples are dumping, filling, stacking, water play, and outdoors play. Functional play characterizes infants and toddlers and at age 3 constitutes 50% of a child's play. Although functional play decreases as a child grows older, it remains important. Functional play can be either solitary or parallel (another child is involved in a similar activity at the same time.) Children experience enjoyment, develop motor skills, and achieve mastery through functional play.

Constructive Play:
The child creates or makes something and solves problems. Examples are building with blocks, playing with arts, crafts and puppets and doing puzzles. Approximately 50% of all activity for 4, 5 and 6 year olds is constructive play, and this type of play continues to be important through the primary grades. Children can play constructively alone as well as with others. This type of play develops thinking and reasoning skills, problem solving, and creativity.

Pretend Play:
Through pretend play, children transform themselves, others, and objects from real into make-believe. Pretend play can be both a solitary and a group activity. It reaches its highest level at pre-school and kindergarten age and becomes less important as a child grows older. Pretend play helps children process emotions and events in their lives, practice social skills, learn values, develop language skills, and create a rich imagination.

Games with Rules Play:
This play involves pre-set rules such as board games, ball games, chanting, and skipping games. This type of play becomes dominant as children reach school age. Through this type of play children learn and practice cooperation, mutual understanding, and logical thinking.


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« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2010, 02:27:04 AM »

" I think it wad called: how to raise an amazing child, the montessori way. But I don't remember for sure, " 

I really enjoy this book too.  It has some great info. 

We try to incorporate everything into daily life.  We talk about math concepts when cooking, nature when going for a walk outside, etc.

I can lend you this book when you come out to visit Kizudo if you want smile It is very good. I wish I had it when my son was MUCH younger


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« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2010, 02:46:09 AM »

Functional Play:
Constructive Play:
Pretend Play:
Games with Rules Play:
tatianna, thanks for the information. I have to check more frequently to see if we are covering all these aspects of playing.
Karma to you


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« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2010, 02:58:25 AM »

 just now i had the time to read this link on parallel play.
Thanks a lot, I found it very useful.
Karma to you


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