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Topic: Reasons for Homeschooling (Read 30906 times)
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #15 on:
June 15, 2010, 03:37:48 AM »
Quote from: 2010BEBES on June 15, 2010, 01:36:50 AM
Quote from: Twinergy on June 04, 2010, 10:12:23 PM
.... It is called “Hold on to Your Kids” (
preview here
) by Gordon Newfeld and Gabor Mate and is about not losing your children to peer orientation. Newfeld is a psychologist that worked treating juvenile offenders. He really explores some of the more tragic cases of bullying. The last section of the book discusses strategies to guard against peer orientation and includes a chapter called “Discipline That Does Not Divide.” It is a fantastic book, I had problems putting it down.
Twinergy thanks for that book I will look for it.
Hi 2010BEBES,
I was actually thinking of recommending this book to you since you are trying to decide if you will be homeschooling. It isn't about homeschooling, but more about socialization and attachment theory. It is a great book to read before the kids go off to school.
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #16 on:
June 16, 2010, 03:16:02 AM »
Quote from: tatianna on June 15, 2010, 12:32:02 AM
but my girls matter so much more then my career
and by staying home with them i hope to give them many happy memories with mom
I agree 100% maybe because I am from another generation????
Younger parents sometimes do not realize the improtance of what you have said.
Lucky you can do that.
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #17 on:
June 16, 2010, 03:19:45 AM »
Quote from: Twinergy on June 15, 2010, 03:37:48 AM
I was actually thinking of recommending this book to you since you are trying to decide if you will be homeschooling. It isn't about homeschooling, but more about socialization and attachment theory. It is a great book to read before the kids go off to school.
That is what I am interest in, thanks. Really there is not option for homeshooling, that would be his parents decision and we nor the systema are prepare for that.
I will look into the book.
Raising Ethan
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #18 on:
February 16, 2011, 01:43:45 AM »
1) Some of my concerns to homeschooling is what if my son wants to go to IVY League school, competitive institute or play professional sports? How will his homeschool resume compare to those with top tier public or private schools?
2) Could I honestly provide all that he needs academically/spiritually/physically/socially so that he will not feel he is missing out on anything??
I keep debating whether I ought to homeschool him, the answer has yet to come to me.
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #19 on:
February 16, 2011, 02:39:39 AM »
Quote from: 2010BEBES on June 14, 2010, 02:22:42 AM
You really have a good list of reasons for homeschooling. From this i think that normally it is done by a none working parent (maybe especially mom) or as skylark somhow implies maybe it is done by a teacher you trust.
Thanks for clearing things for me but i have many question.
1.- how do you handle socialization, maybe you have many friends with kid of the same age as your child? Don you consider it important or the other points have more weight.
2.- how do you make the curriculum or know what can vbe taught at each age?
3.- Don't they need to get tested and when in order to go to college?
Please can you say were do you live? Is it USA and canada?
Reasons to homeschool.
First off I want to let you know that I homeschooled for 8yrs and this year my four girls are attending a brick and mortar school. A private school at that.
What can I tell you? Homeschooling is way more superior than going to a private or public school. When my girls were at home we were able to work on the basics yet pursue our own interests. If a particular curriculum didnt' work we could drop it and use something else that got the point across that best suited their learning style.
As for socialization, honestly, homeschoolers do not tie their children to a chair at the table with a ball and chain. I think at times my girls got way more socialization than any child that attends a brick and mortar school. Today I spent a parent day at the school and to be honest the kids are told to be quiet and are seperated more than you think. I'll bring up a saying my father used to tell me when I went to school " School is not for socializing its for learning."
We went on many field trips when homeschooling. This yea we've done one thing as a family and it was back in October.
What I have are kids that are tired at the end of the day.
There is so much curriculum that is avaialable online for homeschoolers that I couldn't possibly type it all on this post. All you have to do its Google homeschool curriculum and it will pop up.
In the US it depends on the state you live in on whether your children have to take any state of standardized testing. Some states require of it at a certain age, some don't require it at all. Children can go on to take the SAT's for college whether they attend a brick and mortar school or are homeschooled. Actually in the US homeschoolers are what colleges are beginning to look for. They want to recruit homeschoolers now. The reason being homeschoolers are more focused on their work and not all of the other 'garbage' that goes on in college ( binge drinking and parties.)
I know just the other day my girls started talking about this boy and that boy and a boy not liking them and boyfriends. Mind you my daughters are in PreK, 1st , 4th grades. My oldest joyfully let me know that preschoolers have boyfriends. Hmmm. I can honestly say mom and dad are not liking this talk at all.
Again there is wasteful time in brick and mortar school. Like I said today I had a chance to sit in on my daughters classes and all of the wasted time is just insane. Waiting for the teacher to get all the kids in line. Waiting for the teacher to get the kids to be quiet in line. Waiting for the class to settle down, , in my 1st graders class, waiting for the teacher to go through all 16 children's homewwork assignments to check off what they did and what they needed to get done. It made me wonder how much instructional time they honestly got.
