Hi Rugrat,
If you're referring to a certain "Fatal error..." or "Page cannot be found..." error message from yesterday, we have already fixed this problem a few minutes after we've spotted it yesterday.
We're currently setting up some Forum updates in the background, and sometimes you may stumble upon errors like this. However we'd like to assure you that we are constantly on the lookout for sudden problems and jump to fixing things ASAP so that these issues won't bother you for too long!
Kindly try refreshing your browser, or clearing your cache, and try again. We have detailed instructions on doing this in the most common web browsers here:
http://support.brillkids.com/index.php/article/what-is-a-cache-and-how-do-i-refresh-itI also suggest that you try using a different browser, especially if you've been having problems like this a lot with the one you are using now -- often, most websites work best in Firefox.
For everyone: if you have a different sort of issue when visiting the BrillKids website or forum, do let us know. You can even tell us which link or page you're getting this problem, and attach a screenshot of it too!