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Author Topic: CONTEST: Write a Children's Story!  (Read 50668 times)
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« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2008, 01:38:24 AM »

The Camping Trip by akgard

Slide One: Jackson likes to go camping
   Boy with camping gear

Slide Two: Mommy and Daddy are setting up the tent for us to sleep in. 
   Parents putting up tent

Slide Three: Jackson is collecting sticks for the campfire. 
   Boy collecting sticks in forest

Slide Four: Jackson puts on his hiking boots and backpack so he can go for a hike.
   Boy putting on boots wearing backpack

Slide Five: Mommy shows Jackson how to use a compass.
   Mom and boy looking at compass

Slide Six: Daddy paddles the canoe while Skippy the dog swims behind him.
   Dad in canoe on lake with dog swimming in the water

Slide Seven: Daddy tells scary stories around the campfire after dinner.
   Family around campfire roasting marshmellows

Slide Eight: We will keep warm in our sleeping bags.
   Family in sleeping bags inside tent

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« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2008, 09:49:18 PM »

I like dogs

Slide 1
Dogs are big.
(Picture some big dogs)

Slide 2
Dogs are small.
(Picture some small breed dogs)

Slide 3
Dogs are cute.
(Picture some puppies)

Slide 4
I like them all.
(Picture all of them together)

Slide 5
How about you?
(Picture a little child playing with a dog)

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« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2008, 06:12:45 PM »

Katie the Koala
Slide one:  This is Katie the Koala.
Image: Picture of a koala

Slide two:  Katie lives high up in the trees.
Image:  Koala in the trees.

Slide three: Katie only eats eucalyptus leaves.
Image:  Koala eating leaves.

Slide four:  Katie has two thumbs to help her eat.
Image:  Picture of two opposable thumbs on hand.

Slide five:  She is always tired and likes to sleep.
Image:  Koala sleeping.

Slide six:  Katie has sharp claws to help her climb.
Image: Close up of claws.

Slide seven:  And in her pouch she has a big surprise!
Image:  Joey head looking out of pouch.
Koala Girl I love it so I gave you some Karma.  Have you added your story to the download files yet?  I would love to have this story.  If you don't have sound yet would you consider uploading without sound so we can all enjoy it on our little readers.  And if your interested I'd be glad to add the sound for you!!

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« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2008, 06:15:38 PM »

yes, she has. Here is the link;id=951


"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

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« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2008, 11:04:17 PM »

Slide 1: There once was a little girl named Hannah.
Picture: A little girl would be the focus

Slide 2: Hannah liked to color with crayons.
Picture: A picture of the little girl coloring

Slide 3: One day Hannah colored a picture of a beach.
Picture: A crayon made coloring picture of a beach scene

Slide 4: Hannah wanted to go to the beach but her Mommy said it was to far away in Florida.
Picture: Picture of a Mother and small child looking at a globe or map

Slide 5: Hannah's Mommy picked her up and told her she knew a trick of how she could get there.
Picture: A picture of a mother and daughter both with excited looks.

Slide 6: Hannah became very excited.
Picture: Picture of Hannah packing up her suitcase.

Slide 7: Her Mommy told her that if she closed her eyes for a nap she might be able to dream her way to Florida.
Picture: Picture of the Mother laying down with a dream of a beach scene shown as her thought with a confused look on the little girls face.

Slide 8: Her Daddy came in the room where she and Mommy were.
Picture: Father enters scene with Mother and Father

Slide 9: The Daddy said "or you can get there by learning how to read."
Picture: Picture of the father reading with his thought bubble showing him as a knight on a horse.

Slide 10: Little Hannah was confused by what both her parents were saying.
Picture: A picture of the little girl looking confused.

Slide 11: Finally, her imaginary friend Susie told her "You know-imagination!"
Picture of another little girl preferrably looking like a rag dog whispering to the little girl

Slide 12: Hannah understood! Imagination can take you anywhere.
Picture: Hannah jumping up and down.