As for school work my girls said we did way more at home than what they do at a regular school hands down. My oldest who loved history and science now tells me she hates it. My 4th grader who has always struggled with math but we always tackled it together, tells me she hates math and she isn't good at it. She always knew math was tough for her but this is the first time I've ever heard her tell me she hates math. My 4yr old will now tell me that everything is borning. She is way past learning her abc's she is at least reading at a 1st grade level and yet her teacher will not move her into the reading group. So now my 4yr old is associating school with boredom. She is not being challenged at all. Sadly this is is from a school in are area that is considered more advanced than our public schools.
I hate ripping my 4yr old out of bed when she isn't ready to get up. I hate getting up before Im not ready to get up. I'm not a morning person at all.
Its easy to read about other's thoughts on the matter but until you put your child in school and see them not working at the level they need to be in or not being challenged. Then you learn to think otherwise.
Honestly, homeschooling is superiour to sending your child to s a brick and mortar school any day of the week. ACtually most parents in the US already homeschool and don't even know it. Since our school system here depends on parent teacher involvement. If you are an involved parent you are buying books and curriculum to help your children, and to be honest the American education is swaying away from its imaginitive creative learning style that it used to have., and going more towards the memroization learning. Why you ask? Because of a law that was introduced back in the 90's called No Child Left Behind. Which has been a horrible curse to our education system. It is requiring children to learn to take tests. They are cutting programs that have no bearing on these tests now , such as art, musicchemistry. If its not in the test they are going to cut it.
That is another reason why we homeschooled because I wanted my children to learn. Not learn to take tests.
With all of this said we are going back to homeschooling for next year.
Mom to 4 girls
Marilyn 15
Katie 14
Hannah 10
Maggie 7
USA , Pennsylvania
Raising Ethan
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #20 on:
February 18, 2011, 02:20:39 AM »
Thanks Tracy for the detailed insight. Many homeschool parents feel that way and as a former teacher, I can relate to how much time is being wasted just trying to "manage" a group full of students varied in academic skills.
I suppose when Ethan arrives closer to the age of elementary school the right course for him will present itself. He is already highly advanced, so finding a gifted school to meet & expand his abilties & personal growth will be sought. If there isn't a perfect program in Hawaii then I'll continue to try to help him thrive and teach him
to learn.
Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 02:34:47 AM by Raising Ethan
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #21 on:
February 18, 2011, 05:29:42 AM »
I plan to homeschool for a long list of reasons! Off the top of my head...
1) I'm an American-Muslim, living in the States. I want to give my child a start in life that is centered on our values and beliefs and right knowledge.
2) I think I can give my child a better education than they could get in ANY school, if the time comes that I'm not able to personally offer my children the absolute best, then I will look into getting them a private tutor/nanny, because, as they say, Public school is a rather necessary default for educating the masses, but a poor method for educating the individual.
3) Homeschool can (and usually is) superior to public and private educations.
if it is delivered at a slower pace), more time to spend on your childs interest, you can take advantage of real life spontaneous moments to teach and learn with your child, there isn't nearly as much stress and less of the unhealthy competition at home (or at least I won't foster that in MY home school). Also, busy work, boredom and time wasting is eliminated in the homeschool. No need to spend 8hrs on just a few things, when one child could do these things in 1hr or less.
Foster a genuine love of learning and exploration
by allowing a lot of learning to occur and be reinforced on your childs schedule/time table.
Parents remain in control
over what, when and how my kids are learning and can there for deliver to them the
knowledge they crave, when they crave it.
I can teach my children what I wan't them to know
For example, I want to do a very detailed, gradual study of both human anatomy/physioligy and geography with my children in the first 4 years. We can play games, match pictures, make art projects, watch videos, etc to accomplish this goal, so that they will have the topic down pat.
Spend as much time as they want outdoors and in books.
Real books, not textbooks. I don't want my kids to learn primarily from textbooks especially before HighSchool. I hated them when I was little, still do and I didn't even use them AS MUCH as my public schooled friends did.
I have every intention of
accelerating and streamlining
my children's education, especially math, reading, science, practical skills and reading. I don't want them labeled, as gifted, smart, ugly, cool, unpopular, or anything. I'm not even sure I like "__ grader." I can see myself classifying them according to their age for official purposes, but I don't want my children labeled, whether they are 'bright' or 'dull'. Cool or not. :/
Exercise control over the influences allowed in my children's life.
I don't want my kids pressured to be ___ or ~~~, I don't want them learning abusive language, hitting, hating, intolerance, bad attitudes, etc, from outside sources. Of course, they could still develop these things all of their own, but then I don't mind it as much as if they learned from "Timmy from class..."
