This is really interesting. I was in college when I got pregnant, and it was an unplanned pregnancy so I was not prepared for any activites to do with my daughter while she was in my womb. I was very overwhelmed and sad during my pregnancy which I stress about now, if that has had an impact on her. I am very happy to have her and love her unconditionally. My daughter attended college classes mostly psychology classes, statistics...ect
and I would joke with one of my friends about how she was going to know all this stuff when she was born. I also played classical music, Opera, and anything I found interesting. I would talk to her, mostly I tried to not worry. She loves music now and was vocal very very early. She was trying to talk at like a month old. I mean it, I have videos of her a little older and you can see how hard she is trying to talk, it is so frustrating to watch your child struggle.