Slide 13: That day Hannah went to the beach, mountains, rain forest, and even into outer space.
Picture of Hannah napping with thought bubbles of beach and rainforest.

Slide 14: All using imagination!
Picture: Picture of Hannah reading with thought bubbles of mountains and outerspace.

The Architect
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« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2008, 02:19:06 AM »

Wonderful stories so far, everyone. Keep 'em coming!


Bystre deti
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« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2008, 10:18:44 AM »

Being Generous

Slide 1: If you share your favorite book with a friend...
Picture 1: Two children sharing a book

Slide 2: If you smile at someone who looks sad...
Picture 2: One child smiling at other child that is sad

Slide 3: If you read a story to your sister or brother...
Picture 3: Two children reading a book together and smiling

Slide 4: If you cheer up an older person...
Picture 4: A child bringing a flower to old lady

Slide 5: If you set the table before anybody asks you..
Picture 5: A child setting the table

Slide 6: If you save pennies for children who are hungry..
Picture 6: A child putting pennies into a coin bank

Slide 7: If you make a card for a sick friend..
Picture 7: A child drawing a picture (thinking about a sick friend in a bed)

Slide 8: You will feel good!
Picture 8: Pictures of many different faces of children smiling and feeling happy.

Slide 9: You will feel good because you will be generous.
Picture 9: Pictures of many different children smiling and feeling happy with read hearts on their bodies.

Slide 10: Beeing generous means you give to others because you want to.
Picture 10: Picture of many children smiling and holding different objects (like they are giving things)

Slide 11: That makes you feel really good inside. How will you be generous today?
Picture 10: One smiling child with a big read heart in background.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 10:23:40 AM by pupisek » Logged

Everybody should know about early learning field. Our children deserve it. -------

Bystre deti
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« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2008, 12:18:47 PM »

What Can I Do?

Slide 1: What can I do with my body?
Picture 1: A body of a child

Slide 2: I can jump.
Picture 2: A child jumping.

Slide 3: I can run.
Picture 3: A child running.

Slide 4: I can lie down.
Picture 4: A child lying down

Slide 5: I can swim.
Picture 5: A child swimming.

Slide 6: I can walk.
Picture 7: A child walking

Slide 8: I can hop.
Picture 8: A child hopping.

Slide 9: I can point.
Picture 9: A child pointing.

Slide 10: I can crouch.
Picture 10: A child crouching.

Slide 11: I can stretch.
Picture 11: A child stretching.

Slide 12: I can spin.
Picture 12: A child spinning.

Slide 13: I can bend my knees.
Picture 13: A child bending knees.

Slide 14: I can tiptoe.
Picture 14: A child tiptoing.

Slide 14: I can dance.
Picture 14: A child dancing.

Slide 16: And what can YOU do with your body?
Picture 16: A child smiling and question mark in the background.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 12:22:44 PM by pupisek » Logged

Everybody should know about early learning field. Our children deserve it. -------

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« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2008, 05:00:29 AM »

I’m imagining this drawn with the same kinds of colors you find in the book “Bear Wants More”  by Karma Wilson.  I’m basing the vocabulary in the story more on what my 2 and 3 year olds like to have read to them, and not something on the earliest of reading levels.  For audio, I would read the story out-loud on each slide, and if it were workable, have the words highlighted as they are read (so that it’s more of a read-along, than a read-aloud  ).  It would be neat for the parents to re-record the story using their own child’s name instead of “Rachael.”  I may try to make some pictures and upload it’s category file (if I can make something that actually resembles the story (I’m awful at drawing even stick figures!  )  Enjoy!

A Walk in the Woods
by Rebekah McNary

Slide 1:     One morning, Rachael went for a walk in the woods.
Image:      A little blonde girl is skipping away from a house towards an opening in
                the nearby woods.