Quality over Quantity
as far as personal relationships go. Parent - child, between siblings, neighbor, etc. We can better control who they are with, doing what, why and for how long.
Quality over Quantity
as far as curriculum and instruction goes also!
Its important to me that my children grow up multilingual. I'll be able to dedicate more time, effort, and energy to this endeavor if we have more time to do things important to us as a family.
Peer pressure
Need I say more?
Civil service, life experience and personal growth
I want my kids to do volunteering and gain valuable community experience and have time to reflect for themselves and experience personal growth--not just in their senior year for a transcript, but for the sake of work.
Behavior and Personal development
Its very important to me that I help my children develop strong character, good habits and be well rounded. Its going to be hard to do this if I have less than 1/2 their waking time each day.
Music, Creativity, Art, Drama etc
Its important to me that my kids develop skills, talent and passion for these things and I want to make sure it gets priority whenever possible.
I hate homework!
so I'll just spare my children the drama and the heart ache. We can learn all throughout the day when we want too.
Quran and Islamic moral development
I want my kids to be able to focus much of their "formal" studies during the ages 4-10 on the thing that is most important to me: My religion, Islam. I'm working on how to get as much of the Quran into them as possible as I'm constantly struggling to learn it myself.
I hope to be in the position to travel the world and I want to take my kids with me.
There are many "modern/typical" things cropping up in American Society that I don't approve of.
I want to raise my children, not send them to strangers, elsewhere to grow up
Childhood is a once in a life time event/opportunity
and its being wasted in US schools. Think about this: If you sleep 1/3 of your day and 1/3 of your day is in an in efficient school that is 66% of your life that you are missing out on.
Allow my children to develop a healthy locus of control
by setting their own schedules, picking many of their own subjects and following their own interests throughout the typical elementary ages.
No "dumbed down" education for them.
If all goes according to plan, the first "graded" textbooks they'll begin using constantly/primarily will be college level texts.
Lots more Field trips and car trips and camping trips and family time
No mandatory shots, testing, forced "procedures", etc on my children!
Vaccines, standardized testing, during emergencies schools are going to follow 'procedure' well being of the child and family be darned.(Thinking along the lines of the little boy a PS had committed to a pysch ward against his moms wishes)
Allow them to develop strong sense of self.
Learn personal, academic and practical skills right the FIRST time around
. There is a lot of time wasted teaching children bad habits for one phase of their life, then twice as much time wasted trying to UNteach them those habits. (Counting on your fingers, using a diaper, 'baby' talk, bad habits, etc.)
Constructive Social Skills
Clear and efficient communication, ability to self motivate, ability interact respectfully with people of older, same and younger ages than themselves.
School year round
(365 days a year) We can cover
at least
2x as much ground as 'standard' and therefor will be able to afford to study more things of interests and core subjects indepthly.
Time for Personal Activities
Hopefully my kids will love swimming (0-14), martial arts (3-15) and gymnastics (3-15), because those are the 3 classes and activities I wan't them to grow up doing for the allotted ages.
Healthful meals provided for every meal
Much of this common mass-produced food is poison. I wan't to keep it all to a bare minimum in my kids lives.
Art of all kinds available to them whenever, they want through out primary years.
Early learning opportunities
meaning both as babies/toddlers and for learning other topics/subjects/skills "early"
No institutionalized, arbitrary age-based discrimination
Confident, Independent learners
Allow for plenty of free time, physical activities, movement, etc.
Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 05:41:35 AM by Mom2Bee
Raising Ethan
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #22 on:
February 19, 2011, 03:41:53 AM »
mom2bee, you listed lots of valid and insightful reasons. karma to you for taking the time to share them with us parents.
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #23 on:
February 21, 2011, 08:14:45 AM »
It is not common (it is very unusual and to be honest not sure if allowed
) to homeschool in Czech republic. I admire all of you that have decided to do so and do a good job. I am not sure if I would be able to ... even if it was allowed here .....
Everybody should know about early learning field. Our children deserve it. -------
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #24 on:
February 23, 2011, 12:58:37 AM »
Quote from: pupisek on February 21, 2011, 08:14:45 AM
It is not common (it is very unusual and to be honest not sure if allowed
) to homeschool in Czech republic. I admire all of you that have decided to do so and do a good job. I am not sure if I would be able to ... even if it was allowed here .....
Just because you may not be allowed to homeschool, there is nothing stopping you from afterschooling. Basically spending a bit of time each evening to supplement your childs education
Mother to two boys June 2005 and May 2012.
Mela Bala
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Re: Reasons for Homeschooling
Reply #25 on:
March 06, 2011, 03:03:58 AM »
I want to homeschool my son, but I am having trouble convincing my husband and my parents. I understand they want him to interact with other children but I do plan on enrolling him in physical and musical activities where he would be learning with a group of children.
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