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Author Topic: Stress and breastfeeding  (Read 22879 times)
Bystre deti
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« on: June 28, 2011, 08:58:58 AM »

Hi, I am in a difficult phaze of my personal life and I am in a lot of stress. I know that I can loose milk because of a lot of stress. I am trying to work it out but still - is there anything I can do to prevent it? My daughter is little over 7 months old and she was  breastfed (only) till her 6 months of age. We had no problems breastfeeding, I always had a lot of good quality milk. Now I feel I am starting to loose it. I pump much less milk now with a breast pump (I use it for her milky solid food) and my daughter seems to be hungry even after beeing breasfed.


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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2011, 09:44:46 AM »

I know what you are going through... I have the same experience after 6 months of breastfeeding my baby. I was stressed because I was able to pump only a little more than 12 oz during may worktime and my son takes about 5-6 oz per feeding (he feeds 3 to 4 times during daytime). What I did was to eat more veggies (broccoli, banana blossom) & fruits plus I took food supplement and drank warm water to maximize milk production.It was successful as long as I pumped regularly. I stopped pumping now that my son is 11 months old because I was unable to pump for a week and it caused milk reduction. So now he's drinking formula during daytime and breastfeeds at nighttime.

My advice to you is don't be stressed because of it, probably it's time for your son to have formula...or probably just a phase and soon you'll pump 6-9 oz/time (like what happened to me). So relax mommy...

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« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 06:06:58 PM »

fenugreek tea is supposed to work well.


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« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2011, 08:42:40 PM »

I was going through the same thing and found this natural drops that are supposed to be great. The didn't work for me  Sad  but they do have very good reviews. Every body is different so you may want to try them and see if they work for you.

Good luck  Wink

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« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 09:36:45 PM »

Steel cut oats made overnight in the crock pot every morning worked well for me, but was always my best resource for nursing questions. It can be difficult & stressful, but also rewarding, I wish you the best of luck!


Proud Momma to DD 11/28/08 & DS 12/29/09, exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day apart in age. Check out my youtube channel for BrillKids Discounts and to see my early learners in action! smile
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« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2011, 09:30:10 PM »

Thank you everyone for your kind words and advices. I will try them to see if they help.


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« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 01:23:16 AM »

I would definitely suggest Red Raspberry leaf tea in addition to other good advice and I will second kellymom's website!

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« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 04:17:41 AM »

I will third the Kellymom website.  I also like Jack Newman  Although for stress and milk production I would say the best thing would be to crawl into bed at night with your baby beside you and nurse all night long as much and as often as you can.  Hope your stress levels off soon.

Mela Bala
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« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 06:33:52 AM »

I fourth
I also found alot of useful information about breastfeeding at  La Leche League International 
You can even find local support to talk to someone about any questions or concerns you have.
I was stressed out about if I was producing enough milk.  I started drinking mother's milk tea's%20milk%20tea-_-Broad+Ad_7819530271&gclid=CM27v6H_3KkCFYtV7Aod_QmNYg
They are having a sale for a limited time but I usually buy the tea from our local Harris Teeter or Wegmans.
I also started taking fenugreek vitamins and eating steel oats.
My stress was caused by my son refusing to take a bottle (even freshly pumped milk) from me, my husband or his grandparents.  I was pumping and he was not using the milk so I was concerned if I had just pumped milk for him and he did not take the bottle did I still have enough milk to feed him right away or did my body need nourishment and time to produce more milk.  I stopped pumping milk and so far he has been nursing and with the help of the items above I still produce enough milk for him.


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« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2011, 09:02:18 AM »

Mother's milk tea is good, but some may not like that particular taste or it is not available in your country. It is also can be pretty expensive if you are buying it commercially prepackaged.

Here is the recipe for extremely nutritious tea to increase milk production:

10 parts of red Raspberry Leaf
2 parts of Stinging Nettle
1 part of Alfalfa

You can also add some herb that you enjoy in your tea ( and is safe for Breastfeeding) just to add to its taste, I loved a little hint of Melissa in it (Lemon Balm), but I also like it plain as well.