Slide 2:     She could smell the wet earth that was still damp with dew.
Image:      The brown, packed-earth trail is winding through the tall trees.  Shorter bushes,
                plants, flowers, etc are close to the trail.  There’s a beautiful spider’s web at eye level
                on one side (a bigger, colorful banana spider maybe?).  Dew drops are shining all
                over the plants, and are especially pretty on the spider’s web.  The little girl is
                studying the web.

Slide 3:     She looked up at the tall, tall trees.
Image:      A picture taken from the ground looking up her face showing the tops of the trees
                reaching towards the bright blue sky with big fluffy white clouds.

Slide 4:     It was sunny, but the trees shaded her and kept her cool.
Image:      The girl is leaning into a gentle breeze that’s blowing back her hair and dress (just a
                little bit) with her eyes closed tight, a big grin on her face, and her arms flung back a
                bit.  Notice the rays of light making small bright patches on the brown path.

Slide 5:     Rachael listened to the birds singing while they bathed in a little stream.
Image:      The girl’s head is cocked to one side as she watches the birds with a half-smile on
                her face.  She’s holding something by now, a rock, a flower, a large fallen leaf, etc. 
                Some are in a clear, pebbly, shallow stream.  Some are drying and preening
                themselves just above on some tree branches that hang over the stream.

Slide 6:     She watched a rabbit munching on some grass.
Image:      The girl is squatting a stone’s-throw from the brown/gray rabbit.  She’s looking at
                the bunny, but her hand is reaching for a clover flower by her shoe (Mary-Janes  )

Slide 7:     She noticed some bees lazily buzzing around the clover flowers.
Image:      The girl is now sitting on the ground in a big patch of clover.  Her legs are both to
                one side, and she’s leaning on her hand on the other side.  Her free hand holds the
                clover flower up to her nose (for her to smell) while her focus is on the bees.

Slide 8:     Then she heard a rustling noise in the bushes!
Image:      Her head whips around to see the bushes (showing some shaking motion) with eyes
                as big as saucers and an “O” mouth.

Slide 9:     What WAS that?!  A cat?  A dog?  NO!
Image:      The girl is squatting/starting to stand, still staring at the bush.  The bush has two
                BIG eyes looking out at her, and a large undefined body still mostly hidden in the
                shadow of the bush

Slide 10:     A GIANT raccoon scurried across the brown path…
Image:        The girl is standing straight with her arms slightly out to the side.  She’s dropping
                  her flower and taking a step backwards (away from the raccoon).  The raccoon is
                  running quickly on his toes straight across the path.  He’s unusually big (like a
                  medium-sized dog) fluffy, friendly-looking (and a bit scared himself) looking
                  straight ahead to the other side of the path.

Slide 11:     slipped quickly into the long grass…
Image:        He’s reached the other side of the path.  He’s nosing into a patch of grass that’s
                  quite tall enough to hide him.

Slide 12:     and was gone…
Image:        swishy grass covers his trail and you can’t see him anymore.

Slide 13:     Rachael was so excited!
Image:        She’s grinning again, and her eyes are squished shut a bit.  Maybe hands clasped
                  together under her chin?

Slide 14:     She wanted to tell Daddy about everything she saw.
Image:        She stoops to pick up her fallen flower.

Slide 15:     Rachael skipped back up the path…
Image:        Skipping with hair and dress blowing back, passing the things she just saw.

Slide 16:     and all the way home.
Image:        girl’s back skipping back up the path from the woods heading to front door.

Slide 17:     THE END
Image:        THE END

koala girl
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« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2008, 05:34:37 AM »

Slide one - I am a little panda.
Image - young panda

Slide two - I live in China with my mommy.
Image - colorful map of China

Slide three - When I was born I was very small and white.
Image - baby panda, all white

Slide four - My mommy held me in her arms.
Image - mother panda holding baby panda (baby all white)

Slide five - Now I am black and white and too big to carry.
Image - Mother panda and young panda next to eachother. (baby black and     

Slide six - My favorite food is bamboo.
Image - young panda eating bamboo.

slide seven - My favorite thing to do is climb trees.
Image - young panda up in a tree.

slide eight - I love being a panda.
Image - cute young panda photo.


Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2008, 01:34:46 PM »

I wrote this story last week after we enjoyed a day at the park. My three year old daughter, Penny, loved the story the first two times that I read it to her. I explained that the story was all about her and that she was the happy girl speaking in the story.

However, five minutes later she was not very happy. She came up and told me that she did not have a vegemite sandwich and Daddy did not have a donut. I explained to her that when writing a story for other people I have to change the story a little to make it more fun for them because they could not actually be with us and have fun at the park. This eventually made her happy again and off she went to play.

The next time we are going to visit “the duck park” as Penny calls it, I shall have to remember to pack the picnic fare included in the story so that I can take photos and attach them to Little Reader for my children to enjoy.

Download the story at;id=1106

Title: Penny’s Day at the Park written by Mum

   Slide 1: We went to the park. Penny rode her pink bike. “Watch me!”
   Image: A small girl wearing a pink bike helmet riding a pink bike past a duck pond.
   Picture Audio: Duck’s Quacking. Quack, quack, quack.

   Slide 2: Hayden sat in his blue pram. “Peekaboo Hayden!”
   Image: A baby boy in a blue pram watching dogs run past.
   Picture Audio: Dog’s barking. Woof, woof, woof.

   Slide 3: Mummy pushed the pram. “Go faster Mummy!”
   Image: A mother pushing a blue pram in a park.
   Picture Audio: Foot steps on gravel. Step, step, step.

   Slide 4: Daddy kicked the red ball. “Slow down Daddy!”
   Image: A father kicking a red ball in the park.
   Picture Audio: A ball being kicked. Kick, kick, kick.

   Slide 5: We had lunch at the park.
   Image: Families sitting on picnic rugs eating food.
   Picture Audio: A mother shouting “Lunch time”.

   Slide 6: Penny ate a vegemite sandwich and strawberries. “Yummy!”
   Image: A small girl eating a sandwich.
   Picture Audio: A girl saying “Yum, yum, yummy”.

   Slide 7: Hayden drank all of his milk. “Good baby!”
   Image: A smiling baby boy with a messy face.
   Picture Audio: Happy baby sounds. Ga, ga, ga.

   Slide 8: Mummy ate a salad and an apple. “Crunchy!”
   Image: A mother eating an apple.
   Picture Audio: Crunching sounds. Crunch, crunch, crunch.

   Slide 9: Daddy ate a meat pie and a donut. “Oh Daddy!”
   Image: A father eating a meat pie.
   Picture Audio: Mmmmmmmmm sounds.

   Slide 10: We played at the playground.
   Image: Happy children on swings.
   Picture Audio: Lots of children happily yelling.

   Slide 11: Penny went down the high slide very fast. “Hooray!”
   Image: A girl sliding down a big slide.
   Picture Audio: A girl saying “Weeeeeeeeeee”.

   Slide 12: Hayden went down the low slide and fell off. “You’re too small Hayden!”
   Image: A baby boy sliding down a small slide.
   Picture Audio: A tumbling noise.

   Slide 13: Mummy went down the round slide very slowly. “Hurry up Mummy!”
   Image: A mother at the bottom of a round, curly slide.
   Picture Audio: A mother saying “Wow”.

   Slide 14: Daddy did not go down the slide. “You’re too big Daddy!”
   Image: Daddy holding a small girl in one arm and a baby boy in the other arm.
   Picture Audio: Children laughing.

   Slide 15: Penny had a fun day at the park.
   Image: A small girl smiling and waving.
   Picture Audio: A happy girl saying “Goodbye park”.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 11:13:11 PM by Mum » Logged

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« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2008, 03:55:28 PM »

Hi there,

I hope this is the right way to post my story!  I'm still new to this website.  I use this story to introduce the topic of colours to my kids.  They love it.  Hope you like it too.

