It's great to see a lot of people making his/her introductory post at the spanish board, but sadly i see few exchanges about ideas or experiences and i think this is mainly because newcomers, that are no english speakers/readers, doesn't know where to start getting the basic information is his/her own language, so i thought that i'll try to overcome the "idiomatical barrier" by translating the 'Gettin Started' section from BRILLBABY, beacause first is first... and from there people can start his/her own experiences about teaching his/her baby, and in the future share their own experience, doubts, comments, etc with rest of the board...
It would be a shame that a parent that is eager to give the gift of knowledge to his children can not do it beacause a minimal language issue, more over in this era of communications, more over if there are people willing to help.
So those who are interested in lending a hand translating... you're welcome! if this endeavor is succesful we could ask KL to make this posts stickyes so they're easy to locate in the board.
*(T): translated
The roadmap will be the following:
Early Learning / Getting Started / Introduction to Baby Intelligence
1. Introduction (T)
2. Feeling overwhelmed? Start here (T)
3. Teaching your baby to read (T)!/msg16394/#msg16394
Early Learning / Getting Started / Busy Parent's Guide
1. Introduction
2. Why is early learning important?
3. What can I do during pregnancy?
4. What can I do after birth?
5. See related forum discussions
Early Learning / Getting Started / Science of Early Learning
1. Introduction
2. How your baby’s brain develops
3. Your baby's emotions
4. Your baby’s senses
5. Your baby’s language skills
Early Learning / Getting Started / Nutrition
Coming soon... <-- this one is easy
P.S: People interested PM me so we can coordinate our efforts
/*------------------------------ ESPAÑOL ------------------------------ */
Es genial ver la cantidad de gente que postea su saludo en el foro Español, pero trsitemente veo que hay pocos intercambios de ideas y experiencias, pienso que esto sucede debido a que aquellas personas q se suman por primera vez, y no saben ingles, puntualmente no saben por donde empezar a leer informacion basica en su idioma. Asi que pense que podria intentar franquear la barrera ideomatica traduciendo la seccion de BRILLBABY 'getting started' , ya que lo primero es lo primero... y a partir de ahi la gente podra comenzar su propia experiencia en lo que se refiere a la neseñanza del bebe, y en un futuro compartir esa experienca, dudas, comentaris, etc con el resto del foro.
Seria una pena que un padre que estuviese ansioso por dar este hermoso regalo del conocimiento a su hijo no pueda hacerlo por una cuestion tan minima como el tema del idioma, mas sobre todo en esta era de la comunicacion y mas habiendo gente que puede ayudar.
Asi que los interesados en dar una mano traduciendo... bienvenidos!, luego podriamos pedirle a KL de hacer estos post "stickyes" para que siempre sean faciles de ubicar dentro del foro.
*(T): traducido
El mapa a seguir seria el siguiente:
Early Learning / Getting Started / Introduction to Baby Intelligence
1. Introduction (T)
2. Feeling overwhelmed? Start here (T)
3. Teaching your baby to read (T)!/msg16394/#msg16394
Early Learning / Getting Started / Busy Parent's Guide
1. Introduction
2. Why is early learning important?
3. What can I do during pregnancy?
4. What can I do after birth?
5. See related forum discussions
Early Learning / Getting Started / Science of Early Learning
1. Introduction
2. How your baby’s brain develops
3. Your baby's emotions
4. Your baby’s senses
5. Your baby’s language skills
Early Learning / Getting Started / Nutrition
Coming soon... <-- esta es facil
P.S: La personas interesadas envienme un mensaje asi podemos coordinar nuestros esfuerzos