Stir it well and keep in glass jar, use a tea net to freshly brew it and drink to thirst. I found it very effective. I nursed till 11 months my first and still nursing my 12 months old boy ( not planning to stop any time soon :-) )

I also backed lactation cookies!  smile  They were actually chock full with nutrients and ingredients to boost milk supply and to have a healthy snack on the go ( since I had two little ones to take care of, they were a real handy snack on hand!)

I would like to share my recipe with you. I know some mommies who've done these will also throw in fenugreek, and because this is
known to increase milk supply (in both humans and cows!), but hard on the stomach, it isn't a bad idea to add it to foods you'll already be
eating (you can open a couple capsules of fenugreek and toss them to the cookie batter. and you will not even taste it). Fenugreek is one of the oldest medicinal herbs used for increasing milk supply, but to do so you will need to consume 1500mg of fenugreek, three times each day.  This is more than the recommended amount on the bottle, but the dosing printed on fenugreek labels is not intended to be for boosting milk supply. One study found that when enough fenugreek was consumed, milk supply doubled. But you actually need to consume a lot and it can be pretty hard on your stomach...

So the core ingredients in my lactation cookies were: oats ( steel cut ones, minimally processed are THE BEST), brewer's yeast, flax seed, dry nettle.

Oats are key in boosting milk supply because of the iron they contain that nursing moms are frequently in need of. Oats are
also filling, dense with healthy calories - and nursing moms need calories! Oats are extremely nutritious and easy to work into the diet
in a number of ways: cereals, granola, breads, casseroles, meatloaf, cookies - you can add oats to just about anything.Oats are also a great source of fiber. What does fiber have to do with milk supply? Fiber helps with boosting milk supply.

Brewer's yeast is an ingredient that has also long been touted to increase milk supply (although contested by some). Brewer's yeast is
one of the best natural sources of B vitamins, which are essential to overall health of a nursing mom (and any woman). Even if milk supply
were not impacted by brewer's yeast, the boost of energy (and increased sugar metabolism) that comes from brewer's yeast consumption
is worth including it in lactation cookies (or other things you bake).

The oil from flax seed is considered by many to be a galactagogue (substance that improves lactation). It is also a great form of fiber.
And, while it is again debated among those who believe in flax's galactagogue properties or not, one thing is certain: flax is power packed with omega-3 (essential fatty acids) that are absolutely crucial to a nursing mom's diet (as well as baby's diet, and all human health in general). Human milk is super charged with heavy amounts of omega-3 because the brain (rapidly growing in our babies) is dependent
on these fatty acids. It is important that a mother not be deficient in omega-3 (something that many are) and risk her baby not getting
enough for optimal health, development, and wellbeing. Omega-3 from fish and flax for mom are wonderful! They not only
improve milk quality (and possibly quantity) but also boost brain function, memory, joint lubrication, and help to regulate hormones and
decrease postpartum depression. It is unlikely that you could get too much omega-3 today, so when it comes to flax (and low-mercury fish if you like) - eat up!

Most nursing mothers need to consume a bare minimum of 1800 calories per day to maintain a full milk supply for their
growing baby, and consuming 2500-2700 calories per day is recommended by most. This is an energy need of 50-125% more than women had in their pre-pregnancy days. So no matter what you eat, do not forget to eat!

Below is a recipe for galactagogue cookies that is similar to the generic recipes commonly passed around by lactation
consultants and posted on a variety of online recipe sites. This one has just a touch more omega-3, protein, and iron. Also it has an addition of nettle leaf and pumpkin seed, which is of course optional, but it worked really good for me.

While these cookies will not miraculously boost your milk supply if
there are other hormone related factors weighing on you (ex: you are
going to have to nurse and/or pump - increase demand - to increase
supply, and be physically close to your baby -
holding/wearing/rocking/sleeping - as much as possible), they
certainly won't hurt -- may help a smidge -- and will ensure you are
getting some good, wholesome (much needed!) calories packed with
omega-3, nutrients, and goodness along the way.