By the way I managed to find pictures as well but couldn't find a way how to paste them together with the story.

Title: Colours of the Rainbow

Slide 1: One day, the sky was full of huge, WHITE clouds.  “We have no colour,” sobbed the clouds.  And soon it started to rain.
Image: Sky covered in white clouds

Slide 2: They cried and cried, and it rained, and rained.  The angels in heaven heard their cries and asked them what was the matter.
Image: Cute little angels on clouds

Slide 3: “Our colour is so pale!” cried one cloud, and the others joined in.  So the angels promised them that from that day on, the most COLOURFUL of things will appear in the sky whenever it rained….

Slide 4: Soon after a colourful RAINBOW appeared.
Image: Colourful rainbow in between two clouds

Slide 5:Red
Image: Red line in the shape of a semi-circle
Picture Audio: pronounciation of the word 'red'

Slide 6: Orange
Image:Orange line in the shape of a semicircle
Picture Audio: pronounciation of the word 'orange'

Slide 7: Yellow
Image: Yellow line in the shape of a semi-circle
Picture Audio: pronounciation of the word 'yellow'

Slide 8: Green
Image: Green line in the shape of a semi-circle
Picture Audio: pronounciation of the word 'green'

Slide 9: Blue
Image: Blue line in the shape of a semi-circle
Picture Audio: pronounciation of the word 'blue'

Slide 10: Indigo
Image: Indigo line in the shape of a semi-circle
Picture Audio: pronounciation of the word 'indigo'

Slide 11: Violet
Image: Violet line in the shape of a semi-circle
Picture Audio: pronounciation of the word 'violet'

Slide 12: These are ALL the colours of the rainbow.

Slide 13: All the clouds were happy now. They loved the colours of their rainbow.
Image: Smiling clouds, maybe hugging a rainbow


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« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2008, 05:51:24 PM »

Why don't you check the forum for the topic with steps to create a category? Then you can attach the photos and upload your category too Wink

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« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2008, 05:01:36 AM »

  My son just loves this story and it would be fun to put his picture in it!

Title: Baby, Baby, What Do You see?   Adaptation of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
Slide 1:  Mommy, Mommy,  what do you see?
Image:  Picture of Mom

Slide 2 : I see Daddy looking at me!
Image : Picture of Mom and Dad

Slide 3:  Daddy, Daddy, what do you see?
Image:  Picture of Dad

Slide 4: I see your brother looking at me!  (One may write the child's name also as an option...I see Jacob looking at me!)
Image:  Picture of Dad and male child

Slide 5: Brother, brother, what do you see?
Image: Picture of child (male)

Slide 6: I see your sister looking at me!
Image:  Picture children (female and male)

Slide 7: Sister, sister, what do you see?
Image: Picture of female child

Slide 8: I see the baby looking at me!  (It can also say, I see (your child's name) looking at me!)
Image:  Picture of your child and sister

Slide 9:  Baby, Baby, what do you see?
Image : Picture of your child

Slide 10:  I see Mom, Dad, (siblings names)  looking at me!  That's what I see!
Image: Picture of family

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« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2008, 11:04:45 PM »

I almost missed it...

I have some ideas but don't have much time to think it over. Can I do some changes later?

The title would be something like: A girl from Hungary

A few sentences, not in order - still just ideas  blush

I am a girl.

My name is Karina.
(photo of her)

I am from Hungary.
(map of Hungary, tricolor of H, music: nathional hymn of H)

There are two big rivers in Hungary.
(map of H + tro rivers signed)

There are frogs in the rivers.
(animation of a frog, sound of frogs)

There are storks in Hungary.
(photoes of storks)

Storks like to eat frogs.
(munching sound)

I like to eat pancakes.
(photo + munching sound)

I like Hungary.
(photo of Karina in Budapest)

« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 11:27:02 PM by Lilla » Logged
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