A few notes on the recipe:

1) Flax seed is prepped many ways. The version most useful for baking
is the milled flax seed that you will find in your local store. It
typically comes in a bag or a box (depending on the brand you select).
You may have to go to a health food, whole foods store, or large
supermarket to find brewer's yeast.

2) Whole oats should always be used - not 'quick' oats (the type that
cook in a few minutes in the microwave). Be sure when you buy your
oats ('oatmeal') that you are purchasing whole, natural oats.

3) I used buckwheat flower for its high nutritional value ( microelements) and because it is gluten-free, but you can use traditional whoe wheat unbleached flower

4) I used coconut oil for its nutritional properties, but you can substitute it with butter if you wish

1/2 c. coconut oil ( or  melted butter) Another option in place of butter or coconut oil: extra 1/2 c. milled flax and 1/2 c. applesauce

2 eggs

3/4 c. brown sugar (firmly packed)

4 T water

1/2 c. milled flax seed

1 tsp vanilla

2 c. buckwheat flour

1 tsp baking soda + vinegar

1 tsp salt

4 T brewer's yeast

3 1/4 c. whole oats

1 1/4 c. chocolate chips ( if desired)

3/4 c. walnuts (crushed)
3/4 c pumpkin seeds
3/4 c. raisins

2 table spoons of crashed dry nettle leaf

Preheat oven to 350F

Grease cookie sheet, use parchment paper to line sheets, or use a baking stone.
In a small bowl: mix flax and water. Set aside.
In a large bowl: combine flour, baking soda, salt and brewer's yeast. Set aside.
In another bowl: mix combine butter, brown sugar and sugar.
Add eggs, mixing after each one.
Add flax mix and vanilla. Mix again.
Add flour mixture to the butter mixture slowly, stirring in the process.
Fold in oats.
Add walnuts, chocolate chips, craisins.

Scoop onto baking sheets.
Bake for 12-15 minutes.

 Hope you will enjoy it as a healthy snack on the go with milk-boosting properties!  smile

Hope your stressful situation will not last forever, let us know how is everything going

« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 09:04:18 AM by Skylark » Logged Proud mommy of 3 early learners!
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« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2011, 01:55:47 PM »

Oh and I forgot to mention this one....When DD was about 3 or 4 months old I could not figure out why my milk supply was dipping so badly! Shortly after, I solved the mystery and I figured out I was expecting #2.  laugh Just something to keep in mind.


Proud Momma to DD 11/28/08 & DS 12/29/09, exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day apart in age. Check out my youtube channel for BrillKids Discounts and to see my early learners in action! smile
Mela Bala
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« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2011, 06:02:50 PM »

Karma to you  big grin  Thank you so much for sharing your recipes they look so yummy.  My mother has been making me cookies with steel oats and walnuts but I can not wait to try your recipe.  The pumpkin seeds you mentioned are high in omega 3s.  Thank you so much!

I used to add honey to the mother's milk tea but now I enjoy the tea on its own. 

« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 06:07:09 PM by Mela Bala » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2011, 08:49:03 AM »

Thanks everyone again!
I have made some decisions that help to ease my "pain" and reduce stress. I read a lot of positive books to be able to make myself feel better. And I drink tea that supports milk supply and enjoy every moment with my baby through my heart. And I sleep with her in my bed, breastfeed her all night long and I love it.  smile 
I believe everything turns well in the end.
Thank you everyone for your great support!  yes

« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 08:51:26 AM by pupisek » Logged

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ashish bhatnagar
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« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2011, 07:14:50 AM »

This is an nice post on stress. I like the views of members. It contains couple of nice remedies. Thanks for sharing it with me.


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« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2011, 06:36:07 PM »

Pupisek, you have such a positive outlook, even in what seems to be a difficult situation, karma to you! And I pray everything will turns out well at the end! Let us know if we can help in any way, even if just with positive thoughts  smile

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